Customer satisfaction involves the offers that are
provided to the customers related to the services and the products. The process
of customer satisfaction includes consideration for the demands, expectation,
and the needs of the customers (Business. critizr. com, 2017). The companies are
realizing the sustainable growth related to business growth and the growth of
the companies mainly depends on the satisfaction of customers. The heart of the
strategies is to improve business sustainability by measuring the customer
satisfaction level (Business. critizr. com, 2017). There are mainly
five reasons to determine customer satisfaction.
The customer satisfaction level can be determined by the
indicators like NPS, CES, and CSAT. The prime objective to determine the
customer satisfaction to measure if the customers are satisfied with the
provided services and the services are convincing to be considered for the
further applications (Business. criticize. com, 2017). The main five
reasons to measure customer satisfaction are listed below,
To develop a better understanding of the needs of
customers and expectations of customers and how it can be accomplished in the
better methods.
The reduce the direct as well as indirect costs
of services and products that causes the customer dissatisfaction.
The higher level of customer dissatisfaction leads
to the loss of the customers. Therefore, the factors leading to the customer
dissatisfaction must be identified and the corrected (Business. critizr. com, 2017).
To response the challenges faced by the organizations
for customer acquisition.
To enhance the company brand images.
To improve the effectiveness of the steps for
constant improvement (Business. critizr. com, 2017).
The motivations to quantify and analyze the consumer
satisfaction and loyalty with the services are monetary. There are some issues
such as sustainability, manageability, and development of the organization (Business. critizr. com, 2017). The management of
organizations should concentrate on estimating consumer loyalty. it is not
possible to just do as such occasionally; it must be coordinated into the
organization's work consistently (Channelreply. com, 2017).
For instance, the indicators of consumer loyalty must be
utilized as a major aspect of the administration to rouse representatives and
then develop them in a mindful way about what's in question with consumer
loyalty (Business. critizr. com, 2017). Estimating consumer
satisfaction with the services must add to all aspects of your organization and
be incorporated into a bigger technique that puts the client at the core, all
things considered in the analysis indicates strongly towards the need of
customer satisfaction for the growth of the organization (Business. critizr. com, 2017).
Business. critizr. com. (2017, 06 31). The 5
reasons to measure customer satisfaction. Retrieved from
Channelreply. com. (2017, 05 12). The Dangerous
Disadvantages and Major Advantages of Customer Feedback. Retrieved from
Pcimag. com. (2000, 07 01). Answering Questions
About ISO 9000: 2000. Retrieved from
Qualtrics. com. (2019). What is Voice of The
Customer (VoC)? Retrieved from
Surveygizmo. com. (2017, 05 27). Top 5 Benefits of
a Voice of the Customer Program. Retrieved from