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Assignment of Self-Analysis Portfolio

Introduction of Self-Analysis Portfolio Human personality and specific characteristics draw an impact on the leadership skills of a person. Personality develops from external experiences of a person in the society, at the workplace, and in the educational institutes. The self-analysis portfolio is based on my self-analysis regarding leadership skills, personality …
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Category Financial Statement Analysis
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 4000

Blog on Thanks, Giving and Elderly

Introduction of Blog on Thanks, Giving and ElderlyIn this blog of a website we describe Thanks giving is celebrated on the government level and this day provides a great opportunity to spend your time with your family, parents, relatives, young and old. The thanksgiving holiday is a traditional American celebration …
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Category Science
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 400

Assignment on What difference does it make to work as a calling

Definition of What difference does it make to work as a callingCalling, after listening to this word a simple meaning pops up in the mind of everyone and that is a way to communicate with others on phone calls or through any other mean. But here the word calling is …
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Category Business Communication
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 3150

Assignment on personality traits of Steve Jobs

1)      Extroversion of Five personality traits of Steve JobsSteve Jobs can be categorized as an extrovert because he is very assertive to a fault. He is unafraid to speak out what is in his mind. The quality of being extrovert takes outgoing attention of the others.2)      Agreeable of Five personality …
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Category Personal Finance
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1500

Assignment on Proposal about an NGO

Introduction of Assignment on Proposal about an NGOVolunteerism is one of the most basic expression among the relationship of human beings. This whole process is about the needs of people that how they should be fulfilled by joining different societies and groups. Volunteerism is mostly done to help the poor people …
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Category Science
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 750

Report on Drawing on the RESOURCE BASED REVIEW (RBV) literature, evaluate whether and how Ningbo Bird CO.LTD generates a sustainable competitive advantage

Drawing on the RESOURCE BASED REVIEW (RBV) literature, evaluate whether and how Ningbo Bird CO.LTD Generates a sustainable competitive advantage.The Resource-Based Review (RBV) give a brief description of competitive similarity in the different market situation which is considered as competitive advantage which could get within the specific period. It is considered …
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Category Business & Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 2200

Report on Leadership style of great leader Dr. Sultan Al Jaber

Introduction of Leadership style of great leader Dr. Sultan Al Jaber In order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the organization, the business firm is seeking to adopt innovative leaders around the globe. For the success and decline of business, leadership plays a central role (De Vries, 2010). It is …
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Category Business & Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1900

Report on System Analysis

Domain Class DiagramState Machine Diagram
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Category Computer Sciences
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 50

Assignment on Hazards and toolbox talks

Description of hazardPhysical hazards can be described as an external agent, circumstance, and factor that can cause harm without and with contact. Physical hazards can be classified in different types including environmental hazards and occupational hazards. Types of physical hazards include ergonomic hazards, vibration hazards, radiations, cold and heat stress, …
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Category Physical Education
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1150

Review of The Graduate Survival Guide: 5 Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make in College

The book titled “The Graduate Survival Guide: 5 Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make in College” was written by a young professional Anthony ONeal who has collaborated along with Rachel Cruze, a personal finance expert. Anthony ONeal who has ranked as the best-selling author by the New York Times worked …
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Category Education
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1300

Assignment on Social Responsibility in Research

Introduction of Social Responsibility in Research The social responsibility of researchers integrates the moral responsibility for the entire researchers to analytically reveal the context of socio-ethical derived from every work they made. This normative point of view is not actually exceptional, in which the dispute appears from philosophers and science …
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Category Education
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1000

Assignment on Ethical Issues in Research

Introduction of Ethical Issues in Research Research has been considered as the main pillar of knowledge which organizes an essential part of the process. Ethics are actually a set of principles or rules, both written and unwritten, that rule our anticipation of others’ and our own behavior. Ethics in research …
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Category Education
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1000

Assignment on Foreign Market Adaptation

Foreign Market Adaptation 1.      Abstract of Foreign Market Adaptation The purpose of this research study is to investigate the role and significance of adaptation practices contrasted with standardization designed for business performance in the foreign markets. The research is a secondary research data which will collect data from the literature …
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Category Marketing
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 900

Assignment on What is the risk assessment in the oil and gas industry?

Risk assessment is done for some reasons, such as for the health and safety measures that are placed at a certain point. There are millions of people who are being injured and harmed by the production industry as there is lack of risk assessment and they didn’t pay attention to …
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Category Risk Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1350

Assignment on Approach of HRM Decision Making in Chevron Corporation

The Approach of HRM Decision Making in Chevron Corporation Introduction of Approach of HRM Decision Making in Chevron Corporation Chevron Corporation is an international energy corporation located in California, US. The company has been famous as one of the biggest oil companies in whole over the world. Its mainstream business …
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Category Human Resource Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 700

Assignment on MNIST with Multi-Layer Perception

Table of Contents 1). Introduction. 3 MNIST; what its contents what relevant size characteristics. 3 MNIST is more challenging than Iris dataset 4 Discuss key algorithm performances. 5 2). Multi-layer perceptron and the backpropagation training algorithm in Matlab. 6 Build your code up systematically. 7 Live-demo a MLP successfully learning …
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Category Engineering
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1700

MATH Assignments (a) Fill out the given table using the parametric equations (I encourage you to use a calculator on some of these). (b) Sketch the curve, using arrows to indicate the direction of the curve as t increases. (c) Find a rectangular-coordinate equation for the curve by eliminating the parameter. Question 1 x=3t+1; y=3-2t

Answer x=3t+1;      y=3-2tAt  t = -2; x=3(-2)+1;      y=3-2(-2)x=-5 ;      y=7At  t = -1; x=3(-1)+1;      y=3-2(-1)x=-2 ;      y=5t x y-2 -5 7-1 -2 50 1 31 4 12 7 -1Sketch the curveRectangular-coordinate equationx=3t+1   y=3-2t3t=x-1t=(x-1)/3Put the value of t in y equation       y=3-2t  …
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Category Math
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 600

Assignment on Effect of ramifications for the company

The merger and acquisition activity in the company has long-term ramifications for the company to acquire the dominant entity in the merger. The company that is targeted in an acquisition or the firm is subsumed in a merger. The target company in the merger and acquisition gives its shareholders more …
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Category Business & Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1801

Assignment on Merger and Acquisition

Keywords: mergers and acquisitions, search and matching, aggregate production, reallocation, business economy, financial performance, Liquidity ratio, banking sector, diversification,Introduction of Merger and Acquisition  The basic purpose of the research about the implications of merger and acquisition in the business is to evaluate the get the outcomes of acquisition and merger …
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Category Business & Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 2550

Assignment Determine the mean proportion defective, the UCL, and the LCL?

SampleThe proportion of defective itemTotal Defective Proportions10.010.2120.033040.0450.0160.017080.0190.02100.02110.03120.03 Particulars Formulas Calculations Sample Taken 99 Mean of Proportionate defective m Standard Deviation Sigma Mean of Proportionate defective Total defective Proportions/number of samples 0.0175 Standard Deviation (Sigma) STDEV.S function in excel 0.0129 Upper Control Limit m+3*Sigma 0.056 Lower Control Limit m-3*upper limit -0.151 …
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Category Engineering
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 850