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Report on Commonwealth Games

Table of contentsContentsIntroduction. 3Project Planning & Project Controls. 3Goal 4Goal Setting. 4SMART. 4Project Controls. 5WBS. 7Network Schedule. 8Gantt chart 8Conclusion. 9RecommendationsIntroduction of Commonwealth GamesThe report is based on the case study on the commonwealth games stadium where the company Arup is going to build around 47000. The project is a …
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Category Art
Paper Type Report Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 2300

Essay on Fashion Designing

Fashion Designing is not just a time pass activity for me as many people do think that it is just a time pass activity and nothing else. I believe in it as a career. I see my bright future in this field. Fashion Designers are the one’s those who constantly …
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Category Art
Paper Type Essay Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 700

Essay on Performance of Sri Lanka’s Microfinance Sector

A worldwide accepted instrument for poverty alleviated is considered Microfinance, it has been part of Sir Lanka's economy for the past several decades. A wide geographical outreach of these financial services has been observed in Sir Lanka but private operators (Non-Government Organizations (NGO) and commercial banks) outreach is limited in …
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Category Art
Paper Type Essay Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1700

Discussion on Jurassic World Dinosaurs

Here I am launching a New product of blocks, which will be available as Jurassic world blocks; each packet contains 12 dinosaurs. The size of the each figure is about 10cm. The pterodactyl wingspan is 20 cm in withd; the figurines have the moveable head, neck,and moving claws and paws. …
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Category Art
Paper Type Coursework Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 150

Report on Comparison between the Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel Garcia Marquez showing how they used magic realism in their works

Two short stories of both the writers are used in this essay. The story of “The Utopia of a tired man” by Jorge Luis Borges and “The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Erendira and Her Heartless Grandmother” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. These two stories of both the writers are …
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Category Art
Paper Type Report Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 3100

Report on The reliability of Advance Pavements designs in Japan

Contents Introduction   3 Research background   6 Existing research so Far  9 Aim of the research and its content  11 “Analyze the most cost techniques and design for the construction of the Advance Pavements designs in Japan and California."  12 Materials Characterization and Mix Design   13 Background   14 Mix design method   …
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Category Art
Paper Type Report Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 5200

Report on the reliability of Advance Pavements designs in Japan

In the mode of transportation, surface transportation is the most important and commonly useable. The pavements are considered as one the most important and essential parts of the parking’s, roads, and streets in the entire world.  By analyzing and observing the total paved road of the country, the development of …
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Category Art
Paper Type Report Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 2800

Essay on English in Public Primary Schools in Colombia

This study is a good one to get the perspective of the English language from a country, where the English language is not native, and considered as a foreign language. In this study, the focus of attention is Columbia. In 2004, the government of Colombia decided that they are going …
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Category Art
Paper Type Essay Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 500

Why do you have both rods and cones instead of just one type of photoreceptor?

    The retina is the back part of the eye that contains the cells that respond to light. These specialized cells are known as photoreceptors. There are two types of photoreceptors in the retina: rods and cones. Rods are most sensitive to light and dark changes, shape and movement, and contain …
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Category Art
Paper Type Coursework Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 800

Essay on Bob Dylan’s work on Popular Music and the impact of his work on American Society

        Music is a part of our culture and it influence almost everyone’s emotions especially the young generation therefore, the a person who learns the art of using music to create influence on public he reaches to the heart of the people and by winning hear he directs the society as …
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Category Art
Paper Type Essay Writing
Reference Type IEEE
Words 2150

Essay on Classic Music

        The concert took place on the chilly night of 16 November 2018 in Partridge hall of the First Ontario Arts center on the Paul Street. The performer for the concert is world renowned and famous pianist David Jalbert. The stage is all set up as we see in the movies …
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Category Art
Paper Type Essay Writing
Reference Type N/A
Words 850

The Contemporary Art of Peter Doig

            Peter Doig is the artist & painter from Scotland origin, and he was born in United Kingdom in 1959. He has been moving along various destinations with his family due to job of his father. In 1962, they relocated to Trinidad, and in 1966, they relocated to Canada. In year …
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Category Art
Paper Type Academic Writing
Reference Type CHICAGO
Words 1700

Essay on Design Model

            A concept compromises of specific meanings in a pot or specifications regarding a certain event, condition, situation, and object. They are built with a certain concrete which strengthens the whole pot and give a dense feeling. In order to gain successful outcomes in a research, the conceptualization must be precise …
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Category Art
Paper Type Essay Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 700

Conclusion of Self-Assessment & Reflection

        If all the above discussion is analyzed than it is evident that the communication skills not only have importance in academic life but also in the professional life as well. I know that the good communication skills will help me in future when I will work for a multinational corporation. …
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Category Art
Paper Type Report Writing
Reference Type N/A
Words 220

Reflection of Self-Assessment & Reflection

        Here I am discussing the results of SAR 4. The results of SAR shows that i can perform the counselling quite effectively and I have the skills which are required for providing counseling. When you are working in a team in college and have to deliver the project on time. …
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Category Art
Paper Type Report Writing
Reference Type N/A
Words 500

Overview of the Survey of Self-Assessment & Reflection

        It is very important to perform self-assessment and evaluate your own skills so that necessary improvement can be made. I have performed the survey and the results of the survey determine my level of self-assessment. In the survey 4 two sections are included which evaluate communicating supportively & communication style …
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Category Art
Paper Type Report Writing
Reference Type N/A
Words 200

Summary of the presentation

        This presentation is about the formal assurance for cooperative intelligent agents and this seminar for the Florida institute of technology. In the first part there is discussion about the motivation to the intelligent agents. Because these agents are involve in controlling the autonomous system, with collaboration of the humans. The …
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Category Art
Paper Type Report Writing
Reference Type N/A
Words 250

On Call Premium Best friend

Who we are:We are the United States based copywriter service providers available to help people writing content for the new life coaching website; our service is named as “On Call Premium Best Friend”. We are present here to provide excellent services to our clients and whenever they need us; we …
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Category Art
Paper Type Report Writing
Reference Type N/A
Words 450

Detailed Description of Service

            It is vital to give detailed description of every service, because if services are left with open ended elements, then things can get confused and messy in the future. So, every possible situation and element should be described for each service so that both …
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Category Art
Paper Type Professional Writing
Reference Type MLA
Words 600

Develop a Service Level Agreement

            It has been clear that Service Level Agreement developed by Tampa Bay Office Furniture Inc. for its customers have been a good initiative with all required elements, which can satisfy the needs of customers. But still, it is important for any company like Tampa Bay Office Furniture Inc. to understand …
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Category Art
Paper Type Professional Writing
Reference Type N/A
Words 1020