01.07 Collapse of an Empire: Invading Forces
Assessment: Written Assignment
Byzantine Artifact Analysis
Byzantine Artifact Analysis
For this assessment, you will analyze three artifacts related to the Byzantine Empire.
Step 1:
Put your observation, recollection, and interpretation skills to work! Carefully examine all three of the artifacts. As you do, think about the historical questions posed.
· What do you see in the image?
· What does the image illustrate about culture, including religion, in the Byzantine Empire?
· How does this artifact illustrate a contribution of the Byzantine Empire?
Step 2:
Use your observations, recollections, and interpretations to complete the Byzantine Artifact Analysis Guide. Your goal is to describe each artifact in such a way that others who aren’t familiar with the Byzantine Empire can understand its significance.
1.07 Byzantine Artifact Analysis Guide
Carefully examine the artifacts. Use what you learned in the module and from the artifact to answer the questions.
************JUST FILL IN THE CHARTS BELOW************
Artifact 1:
John II Comnenos and Empress Irene. Mosaic.
Description: Wall of Hagia Sophia, located in modern Istanbul, Turkey (formerly Constantinople). The image is made up of many small tiles.
What do you see in the image?
What does the image illustrate about culture, including religion, in the Byzantine Empire?
How does this artifact illustrate a contribution of the Byzantine Empire?
Artifact 2:
Corpus Iuris Civilis.
Description: Parchment copy of Justinian’s code, written c. 529 CE
What is Justinian’s Code, and why was it important?
What rights were protected by Justinian’s Code?
How does this artifact illustrate a contribution of the Byzantine Empire?
How does this artifact illustrate that Roman and Greek culture blended in the Byzantine Empire?
Artifact 3:
Description: Siege of Constantinople, attributed to French artist Philippe de Mazerolles
What event is depicted in the painting?
To what empire do the soldiers climbing the ladders belong?
To what empire do the soldiers looking down from the building belong?
What was the outcome of the event depicted in this painting?
How did this event impact the Byzantine Empire?