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100 information literacy success 4th edition

07/12/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

Information Literacy

FIND YOUR PURPOSE A Grand Canyon University Media Publication



A Grand Canyon University Media Publication

Edition 1

p. i

Executive Editor: Declan Joyce Consulting Editors: Mark Alexander, Michael Berger, Nicole Quow-Thomason Assistant Editor: Dawn Sizemore Copy Editor: Lindsay Harrel


Senior Art Director: Miranda Hildebrand Instructional Designer: Ryan Hughes Art Development and Design / Photography: David Pinter

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p. ii

p. iii

p. iv

Content Summary

Information Literacy - Getting Started 1 Library and Technology Literacy 2 Literacy Strategies 3 Prewriting Strategies Reloaded 4 Communication 5 Communicating Through Writing 6 Preparing for Success in College and Career 7


p. v

Table of Contents

Information Literacy - Getting Started1

Library and Technology Literacy2 CHAPTER



Information Literacy Defined

New Knowledge Skills

Library Research


Library Reference Resources

Concept Mapping

Documenting Your Research Strategies

Have You Located the Information You Need?

Types of Information

Information Explosion

Organizing Information


The Research Process















Essay by: Nita Mailander

Essay by: Dana Shreve

p. vi

Literacy Strategies 3

Understanding the GCU Library

• Research & Resources

• Help

The Library Staff

Searching Within Databases

Citing Resources
























Understanding the Importance of Critical Analysis

Evaluating Your Research and Putting It to Use

Organizing for the Rough Draft

Brainstorming for the Outline

Building an Example Paper

Example Introduction Paragraph

Creating Topics for the Body Paragraphs

Example Conclusion Paragraph

Blank Organizational Information Chart

Developing the Outline

Example Outline


Essay by: Julie Blair

p. vii

Prewriting Strategies Reloaded4 CHAPTER


Organizational Strategies

• Alphabetical Organization (ABC)

• Hierarchical Organization

• Chronological Organization

• Categorical or Conceptual Organization

Reviewing the Thesis Statement

From Thesis Statement to Topic Sentences

Word Choice

• Using the Third Person

• Parallel Structure

• Transitions

• Beefing up Vocabulary

What Is an In-Text Citation?

Rubrics: A Roadmap to Success

Organizing Written Documents

Example of a Well-Written Expository Essay

Example of a Poorly Written Expository Essay



















Essay by: Beverly Santelli

p. viii

Communication 5 CHAPTER


Evolution of Communication

Methods of Communication

• Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

• Mismatched Communication

• Written Communication

Effective Communication

• Questioning Techniques

• Communication Techniques

Importance of Communication

Using E-mail

Tools to Assist with Written Communication















Essay by: Lori Eyre

p. ix

Communicating Through Writing 6 CHAPTER

Communicating Legally and Ethically

Intellectual Property


Communicating Ethically

Information and Privacy Issues

Information and Security Issues

Using the First, Second, and Third Person

Rough Draft to Final Draft

Final Checklist: Rough to Final Draft

Application of Organized Information

Organizing Graphics












Essay by: Nicole Rhoades

Preparing for Success in College and Career7 CHAPTER


The Importance of Education


Tools for College Success





Essay by: Dr. Kevin Thrasher

p. x

Reading Strategies

• Before You Read

• While You Read

• After You Read

Other Reading Strategies

• SQ3R

• Predict-Read-Prove

• K-W-L

• Graphic Organizers

• Word Maps for Learning Vocabulary

Test-Taking Techniques

• Objective Examinations

• Essay Examinations

What to Do BEFORE the Test!

• Be Prepared

• Keep Up With Your Homework

• Spread the Learning Out

• Ask for Help

• Never Miss Classes

Reading Response Journal





















p. xi

Nita Mailander

Dana Shreve

Julie Blair

Beverly Santelli

Lori Eyre

Nicole Rhoades

Dr. Kevin Thrasher








Author Biographies A

p. xii



If you are reading this, chances are you have already successfully completed your first class at Grand Canyon University: UNV-103, University Success. In which case, well done! Now that you have become familiar with some of the basic skills you will need to succeed in college, it is time to develop your ability to access, evaluate, and synthesize information. The ability to make sense of the increasingly vast amount of information we are

confronted with daily is known as “information literacy”, and it is this ability that your new class, UNV-104, aims to help you develop. As with UNV-103, the university has developed an original eBook to more fully meet the needs of our students. As such, this book is tailored closely to the principal assignment you will need to complete for

p. xiii

this class: researching and writing an expository essay. Every stage of this assignment, from accessing and evaluating resources in GCU’s Fleming Library to the writing of an outline, a rough draft, and a final draft, is covered in full detail. Working closely with the eBook as you progress through the stages of UNV-104 is best way to ensure that you get the most out of this class. By completing UNV-103, you have already shown that you have the focus and determination

to succeed. It is our hope that this eBook will help you advance to the next stage in your learning.

Welcome to Grand Canyon University

Information Literacy


GETTING STARTED Nita Mailander, Director of Library Services, Grand Canyon University

Introduction Information literacy encompasses many

skills in our fast-expanding digital world. You may not realize how many times in a day that you use information literacy skills. What used to be a refined skill for students, researchers, and scientists has become es- sential to navigating our everyday personal, school, and work lives. “Information literacy practice empowers individuals, communities, and nations. It underscores the importance of our democratic principles and practices. By systemically integrating it as a key competen- cy for all Americans, we can artfully sustain our primacy as a self-sufficient, prosperous 21st-century nation in today’s ever-evolving, dynamic digital universe” (National Forum on Information Literacy, 2012b, para. 1).

Information Literacy Defined The importance of information literacy has

increased with the electronic and technologi- cal explosion of our modern world. Informa- tion literacy is defined as the ability to “rec- ognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effec- tively the needed information” (American Library Association, 1989, para. 3). With con- stantly changing technologies to master and increasingly large amounts of information to evaluate, information literacy skills are not just a one-time “learn it and forget it” set of skills. What information skills we master to- day in school or at work may be different in one year, will have definitely changed in five years, and perhaps will not even be relevant in ten years.

p. 1

For example, the dial-up modem, the use of command line language to input search key- words into the first electronic databases, and waiting for the National Library of Medicine to mail the print output of Medline results, along with an invoice, were all state-of-the- art technologies and methods less than 20 years ago. Before electronic databases, stu- dents browsed large volumes of print journal indexes organized by subject, hand-copied the citations that were relevant to their topic search, and then typed all the citations into an organized list for review. Compare that time-intensive process to our current abil-

ity to quickly perform an on-demand search of millions of clinical medical citations, free of charge, in the PubMed.gov database. As a GCU student, you have access to great data- bases with full-text resources at your finger- tips through the Fleming Library.

New Knowledge Skills Information literacy today encompasses not

only the ability to navigate the library’s re- sources, but also to navigate different media formats and technologies. Information lit- eracy encompasses library, computer, tech- nology, and media literacy. The GCU Fleming Library’s large electronic collections of tens of thousands of journal titles are all avail- able via the library’s website (http://library. gcu.edu). In order to successfully locate the research you need to support your courses, you need to know how to efficiently manage

a computer and the Internet. In order to be information savvy, you also need to be aware of different formats and types of media. Is the article you need for your research available in a PDF format? Are you searching for a stream- ing media file of a theatrical performance? Do you know what format the streaming media file is in and whether you have the correct media player on your computer to watch it?

So much of our personal, work, and educa- tional lives is affected by our mastery of in- formation literacy skills. Think of how you use social media such as Facebook and Twit-

ter and how you use the Internet to commu- nicate with friends and family via e-mail. Are you able to use your favorite apps on your smartphone to find a better shopping deal? A closer coffee shop? Cheaper gas? You have digital information literacy skills that you use repeatedly in your personal life. These every- day information literacy skills are transfer- able to library and Internet research strate- gies. “To prosper in the Digital Age, people must become masters of information” (Stern, 2003).

You have access to

great databases with

ful l -text resources at

your f inger tips through

the Fleming Library.

Figure 1, Source: Braun, 1937

Information literacy, scholarly research skills, and the pursuit of “new knowledge skills” are not new concepts (see Figure 1). What makes information literacy so crucial in today’s world is the expansion and reliance on technology and digital access to information. Our libraries are no longer filled with physi- cal card catalogs and stacks of print journals. In order to be a successful student, you will need to learn effective search strategies, in- cluding identifying key concepts to perform a search in the online library resources.

To find research articles that support the main statement of your essay—your thesis— you will need to understand how to access the library’s databases, find full-text journal articles, and apply limits to your search to re- strict to peer-reviewed articles. (These topics are covered in greater detail in Chapter 2 of this eBook.) The GCU librarians are here to assist you in all of your research needs. You can sign up for a live interactive webinar or call, e-mail, or chat with us for individualized research assistance.

If your information literacy skills need some brushing up, the library is here to help you locate APA citations or refine your search strategies by suggesting key concepts and keywords that will result in the most rel- evant results. Today’s information is located not just in our library databases and the li- brary’s website; GCU’s librarians are talented locators of all information whether they are helping you find statistics or a research ar- ticle to support the latest medical innovation.

LIBRARY RESEARCH Contacting the Library Ask a Librarian: http://library.gcu.edu/AskALibrarian Chat or Sign Up for Webinars and Workshops: http://library.gcu.edu Phone: (800) 800-9776, x6396641

• Determine the extent of information needed. • Access the needed information effectively and efficiently. • Evaluate information and its sources critically. • Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base. • Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose. • Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally.


Please remember that you are only a phone call, e-mail, or chat away from the help you need to find the information you require for your course assignments.

Being information-aware also means you should be able to identify the question you want answered and critically evaluate the resources you locate. The American Library Association’s division of the Association of College and Research Libraries (2001) has identified six key infor- mation literacy competency standards. Your coursework and your use of the GCU library will help you develop your ability to apply all of these standards while conducting your research:

p. 4

BRAINSTORMING For many of your discussion questions, as

well as your individual and group assign- ments, you will be given topics to research or discuss. For others, you will choose the subject area and define your own research topics. Whether you need to develop ideas for assigned topics or choose a topic yourself, you start with brainstorming. You begin by thinking about your topic, what you know, what you do not know, and what you need to investigate further. The Fleming Library has wonderful resources you can use to browse subjects to help you choose, refine, or re- search a topic.

Several of the library’s databases allow you to peruse current topics organized by subject area. On the library’s “Find Journal Articles” or database pages, you can locate “Opposing Viewpoints” or “Issues and Controversies.” Both of these databases have great articles and resources to help you further define or choose a topic. You can review “Issues in the Headlines”, click through the areas of “Need a Research Topic?”, or browse “Featured News” sections or topics currently under national debate. Alternatively, you can click through the different main subject headings to find a topic of interest.

When you have chosen a topic, you will need to identify the key concepts that you want to

Source: National Forum on Information Literacy, 2012

address and begin to identify resources and keywords relating to your topic. In addition to the library’s resources, a general Internet search can be a great place to start. You will be able to find some blogs, Wikipedia entries, images, and articles to help you begin to have a base understanding of your topic. However, while a general Internet search can help you think about and process the elements that you want to include in your research, it is often not where you will locate the main resources to cite in your assignments. The Internet has great quality information at your fingertips, but you will have to learn to evaluate that information based on multiple factors, in- cluding authority, reliability, and credibility of the author and content. For example, it is important to consider whether an article was written as an opinion piece by someone with little authority or whether you have located a website written by a renowned professional association in the field of your topic.

Library Reference Resources Rather than using what may be unreliable Internet websites, use the library to find authori-

tative general reference sources. On the library’s website, you will find the Credo Reference database, which consists of over 600 encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, and much more. Credo Reference is a wonderful starting point to find quality, reliable general information on your research topics. Access Credo Reference via the library’s website at http://library.gcu.edu and click on “Find Journal Articles.”

Concept Mapping One of the other highlights in the Credo Reference database is the concept-mapping feature.

When you are brainstorming and identifying keywords associated with your topic, it can be helpful to diagram the associations between concepts with a visual map. You can search the concept maps available in Credo Reference (see Figure 2) or you can hand draw your own visual map or graphic organizer.

“The big struggle is over what kind of information Google and other search engines kick back to users. In the age

of social media where users can be their own content creators, it might get

harder and harder to separate high- quality material from junk.” (Pew, 2010,

para. 33)

Documenting Your Research Strategies One of the goals of brainstorming your research topic is to identify synonyms and keywords

to help you with your search strategies to locate scholarly resources. For example, in the med- ical field, there are many different words that can be used to describe the same condition (e.g., “heart attack” versus “myocardial infarction”, “high blood pressure” versus “hypertension”). Or think about online education; when searching this topic, you could use the keywords “distance education,” “virtual classrooms,” “web-based education,” or “Internet in education.” An orga-

nized concept map or list of keywords will help you ensure that you have an effective search strategy to retrieve rele- vant results in the library’s databases. As you brainstorm, jot down in a research journal or log your keywords and con- cepts. Write down what keywords result in good, relevant information and what do not. Make notes on what databases to target. You can also write down important authors you want to research more or additional references you want to read. When you need to recreate your search or review and update your strategy, you will be able to remember what you have already done.

p. 5

Figure 2:

periencing or involved in the original event? Consider, for example, the well-known work The Diary of Anne Frank. Her diary is autobi- ographical and is therefore primary informa- tion. If you were to read the diary and then use it as a resource for an essay about the historical context of war, the Holocaust, and persecution, you would be creating second- ary information. The majority of the infor- mation and journal articles that you will use to support your GCU assignments will most likely be secondary information.

It is important not only to identify the type of information, but also who created it. Knowing who published or produced the in-

formation can help you identify its authority, validity, and credibility. Who wrote the ar- ticle and why? Who owns the information? Is it full text? Does the information present an opposing position that you need to address? What about the format of the information? Is it in the form of a journal article or research paper? Are you citing information from an oral presentation or online lecture? The in- formation you process and review can come in many forms. The GCU Fleming Library has physical books, digital books, journal articles, streaming videos, and more. Identifying the format of the information you are seeking or retrieving will also help you determine its usefulness. Think of all the different formats of information you have used: graphics for PowerPoint presentations, streaming video as a part of an oral presentation, or a chapter from an eBook.

Have You Located the Information You Need? Once you have done some brainstorming and established your concepts and keywords, you

can begin to determine if you have enough information to support your writing. Do you need to revise or refocus your essay arguments or statements? Now that you are armed with sub- ject information, does your original thesis or framework need to be revised? Does the infor- mation retrieved support your thesis? Does further research or information gathering need to be performed? Does your search strategy need to be updated? Remember, the GCU librarians are here to help you revise, refocus, and develop your information-gathering techniques and strategies.

Types of Information As you gather and evaluate information, you will need to identify different types. Do you

need factual information about a historical figure to write a biographical summary? Can you identify any bias in the information you are reading? Is the author writing objectively or does he or she have an opinion or relationship that is making his or her views and writing subjec- tive? Are you reviewing primary information that has been documented by the person ex-


“Information literacy is a survival skill in the Informa-

tion Age. Instead of drowning in the abundance of

information that floods their lives, information liter-

ate people know how to find, evaluate, and use infor-

mation effectively to solve a particular problem or

make a decision, whether the information they select

comes from a computer, a book, a government agen-

cy, a film, or any number of other possible resources.”

(American Library Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, 1989,

para. 19)

Information Explosion Information itself has not changed as much as the sheer amount and increased accessibility of

information. Our increasingly powerful smartphones, tablets, and new mobile devices will only increase our connectedness to a continual flood of information. Forty-six percent of American adults now own smartphones (Pew, 2012). We skim our Google results to find the right one to click on and give a cursory overview of our e-mail inboxes. We no longer wait for the postal ser- vice to read in-depth correspondence from family or friends. We connect with them on Facebook and by other electronic means (e.g., a quick e-mail or text on our smartphones, video conferenc- ing for a group assignment or to catch up with relatives living far away). It is not the things we do that have changed, but the way we do them in a digital world. Understanding where to find help with your computer; where to update your e-mail contact information; and where to find reliable, credible research and factual information are all part of 21st-century information skills.

Organizing Information The coming years of innovation and change will no doubt bring incredible advances in how we

access and process information. Information growth from 1999 through 2002 alone was estimat- ed at 30% (University of California, Berkley, 2003). This information explosion will only continue. You will need to develop strategies to filter, group, and retain the vast amount of information that you come across. It is important to document where you found information. Some strategies for doing this include bookmarking the website by adding it to your favorites list, saving the PDF of the journal article you found, or copying and pasting the citation of the book chapter you want to review. For large amounts of research-gathering for a long-term project, consider using one of

p. 7

References American Library Association, Presidential Committee on Information Literacy. (1989). Final report. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from

http://www.ala.org/acrl/publications/whitepapers/presidential American Library Association, Association of College and Research Libraries. (2001). Information literacy competency standards for higher

education. Chicago, IL: Author. Retrieved from http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/informationliteracycompetency Braun, S. (1937). The world wants new knowledge [Poster]. Ohio: Federal Art Project. Retrieved from http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/98517175 National Forum on Information Literacy. (2012a). Information literacy skills. Retrieved from http://infolit.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/

IL-Umbrella.jp National Forum on Information Literacy. (2012b). Welcome! Retrieved from http://infolit.org/about-the-nfil/welcom Pew Research Center. (2010, February 10). Does Google make us stupid? Retrieved from http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1499/google-does-it-

make-us-stupid-experts-stakeholders-mostly-say-no Pew Research Center. (2012, March 1). Nearly half of American adults are smartphone owners. Retrieved from http://pewresearch.org/

pubs/2206/smartphones-cell-phones-blackberry-android-iphone Stern, C. (2003). Information literacy unplugged: Teaching information literacy without technology [White paper prepared for UNESCO, the

US NCLIS, and National Forum for Information Literacy]. Prague: UNESCO. University of California, Berkeley, School of Information Management and Systems. (2003). How much information? Retrieved from http://


the library’s citation management tools such as RefWorks or EndNote Web (see Chapter 2). As you continue your scholarly work, you will experience trends over time that will im- pact not only your education but your profes- sional career. The way you learn or relearn information and how you digest and retain that information will have a large impact on your school experience, career, and personal success.

In several years, you will look back on the skills you gained doing your scholarly re- search and marvel at how access to informa- tion has changed. Many of your parents will recall the physical card catalogs and lack of digitized content in the past. Compare that to today, where all of our library resources are accessible via the Internet 24/7 and librarians are at your fingertips via your mobile device. As you continue your studies and your profes- sional work, remember the importance and application of the information skills you are acquiring and how to keep them fresh and in tune with the advancements of the future.

By reviewing the information literacy skills outlined in this chapter, you should now have a better understanding of the availability of information resources at your fingertips, how to evaluate their credibility, and how to orga- nize your information search results. By ap- plying your critical thinking skills and brain- storming and concept-mapping techniques, you are on the right track to implementing research and study habits that you will use throughout a lifetime of technological ad- vances.

“Information literacy forms the basis for life-

long learning. It is common to all disciplines,

to all learning environments, and to all levels

of education. It enables learners to master con-

tent and extend their investigations, become

more self-directed, and assume greater control

over their own learning.” (American Library Association, Association of College and Research Librar- ies, 2001, para. 4)

Library and Technology Literacy


Written Dana Shreve, Reference Manager,

Grand Canyon University Fleming Library

Throughout your time at GCU, you may be given written assignments ranging from short expository essays, as in this course, to full-length dissertations. The best tool to help you with finding research for these essays is the Fleming Library. This chapter will cover how to develop a topic, use the library web- site, search within databases, and cite and format your sources.

p. 9

Defining a topic for an assignment can be easy (one given by the in- structor) or tricky (one you have to develop). If the assignment is given by the instructor, then proceeding with the research and writing pro- cess is relatively easy. You just need to know what resources to use and how quickly you need them. Reviewing the assignment thoroughly can give you valuable clues.

The following is an example assignment:

Write a 500–750-word, five-paragraph essay that is supported with at least one credible resource. Submit this by the end of Day 7 of Module 1. Please choose only one topic from the following options:

• Video games and violence • Internet and workplace • Exercise and obesity • Academic achievement and library

As you can see from the example, you are given a list of topics to choose from, a type of resource, and a deadline. Your next step would be to choose a topic that interests you and begin to look for your credible source. Using the GCU Fleming Library electronic resources is a great way to accomplish this task, as it has more than 46,000 full-text jour- nals available at your fingertips. Having this many readily available re- sources will aid in your academic success from this class through gradu- ation.

But what if you have to choose a topic on your own? Here is an ex- ample of such an assignment:

Write an essay of 500–750 words containing an analysis of your personal learning styles and intelligences. Use the GCU Library to re- search a minimum of three articles you can cite in your essay.

Now what do you do? First, you would read the module’s lecture and assigned textbook readings to get an understanding of what your personal learning style is and how it connects to intelligence. As you read, write down keywords that you can use to help you locate the articles you will use to sup- port your argument. The second step is to use the Fleming Library (http://library.gcu.edu)

to find articles using the keywords you just learned. Third, make sure the full-text box is checked in the database you are using so you can retrieve the PDF of the article immediate- ly (see the “Searching within Databases” sec- tion of this essay for further explanation of this). Last, once you have your articles, begin with your thesis statement and start to write.

A database is a com- prehensive collec- tion of related data organized for conve- nient access, gener- ally on a computer.

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