The best way to handle s situation and to aide Mrs. Faulkenberg's compliance would be another health care professional apologizing to start. As a rule of thumb, I was taught when working with patients especially elderly Mr. and Mrs. Should be used when addressing them unless told otherwise (Mayne, 2019). If no-one responded when the name was called, then I feel the women should have been asked what her name is or if she is waiting to be seen. The approach just seems uncaring or professional. When calling names out into the waiting room I make sure to ask the patient if I pronounced their name right or if that is what they want to be called out of respect and the fact not everyone goes by their legal name. Making eye contact, a smile while introducing yourself is also important. If someone treated your grandmother like this how would you feel?
There are multiple things to consider as to why Alma Faulkenberger did not respond the way this situation played out. A full assessment should be completed before assuming, the patient also deserves specifics about herself to be asked in a private area. In this specific case I believe asking the patient what she would like to be called would be a great way to show respect and start forming a good patient-health care provider relationship. A bond must be established of trust before there will be a good working relationship. There is no way to even begin to know what this patient is dealing with or experiences she has had with healthcare providers simply approaching with empathy and attempting to listen to the patient can get you far. This patient could be hard of hearing, in pain, dealing with chronic conditions, or just flat out had bad experiences with providers. The other huge consideration could be the patient’s independence. The patient may feel hopeless or may have others making decisions for her and feels all she has left is her name and how dare someone take that. Elderly in general do not like to be told what to do or disrespected who would? I’ve personally had some patients that were resistant to everything just plan angry with life until they are allowed to make decisions and be apart of their care. These people are aging but they should be respected, and the best should still be provided no matter how difficult they are. Once these people see you care you can have a wonderful relationship it is rewarding for all parties.
After an assessment should be a discussion of how the patient is feeling, and what questions she has about the procedure. Everything should be explained slowly. Medications should always be approached by educating the patient but allowing the patient to understand and actively decide whether those medications are a choice the patient wants. This will require a further understanding of the patient’s beliefs as well as goals. The entire patient must be considered. I would get to know the patient and discuss alternative options as well as medications. Then if the patient agrees I would provide education in person as well as with hand outs since it can be a lot of information to remember, small amounts of info at a time is less overwhelming.
Farris, C. (2015). The teach back method. Retrieved from
Alma Faulkenberger, an 85-year-old female outpatient who is seated in a waiting room awaiting an invasive pelvic procedure, has clearly become upset when the health care professional mis-pronounces her name several times. The health care professional further offends her be assuming that, due to her age and the fact that she did not answer to the mis-pronounced name, she must suffer from a hearing impairment. It is important in this instance to take extra care and consideration in ensuring that Alma is compliant with the procedure and post-treatment medications and receives effective patient education. This is necessary as frustrated patients can often become non-compliant, and Alma is clearly upset by the current situation. Furthermore, negative experiences within health care can impact a patient’s health outcomes as they may not seek medical assistance with necessary.
According to the article How to Facilitate Better Patient Compliance, “several key factors are linked to non-compliance, including social and family relationships, experiences with the health care system and patient perceptions about illness and medication.” For this reason, considerations are necessary such as attempting to understand the patient’s perception of the situation. This includes acknowledging Alma’s feelings and addressing what has made her upset. This will address the issue at hand, thus, clarify any misunderstanding as well as change the negative tone of the encounter. A more positive tone will encourage compliance of the procedure.
A patient-centered approach should be implemented in order to develop an effective plan of care. This must include patient education in order to ensure compliance with post-treatment medications. Patient-centered approaches in health care highlight the partnership which exists between the patient and the health care professional (Falvo, 2011). Furthermore, this approach ensures that the patient is fully involved in the decision-making process and obtains any information related to their health and wellness. By being fully involved in this process, patients better understand plans of care, as well as medications and treatments. Patient-centered approaches in health care result in compliance and positive patient outcomes. Ultimately, “adherence is a reflection of good communication and a relationship that is built on respect, active participation, and partnership between patient and health professional” (Falvo, 2011). Thus, by addressing what has upset Alma, and implementing a patient-centered approach giving Alma a sense of understanding and control of her health, this will ensure an overall positive outcome is achieved.
Falvo, D. R. (2011). Effective Patient Education: A Guide to Increased Adherence. Retrieved from
Rothenberg, G. (2003, June 03). How To Facilitate Better Patient Compliance. Retrieved from