First classmate
Discussion 1
Topic: What do the authors mean by reframing organizations and why is it important?
Businesses rely on leadership for supervision and structure. Therefore, one of the many responsibilities of a leader is to innovate change that adds value to their business. Nahavandi (2014) explains that a leader as any person who influences individuals and groups within an organization, helps them establish goals, and guides them toward achievement of those goals, thereby allowing them to be effective. The author states that there are various explanations of what a leader is. However, those definitions share four common elements. The first element of leadership is group and social phenomenon. There cannot be a leader without followers. The second element of leadership involves interpersonal influence. The leader has the ability to motivate others to get involved with achieving a common goal. The third element of leadership involves the leader being goal directed and action oriented. Nahavandi (2014) states that leaders play an active role in groups and organization by using influence to guide others through a certain course of action. The fourth element of leadership involves the leader assuming hierarchy within the group.
After reviewing the reading material, I believe that reframing is devising multiple strategies to obtain an effective approach to address organizational concerns (Bolman & Deal, 2017). The authors continued that reframing is a vital skill that leaders should possess. As a mental health counselor, we educate our clients on learning how to reframe cognitive distortions into more positive perspectives. This coping skill aids clients in leading a healthier lifestyle, while managing their symptomology. I do believe that this skill is beneficial to leaders as well. Alternating negative views into positive ones, highlights probable solutions that can add value to the organization. Bolman and Deal (2017) stated that different circumstances require different approaches. Learning and applying the skill of reframing can aid leaders in problem solving and decision making.
Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (2017) Reframing Organizations, (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
ISBN: 9781119261825
Nahavandi, A. (2014). The Art and Science of Leadership. (7th Ed.). San Diego, CA: Pearson
Education, Inc.
second classmate
To understand the reframing of organizations, one must be aware of what a frame is defined as. According to Bolman and Deal (2017), a frame is a set of ideas and assumptions that one carries in his or her head, that aids in understanding and negotiating a particular territory. When dealing with frames, it is important to be aware of what you are dealing with as well as what you can do with the problem you are facing. When I ponder on reframing, I gain an understanding of framing again. The root of reframing “re” means to do again. Therefore, I believe the authors wanted us to visualize reframing organizations as framing them again. Being aware of what works and what does not work within the organization. Additionally, knowing that there is more than one way to skin a cat.
Effective leadership requires individuals to be able to recognize that there is no one size fit all to solve problems. Therefore, it is significant for a leader to possess the skill of reframing. Within organizations, leaders must possess the ability to see the unknown or hidden. Reframing consists of seeing beyond the obvious; sometimes seeing what we do not want to see. Reframing presents leaders with the ability to utilize their skills but also knowing when those skills need to be utilized. It is difficult to lead an organization without any sight, guidance, or experience. As Bolman and Deal (2017) mentioned, the best teacher is sometimes experience.
Kotter (2012), reported that one of the biggest mistakes organizations make is allowing too much complacency. When individuals are complacent, it tends to hinder one’s views, as it can produce leniency and lack of precaution thereof. As mentioned above, as a leader within an organization, it is significant to remain aware, significant to remain involved and effective, and significant to be open-minded to view different aspects of a situation and how that situation can be transformed for the betterment of the organization.
Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E. (2017) Reframing Organizations, (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Kotter, J. P., and Cohen, D. S. (2012). Leading Change. Boston, M.A., Harvard Business School Press.