02.10 Module Project: Assessment
In this lesson, you learned how to analyze primary and secondary source documents and synthesize the information from those documents in response to a prompt. For your assessment, you will put what you have learned into practice.
Part 1:
· Review the eight sources on the previous screens. For each source, complete the steps to analyze the information presented in the source.
· Respond to each question that follows the background information about the source.
· Think about which sources you might use to support your essay in response to the following question: Your thesis will directly answer the question: "In what ways did religion and economic influence the development of medieval Europe and Japan?" Your body paragraphs will support the thesis that you have developed.
Part 2:
· Select four of the eight primary and secondary source documents to support your response to the prompt.
· Using details from the documents for support, write a three to five paragraph essay in response to the prompt.
· Submit both the analysis questions for your four selected documents and your essay to your instructor for grading.
Tip: In your essay, be sure to reference the specific document used for support. For example: "According to the Magna Carta…"