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Volume 1: To 1877

Kevin B. Sheets State University of New York, College at Cortland

Bedford/St. Martin’S Boston ◆ new York

Sources for america’s History


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For Bedford/St. Martin’s Publisher for History: Mary V. dougherty Senior Executive Editor for History and Technology: William J. Lombardo Director of Development for History: Jane Knetzger Developmental Editor: robin W. Soule Publishing Services Manager: andrea Cava Production Supervisor: Steven dowling Executive Marketing Manager: Sandra McGuire Editorial Assistant: Victoria royal Project Management: Books By design, inc. Text Design: Lily Yamamoto, LMY Studios Cover Design: Marine Miller Cover Photo: Emigrants Moving with Covered Wagon © Bettmann/Corbis Composition: Jouve Printing and Binding: rr donnelley and Sons

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Historians are fond of quoting L. P. Hartley’s famous line: “the past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.” it is a helpful image that emphasizes the distance, remoteness, and inscrutability of the past. Visiting a country whose language you do not speak can be disorienting until you start deciphering the gestures, unlocking the meaning behind facial expressions, and picking apart the cultural practices natives take for granted. for many students, the past is equally disorienting, and to seek safe harbor they ignore differences to emphasize com- monalities. “those people in the past are just like me, except they wear funny clothes.” Stripped down, they do resemble us, but more often they encountered their world in radically different ways. Understanding these differences is what makes the study of history so compelling.

My goal in compiling Sources for America’s History is to help students encoun- ter this different past in its most raw and visceral form. designed to accompany America’s History, eighth edition, and America: A Concise History, Sixth edition, the sources collected here put students in unmediated contact with those whose experiences shaped our past. each chapter includes a variety of both obscure and well-known voices, whose testimony highlights key themes of the period. the sources in each chapter give competing perspectives on leading events and ideas. this purposeful tension between sources is not intended to frustrate the reader. instead, the differing viewpoints introduce students to the challenge that histori- ans face in sifting through the evidence left to us. How do we make sense of the large body of primary sources that we have related to america’s half millennium of lived experience?

textbook authors present an argument about the past, something historians refer to as a “narrative.” those arguments, of course, are based on historians’ interpretation and assessment of primary sources. this document collection makes its own argument based on the specific sources selected for inclusion, but invites debate by encouraging the reader to interpret sources in different ways. Sources for America’s History is designed to encourage a productive intellectual give-and-take, enabling students of history to offer their own perspective on the past. in this way, students join the ongoing discussion among the community of scholars seeking to understand the long and complex history of what became the United States.

to facilitate this effort, Sources for America’s History includes a number of key features. each chapter in the collection includes five or six documents that


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iv Preface

support the periodization and themes of the corresponding parent text chapter. every chapter begins with an introduction that situates the documents within their wider historical context. individual documents follow, each accompanied by its own headnote and a set of reading and discussion Questions designed to help students practice historical thinking skills. the variety of readings, ranging from speeches and political cartoons by celebrated historical figures to personal letters and diary entries by ordinary people, offers students the opportunity to compare and contrast different types of documents. each chapter concludes with Comparative Questions designed to encourage students to recognize con- nections between documents and relate the sources to larger historical themes. to further support the structure of the parent text, unique Part document Sets at the end of every part section present five or six sources chosen specifically to illustrate the major themes and developments covered in each of the parent text’s nine thematic parts, allowing students to make even broader comparisons and connections across time and place.


as with any big undertaking, many hands helped craft the book you are holding. thanks go to rebecca edwards from Vassar College, one of the lead authors of America’s History, for her confidence in me. Several instructors at the college, community college, and high school levels offered insightful suggestions based on their teaching experiences. they will see here many of the suggestions they recommended, though i could not accommodate all of the excellent ideas they shared. Particular thanks go to Matthew Babcock, University of north texas at dallas; edwin Benson, north Harford High School; Christine Bond-Curtright, edmond Memorial High School; Kyle t. Bulthuis, Utah State University; Jennifer Castillo, denver School of the arts; William decker, anderson Preparatory academy; angela dormiani, aSteC Charter High School; donald W. Maxwell, indiana State University; neil Prendergast, University of Washington–Stevens Point; erica ryan, rider University; Paul rykken, Black river falls High School; Sheila L. Skemp, University of Mississippi; Michael Smith, San Gorgonio High School; Geoffrey Stewart, University of Western ontario; John Struck, floyd Central High School; and felicia Viator, San francisco State University.

My editor, robin Soule, kept me focused while tutoring me through my first experience of textbook publishing. Her improvements on the text make me sound smarter than i really am. the following colleagues at Bedford/St. Martin’s helped in innumerable ways, most of which occurred silently and behind the scenes: Bill Lombardo, Sandi McGuire, Laura arcari, Jen Jovin, and Victoria royal. thanks also to andrea Cava, and especially to nancy Benjamin, who oversaw the copyediting and saved countless embarrassments. Her contribution reminds me to practice a bit of humility next time i am grading my own students’ papers.

My colleagues in the history department at the State University of new York, College at Cortland, have always provided an intellectually enriching

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Preface v

environment in which to work and live. Special thanks go to my wife, Laura Gathagan, a medieval historian who resisted the temptation to smirk at the efforts of a nineteenth-century U.S. historian to write intelligibly about the fif- teenth and sixteenth centuries. in the middle of this long process, she began call- ing herself the “Bedford widow” for the many evenings she spent alone while i toiled away. finally, to my boys, William and alexander: daddy’s done. Let’s go play ball.


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IntroductIon for StudentS

i was this close to wearing eisenhower’s pajamas. during my junior year in col- lege, i interned at the Smithsonian’s national Museum of american History in Washington, d.C. every now and again, when i had a few minutes of free time, i poked around the collection of artifacts in storage. there was Lincoln’s top hat. on a high shelf was the table where Lee surrendered to Grant. a pullout metal rack filled with paintings also housed a disturbing framed collection of hair from the first sixteen presidents. one day i spied a box containing President dwight d. eisenhower’s pajamas. these were the PJs ike wore while recovering in denver from his 1955 heart attack. oh, the temptation to slip them on, but reason and self-preservation prevailed. Back on the shelf they went.

those whom the past enchants were often first beguiled by the stuff of his- tory. touching those objects helps collapse time, putting us in the immediate presence of someone else at some other time. i once held John Brown’s gun and while peering down the long barrel wondered who or what he was aiming at. His trigger finger and mine overlapped and briefly spirited me back to 1850s Pottawatomie, Kansas, where Brown waged his own civil war against slavery. the past is contained in those leavings, the letters and diaries, the political car- toons and music, the paintings and the guns and pajamas. Primary sources bring alive the past and help us to understand its significance and meaning.

this collection of primary sources aims to engage you in a conversation with the past. there will be times when you burst out laughing. Some sources will make you so mad you’ll want to throw the book across the room. (Please don’t. i spent a lot of time writing it, but i share your frustration.) other times, you’ll shake your head in disbelief. (Yes, they really thought that back then!) You are about to enter an amazing world of difference populated with people some of whom you will admire, many of whom you won’t like, and others whom you will despair of ever really knowing or understanding. Good. i hope you laugh. i hope you get mad. i even hope you get confused at times and scratch your head wondering what on earth these people were talking about. out of your responses to these texts comes insight.

My advice? read these texts with a fist full of questions. Historians do some- thing called “sourcing” when they first encounter a primary text, and it is a good practice for you, too. Start with the author. Who wrote or created the source? What do you know about this person? Was he rich, poor, or middling? Was she edu- cated? Where was he or she born and to what sort of family? You might know the


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introduction for Students vii

answers to some of these questions, but even if you do not, keeping the questions in mind might help you understand where the author is coming from. When was this source created? While it is important to know the date, it can also be revealing to know when in the person’s life he or she created the source. Was she a young girl or an older woman raising children? Was he at the beginning of his career or already famous? What was happening when the source was created? We call this “context,” and it is an important element in making sense of the source you are reading. (You will encounter the word context often in the reading and dis- cussion Questions and Comparative Questions following the sources and at the end of each chapter.) in addition to author and context, consider audience and purpose. Who was this source for, and why was it created? Was the source intended for a public or private audience? Was the source created to persuade or to inform? Was the author talking to allies or foes? What did he or she assume about their audience? a final and related point touches upon the format of the source. What type of source is it? Historians think about and interpret sources differently. You might be more honest in a private letter to your spouse than you would be in a letter to a political opponent, for example. Similarly, a campaign poster for a par- ticular candidate has a different purpose than a portrait of a politician commis- sioned for a private residence. as these examples show, the format of a source is often linked to audience and purpose.

What a source tells a historian is not always self-evident. Very few of the sources that historians use were created for historians. (no one writes letters that begin: “dear Historian of a hundred years from now, here is what i am thinking about the obama presidency.”) Historians need to “read between the lines” to derive meaning. as you read the documents in this book, you can unearth the meaning in these sources by asking questions, thinking about context, paying attention to vocabulary and cultural references, and comparing them to other sources related to the same topic or event.

this form of active reading takes a bit more time than it would if you were to simply read starting at the first word and running through to the end. to truly think like a historian, be an active reader. engage the texts. ask them questions. Write in the book. draw circles around important words or phrases. Write “key point” in the margins where you think the author is hitting his mark. don’t be afraid to throw in a few question marks where you get confused. if you have a furrowed brow, chances are someone else in class is confused, too. Bring it up in discussion and you’ll be the class superhero. take advantage of the questions i pose at the end of each source and chapter. i wrote them to inspire you to go back to the texts and think about what you read. the end-of-chapter Comparative Questions encourage you to see connections between and among multiple texts.

remember, the past is about having a conversation. these texts speak to one another. it is oK to eavesdrop on their discussions. in fact (here’s me being bold), i think you have an obligation to listen in on their chatter. Many of the issues these sources address, though sometimes distant to us in time, remain relevant: What is just? What kind of society do we want to live in? How should we treat


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viii introduction for Students

each other? How do we balance rights and responsibilities? these enduring questions are not solved by the authors included in this book. But they all have a perspective that helps to clarify our own responses.

My hope is that you will engage these texts to understand how different people, in different places and different times, constructed the specific world they inhabited. i hope, too, that you find your voice and come to know that you have an opportunity and a responsibility to engage in the conversation. the thrill of history is to know that you are part of a very long conversation about mean- ing. So, the next time you are wearing ike’s PJs while shouldering John Brown’s gun, think about the contribution to that conversation you want others to remem- ber you by. What will you say?


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Preface iii

Introduction for Students vi

Part 1 traNSFOrMatIONS OF NOrtH aMErICa

(1450–1700) 1

CHaPtEr 1 Colliding Worlds 1450–1600 1

1-1 | an Englishman Describes the algonquin People THOMAS HARIOT, A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588) 2

1-2 | Peasants Working a Lord’s Estate LIMBOURG BROTHERS, March: Peasants at Work from the “Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry” (15th Century) 5

1-3 | Columbus Encounters Native Peoples CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, Journal of the First Voyage (1492) 6

1-4 | Las Casas Describes European atrocities BARTOLOME DE LAS CASAS, A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies (1552) 9

1-5 | Huejotzingo Petitions the Spanish King for relief COUNCIL OF HUEJOTZINGO, Letter to the King of Spain (1560) 12

1-6 | Debating the Morality of Slavery BROTHER LUIS BRANDAON, Letter to Father Sandoval (1610) 16



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x Contents

CHaPTEr 2 american Experiments 1521–1700 19

2-1 | Indians resist Spanish Control Testimony of Acoma Indians (1599) 19

2-2 | “City Upon a Hill” Sermon JOHN WINTHROP, A Model of Christian Charity (1630) 23

2-3 | The Limits of the Puritan Community The Trial of Anne Hutchinson (1637) 28

2-4 | Maryland Protects religious Belief Maryland Act of Religious Toleration (1649) 30

2-5 | Slave Labor on the rise EDMUND WHITE, Letter to Joseph Morton (1687) 33

2-6 | Spreading the Gospel among the Iroquois REV. FATHER LOUIS CELLOT, Letter to Father François Le Mercier (1656) 35


ParT 1 DOCUMENT SET Developing Patterns of atlantic World Exchange 1450–1700 39

P1-1 | The aztec God Tlaloc with Maize Meal of Maize and Beans, the Sixth Month of the Aztec Solar Calendar (c. 1585) 40

P1-2 | Florida Natives Welcome the returning French THEODORE DE BRY, The Natives of Florida Worship the Column Erected by Commander on His First Voyage (1591) 41

P1-3 | a European Encounters the algonquin Indians THOMAS MORTON, Manners and Customs of the Indians (of New England) (1637) 42

P1-4 | The Trade in Goods and Slaves THOMAS PHILLIPS, A Journal of a Voyage Made in the Hannibal (1693–1694) 45

P1-5 | Making the Case for Colonization RICHARD HAKLUYT, A Discourse of Western Planting (1584) 52


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Contents xi


(1660–1763) 59

CHaPTEr 3 The British atlantic World 1660–1750 59

3-1 | Bostonians Welcome the Glorious revolution The Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country Adjacent (1689) 60

3-2 | The Onondaga Pledge Support to Colonies CANASSATEGO, Papers Relating to an Act of the Assembly of the Province of New York (1742) 65

3-3 | Virginia Tightens Slave Codes THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF VIRGINIA, An Act for Suppressing Outlying Slaves (1691) 67

3-4 | Gentility and the Planter Elite WILLIAM BYRD II, Diary Entries (1709–1712) 69

3-5 | Trade Creates Dynamic Commercial Economy JOHN BARNARD, The Autobiography of the Rev. John Barnard (1766) 73

3-6 | Colonists assert Their rights LORD CORNBURY, Letter to the Lords of Trade (1704) 74


CHaPTEr 4 Growth, Diversity, and Conflict 1720–1763 80

4-1 | a revivalist Warns against Old Light Ministers GILBERT TENNENT, Dangers of an Unconverted Ministry (1740) 81

4-2 | Sarah Osborn on Her Experiences During the religious revivals SARAH OSBORN, Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sarah Osborn (1814) 85

4-3 | anglican Minister on the Manners and religion of the Carolina Backcountry CHARLES WOODMASON, Journal (1766–1768) 87

4-4 | Franklin Calls for Colonial Unity BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Albany Plan of Union (1754) 90


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xii Contents

4-5 | Colonists argue for an alliance with Indians against the French State of the British and French Colonies in North America (1755) 93

4-6 | The North Carolina regulators Protest British Control Petition from the Inhabitants of Orange County, North Carolina (1770) 96


ParT 2 DOCUMENT SET The Causes and Consequences of the Peopling of North america 1660–1763 100

P2-1 | The Horrors of the Middle Passage OLAUDAH EQUIANO, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself (1794) 101

P2-2 | German Immigrant Describes Carolina Opportunities Letter from Christen Janzen to His Family (1711) 105

P2-3 | an Indentured Servant Confesses to Murder The Vain Prodigal Life and Tragical Penitent Death of Thomas Hellier (1680) 109

P2-4 | Celebrating an Indian Defeat A Ballad of Pigwacket (1725) 112

P2-5 | Colonial Settlements raise Indian alarms Journal of James Kenny (1761–1763) 115



(1763–1820) 119

CHaPTEr 5 The Problem of Empire 1763–1776 119

5-1 | a Virginia Planter Defends the Natural rights of Colonies RICHARD BLAND, Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies (1766) 120

5-2 | Colonists Protest Parliament’s acts STAMP ACT CONGRESS, Declaration of Rights (1765) 124

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Contents xiii

5-3 | a Loyalist Decries the Boston Mob PETER OLIVER, Origin and Progress of the American Rebellion (1781) 126

5-4 | Worcester Loyalists Protest the Committee of Safety A Protest by the Worcester, Massachusetts, Selectmen (1774) 131

5-5 | The Danger of Too Much Liberty THOMAS HUTCHINSON, Letter to Thomas Whately (1769) 133

5-6 | Thomas Paine attacks the Monarchy THOMAS PAINE, Common Sense (1776) 134


CHaPTEr 6 Making War and republican Governments 1776–1789 140

6-1 | Democratic Spirit Empowers the People Instructions to the Delegates from Mecklenburg to the Provincial Congress at Halifax in November (1776) 141

6-2 | a Call to “remember the Ladies” ABIGAIL AND JOHN ADAMS, Correspondence (1776) 145

6-3 | Enslaved Blacks adopt the Cause of Liberty PRINCE HALL, Petition for Freedom to the Massachusetts Council and the House of Representatives (1777) 151

6-4 | a republican Hero Emerges JAMES PEALE, General George Washington at Yorktown (c. 1782) 152

6-5 | a Shaysite Defends the “risings of the People” DANIEL GRAY, Address to the People of Several Towns (1786) 154

6-6 | Madison Defends the Constitution JAMES MADISON, Federalist No. 10 and Federalist No. 51 (1787) 155


CHaPTEr 7 Hammering Out a Federal republic 1787–1820 164

7-1 | Hamilton Diverges from Jefferson on the Economy ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Letter to Edward Carrington (1792) 165


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xiv Contents

7-2 | Jefferson’s agrarian Vision for the New republic THOMAS JEFFERSON, Notes on the State of Virginia (1781) 170

7-3 | a Federalist Warns against French Influence on american Politics FISHER AMES, Foreign Politics (c. 1801–1805) 172

7-4 | anxiety Over Western Expansion THE PANOPLIST AND MISSIONARY HERALD, Retrograde Movement of National Character (1818) 175

7-5 | a Shawnee Chief Calls for Native american Unity TECUMSEH, “Sleep Not Longer, O’ Choctaws and Chickasaws” (1811) 176

7-6 | New England Federalists Oppose the War of 1812 Report of the Hartford Convention (1815) 179


CHaPTEr 8 Creating a republican Culture 1790–1820 184

8-1 | Building the Economy J. HILL, Junction of Erie and Northern Canal (c. 1830–1832) 185

8-2 | In Praise of Domestic Manufacturing THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Home Influence (1813) 186

8-3 | Warren Discusses Women’s roles MERCY OTIS WARREN, Letter to a Young Friend (1790) and Letter to Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham (1791) 188

8-4 | an argument for the Education of republican Women BENJAMIN RUSH, Thoughts Upon Female Education (1787) 191

8-5 | Jefferson Warns against Slavery’s Expansion THOMAS JEFFERSON, Letter to John Holmes (1820) 196

8-6 | an Egalitarian View of religion LORENZO DOW, Analects Upon the Rights of Man (1816) 197


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Contents xv

ParT 3 DOCUMENT SET The Emergence of Democratic Ideals and a New National Identity 1763–1820 201

P3-1 | rallying americans to the Cause of Freedom JOHN DICKINSON, The Liberty Song (1768) 202

P3-2 | Defining the american Character J. HECTOR ST. JOHN DE CRÈVECOEUR, Letters from an American Farmer (1782) 204

P3-3 | Women’s right to Education in the New republic JUDITH SARGENT MURRAY, On the Equality of the Sexes (1790) 206

P3-4 | a Warning for the Young republic George Washington’s Farewell Address (1796) 210

P3-5 | a Woman’s Perspective on Backcountry america MARGARET VAN HORN DWIGHT, A Journey to Ohio (1810) 214

P3-6 | Democratic Enthusiasm Shapes religion JAMES FLINT, Letters from America (1820) 218



(1800–1860) 223

CHaPTEr 9 Transforming the Economy 1800–1860 223

9-1 | a Factory Girl remembers Mill Work LUCY LARCOM, Among Lowell Mill-Girls: A Reminiscence (1881) 224

9-2 | Making the Case for Internal Improvements HON. P. B. PORTER, Speech on Internal Improvements (1810) 226

9-3 | a View of the Factory System Repeating Fire-Arms. A Day at the Armory of Colt’s Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company (1857) 229

9-4 | Contrasting Images of Urban Life Frontispiece from Sunshine and Shadow in New York (1868) 232


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xvi Contents

9-5 | Taking the Temperance Pledge Preface to The Temperance Manual of the American Temperance Society for the Young Men of the United States (1836) 234

9-6 | Finney Discussing the revival of religion CHARLES GRANDISON FINNEY, Lectures on Revivals of Religion (1835) 238


CHaPTEr 10 a Democratic revolution 1800–1844 242

10-1 | a Professional Politician on the Necessity of Political Parties MARTIN VAN BUREN, The Autobiography of Martin Van Buren (1854) 243

10-2 | Insurgent Democrats Flex Political Power FITZWILLIAM BYRDSALL, The History of the Loco-Foco or Equal Rights Party (1842) 245

10-3 | President Defeats Monopoly Threat ANDREW JACKSON, Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United States (1832) 248

10-4 | Whig Partisan Describes Party’s Political Economy HENRY CAREY, The Harmony of Interests (1851) 254

10-5 | Decrying Jackson’s Use of Presidential Power King Andrew the First (c. 1833) 256

10-6 | Native american Women Urge resistance to removal Policy CHEROKEE WOMEN, Petition (1821 [1831?]) 258


CHaPTEr 11 religion and reform 1800–1860 260

11-1 | a Transcendentalist View of Women’s rights MARGARET FULLER, Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845) 261

11-2 | Mormon Leader’s Vision of religious Community JOSEPH SMITH, History of Joseph Smith, the Prophet (c. 1830s) 264

11-3 | remembering Bowery Culture ABRAM C. DAYTON, Last Days of Knickerbocker Life in New York (1882) 269

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Contents xvii

11-4 | attacking the Legal Disabilities of Women SARAH GRIMKÉ, Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Woman (1837) 271

11-5 | abolitionist Decries Slavery’s Dehumanizing Power DAVID WALKER, Preamble to Walker’s Appeal in Four Articles (1830) 277

11-6 | antiabolitionist attacks reformers’ Efforts CALVIN COLTON, Abolition a Sedition (1839) 278


CHaPTEr 12 The South Expands: Slavery and Society 1800–1860 281

12-1 | reporting on the South’s Peculiar Institution ETHAN ANDREWS, Slavery and the Domestic Slave-Trade (1836) 282

12-2 | Witness to the Punishment of a runaway Slave LEVI COFFIN, Reminiscences of Levi Coffin (1876) 286

12-3 | a Southern City affirms the Morality of the Slave Trade Proceedings of the Charleston City Council (1856) 288

12-4 | religious Life of Enslaved african americans Slave Songs of the United States (1867) 291

12-5 | Southern Hospitality on Display SUSAN DABNEY SMEDES, Memorials of a Southern Planter (1887) 292

12-6 | Free Blacks Push for Elevation of the race Proceedings of the Colored National Convention (1848) 295


ParT 4 DOCUMENT SET Environment and Identity in an age of revolutions 1800–1860 300

P4-1 | Commerce Overcomes Nature’s Obstacles Canal Commissioners of Ohio Contract (c. 1820s) 301

P4-2 | Cultivating the “Garden of Graves” JOSEPH STORY, Address Delivered on the Dedication of the Cemetery at Mount Auburn (1831) 305


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xviii Contents

P4-3 | a Woman’s Perspective on the Overland Journey West EMMELINE B. WELLS, Diary (1846) 308

P4-4 | Depicting america’s Transcendent Landscape ASHER BROWN DURAND, Kindred Spirits (1849) 312

P4-5 | assessing Climate’s Effect on americans FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED, A Journey Through Texas (1854) 314



(1844–1877) 319

CHaPTEr 13 Expansion, War, and Sectional Crisis 1844–1860 319

13-1 | The Lure of the West LANSFORD HASTINGS, The Emigrant’s Guide to Oregon and California (1845) 320

13-2 | Two Views of the War with Mexico JOHN D. SLOAT, To the Inhabitants of California (1846) and GENERAL FRANCISCO MEJIA, A Proclamation at Matamoros (1846) 322

13-3 | a Southern Perspective on the Political Crisis JOHN C. CALHOUN, Speech on the Slavery Question (1850) 325

13-4 | attacking the Slave Power Conspiracy CHARLES SUMNER, The Crime of Kansas (1856) 328

13-5 | Supreme Court rules against antislavery Cause Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) 331

13-6 | a Southern Woman reacts to Lincoln’s Election KEZIAH GOODWIN HOPKINS BREVARD, Diary (1860–1861) 335


CHaPTEr 14 Two Societies at War 1861–1865 339

14-1 | a Southern Woman Opposes Secession MARY BERKELEY MINOR BLACKFORD, Letter to John Minor (1861) 340

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Contents xix

14-2 | War’s Impact on Southern Economy STAUNTON SPECTATOR, The Uses of Economy (1862) 341

14-3 | a Battlefield View of the Cost of War CORNELIA HANCOCK, Letters of a Civil War Nurse (1863) 343

14-4 | Political Divisions over Freeing the Slaves ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Emancipation Proclamation (1863) and JEFFERSON DAVIS, President’s Message (1863) 350

14-5 | Hearing the News of Emancipation HARRY SMITH, Fifty Years of Slavery (1891) 353

14-6 | redistributing the Land to Black refugees WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, Special Field Order No. 15 (1865) 355


CHaPTEr 15 reconstruction 1865–1877 359

15-1 | President Focuses on Work of reconstruction ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Last Public Address (1865) 360

15-2 | a Freed Family’s Dream of Landownership BETTY POWERS, Federal Writers’ Project Interview (c. 1936) 363

15-3 | a Former Slave Owner Complains of “Negro Problem” FRANCES BUTLER LEIGH, Letter to a Friend in England (1867) 365

15-4 | a Liberal republican Opposes Universal Suffrage CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS JR., The Protection of the Ballot in National Elections (1869) 368

15-5 | Nast Lampoons Freedmen’s Government THOMAS NAST, Colored Rule in a Reconstructed State (1874) 373

15-6 | african american Congressman Urges Support of Civil rights Bill ROBERT BROWNE ELLIOTT, Speech to Congress (1874) 375


CHaPTEr 16 Conquering a Continent 1854–1890 381

16-1 | Promoting the Transcontinental railroad The Pacific Railway Act (1862) 381


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xx Contents

16-2 | railroad Transforms the Nation CURRIER & IVES, Across the Continent (1868) 387

16-3 | Harvesting the Bison Herds J. WRIGHT MOOAR, Buffalo Days (1933) 388

16-4 | addressing the Indian Question FRANCIS A. WALKER, Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1872) 391

16-5 | remembering Indian Boarding School Days MOURNING DOVE, A Salishan Autobiography (1990) 395


ParT 5 DOCUMENT SET americans Debate the Meaning of the Constitution 1844–1877 401

P5-1 | Women reformers Demand Citizenship rights ELIZABETH CADY STANTON, Declaration of Rights and Sentiments (1848) 402

P5-2 | Defining Native american rights and Limits STATUTES OF CALIFORNIA, An Act for the Government and Protection of Indians (1850) 405

P5-3 | The Catholic Threat to american Politics SAMUEL F. B. MORSE, Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States (1855) 409

P5-4 | Debating the Meaning of the Constitution ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Cooper Union Address (1860) 411

P5-5 | Southern Leader Contrasts Union and Confederate Constitutions ALEXANDER STEPHENS, “Cornerstone” Speech (1861) 416

P5-6 | Freedman Claiming the rights of Citizenship REV. HENRY McNEAL TURNER, Speech Before the Georgia State Legislature (1868) 419



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Sources for

america’s History Volume 1: To 1877


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head tangled in anything he has a strong instinct to struggle and yell. If he’s not getting enough to eat, he will probably cry for more. If the light is too strong for his eyes, he’ll blink and fuss. (You can take his picture with a flash bulb, even if it does make him jump.) He knows how much sleep he needs and takes it. He can care for himself pretty well for a person who can’t say a word, can’t control his arms and legs, and knows nothing about the world.

Enjoy him as he is — that’s how he’ll grow up best. Every baby’s face is dif- ferent from every other’s. In the same way every baby’s pattern of development is different. One may be very advanced in his general bodily strength and coordi- nation, an early sitter, stander, walker — a sort of infant athlete. And yet he may be slow in doing careful, skillful things with his fingers, in talking. Even a baby who is an athlete in rolling over, standing, and creeping may turn out to be slow to learn to walk. A baby who’s advanced in his physical activities may be very slow in his teething and vice versa. A child who turns out later to be smart in his schoolwork may have been so slow in beginning to talk that his parents were afraid for a while that he was dull; and a child who has just an ordinary amount of brains is sometimes a very early talker.

I am purposely picking out examples of children with mixed rates of devel- opment to give you an idea of what a jumble of different qualities and patterns of growth each individual person is composed.

One baby is born to be big-boned and square and chunky, while another will always be small-boned and delicate. One individual really seems to be born to be fat. If he loses weight during an illness, he gains it back promptly afterwards. The troubles that he has in the world never take away his appetite. The opposite kind of individual stays on the thin side, even when he has the most nourishing food to eat, even though life is running smoothly for him.

Love and enjoy your child for what he is, for what he looks like, for what he does, and forget about the qualities that he doesn’t have. I don’t give you this advice just for sentimental reasons. There’s a very important practical point here. The child who is appreciated for what he is, even if he is homely, or clumsy, or slow, will grow up with confidence in himself, happy. He will have a spirit that will make the best of all the capacities that he has, and of all the opportunities that come his way. He will make light of any handicaps. But the child who has never been quite accepted by his parents, who has always felt that he was not quite right, grows up lacking confidence. He’ll never be able to make full use of what brains, what skills, what physical attractiveness he has. If he starts life with a handicap, physical or mental, it will be multiplied tenfold by the time he is grown up.

Now, of course, once in a great while a baby seems to be generally slow in his development, doesn’t hold his head up, or respond to people, or show an interest in his surroundings, at an age when other babies are doing these things. Should a parent be philosophical about this and try to forget it? That would be carrying it too far. One of these babies is just born to be that way and there’s no magic way to change him; but another may have a deficiency disease which can and should be treated early. That’s a reason for having a doctor check a baby regularly.

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