Critique Visual Art Humanities
The critique video guideline is this link and i attached other links to explain the format and rules. You can choose the photo or use some of her references I attached.
WATCH FIRST: The critique explanation video found on the START HERE tab.
You are required to write 3 critiques about 3 different kinds of events during the entire semester. You will be submitting critique no. 1 here by the due date January 24th (11:59pm)
The critique needs to be at least 200 words, double space, which fits one page. Correct spelling, grammar and correct punctuation counts. (see critique guidelines for format example)
As you describe the visual art, you will use at least 5 vocabulary words (from the ones we have studied or others you may know). (in the round, relief, media, hue are examples of what we learned).
You may not repeat an art form (for example if you did a painting for a previous critique, you cannot do another painting except for the extra credit critique which can be on any art form).
What to critique? Live activities such as plays (theater), concerts (classical or jazz), visual art works (painting, sculptures, etc.) or analyze a building (architecture).
Note: Due to the coronavirus situation, you can choose an art work or a performance from an online source. For music, do not use contemporary music, classical and jazz are preferred (Broadway shows are acceptable). For performances, look for videos recorded "live" so that you can still experience some of the live components.
- Add a photo in the second page of the Word document.
- Attach a word document or pdf file (do not write it where it says "write submission").
Writing Critiques Guidelines
You are required to write 3 critiques about 3 different kinds of events. Each critique needs to be at least 200 words, double space, which fits one page. Correct spelling, grammar and correct punctuation counts. A critique does not mean that you need to be critical and find mistakes in the performances or exhibitions, instead it is a means to demonstrate your ability to use the technical vocabulary and knowledge that you acquired in class to describe your experience.
What to critique? Three of these different Art forms: plays (theater), concerts (classical or jazz), visual art works (painting, sculptures, etc.) or a building (architecture).
· Find the visual art forms (paintings, sculptures, installations) and architecture online (if you see these in person it will be ideal). The performance arts (theater, music, dance) can be found on YouTube (if you have seen it in person it will be ideal). Find a video of a Live performance.
· You may not repeat an art form (don’t do 2 paintings or 2 sculptures, etc)
· You may not write a critique on a work that we have covered in class.
· Include on your Word document a photo or link to performance in the second page.
· Assignment to be submitted on blackboard (find the tab that says: “Submit critiques here”
· Notice the SafeAssign section when you upload the document. It analyses the document looking for plagiarism. It gives you a % of the document that is plagiarized. If you get more than 30%, do not submit. Fix your document, try paraphrasing or using more your own words.
When are they due? The dates are listed in the syllabus, they will be submitted through blackboard (not emailed), late critiques will lower your grade (1 point less for each delayed class).
How to write your critiques: Points
One page of 200 words 1 pt
Proper Format: 12 point (Times New Roman type font) 1 pt
Double space
No cover page
Provide your name, date of assignment, Critique # and class time
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc 1 pt
Content: Paragraph I- Who, When, Where, What (description of 6 pts.
what you attended). Use technical
Vocabulary (at least 5 vocabulary words and about 125
words in general)
Paragraph II- Your personal experience at the event (about 75 words) 1 pt
Total points: 10 points
· Proper Capitalization (French horn, English horn, Italian, Symphony #9)
· Titles are underlined__________ or “ “ or italicized or boldfaced
· Paragraphs: Organize thoughts in correct paragraph structure (topic sentence, etc)
· Avoid run-on sentences
· Write in complete sentences, outline form is not acceptable
· Avoid short single sentence paragraphs.
· Read your papers out loud to yourself
· Never use etc.
· Never use contractions in formal papers (“don’t”,” can’t”, “they’re” instead use “do not”, “cannot”, “they are”…)
· One “attends”, not “assists” at an event
· Conjunctive pronouns for people are who, not which: the artist, who… the painting which…