Some of the advice I want to give to the mixed student be sure to brainstorm on the topic about every time. Also, at the beginning of this course, I learn to have to use a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb. The second revision uses just a semicolon to create an increased sense of “ Flow”. Keep in mind, compose two paragraphs, make sure using the semicolon to make your sentences sound become smooth, academic, and flowing. I learn that I need more structure in my writing skills. Learning the Funnel Technique organizing the ideas and sentences that will comprise a very well developed introduction to the read well. I did think I would like writing, but once you get started, you can let your brain flow. Make sure that you have an open mind about writing and keep the focus on the subject and make its interest to read. “Everyone has characteristic ways of thinking, creating knowledge, and discoursing, conventions that, over time, have been established as ways of acting together' (Miller 1984: 36) in carrying out the work of the community”.
Some of the tips, tricks, or techniques: this process using not clear topic sentences at the beginning of each of the papers. The body of the essay needs to contain enough information to provide substantially the differentiating characteristics of the subject. Topic sentences are helpful for organization and clarity. Learn how to use compares and contrast of topic. I learn the Introductory paragraph and thesis sentence should consist of about ten sentences, not including thesis sentences. Using more of the SQP Format/ APA style 7th Edition for the source’s in-text citation(Mike p576) “Made clear and meaningful growth in writing quality related to the instruction, evidenced by their behavior change during the intervention phase.” In my future, I want to be able to writing and do an outstanding job in my future work.
Chandrasegaran, A., Ellis, M., & Poedjosoedarmo, G. (2005). Essay Assist--Developing Software for Writing Skills Improvement in Partnership with Students. RELC Journal, 36(2), 137–155.
I can say my challenge was implementing the funnel technique in my introduction. I believe I finally got it down and was able to write a good introduction. Another challenge was not so much as choosing a topic to write about but to figure out the plan of attack to write a well argumentative essay. With the determination that I have, I feel confident I will get it down packed. Just like Dragomir, and Niculescu (2020), stated, “Regardless of the level, good writing involves discovery, planning, developing ideas, creativity, and revision” (p. 202). I need to take the time and revise and focus on the information given to me.
Torrance, Thomas, and Robinson (2000) put it in a better context on my message to the next class. “The ability to write well is not only necessary if students demonstrate their understanding of course content but are in itself an important learning outcome” (p. 181). I struggled a little towards the end. It wasn’t because of the course itself but my time and work ethic weren’t there. On the other hand, I have learned quite a bit as to the funnel technique, how to begin writing the body paragraph, and the different styles on how to start those paragraphs.
DRAGOMIR, I. A., & NICULESCU, B.-O. (2020). Different Approaches to Developing Writing Skills. Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre, 25(3), 201–206.
Torrance, M., Thomas, G. V., & Robinson, E. J. (2000). Individual differences in undergraduate essay-writing strategies: A longitudinal study. Higher Education (00181560), 39(2), 181–200.