3 Point Rating Scale1Brought to you by the BC Public Service Agency The following is a sample of a 3 Point Numerical / Narrative Rating Scale including sample narrative ratings and definitions for each point value on the scale.ScaleRatingDefinitions(Choose and/or Modify as Appropriate)3 Points (Pass)ExcellentExceptional MasteryMuch More than AcceptableShould ensure extremely effective performance.Significantly above criteria for successful job performance. Surpassed expectations. Reserved for the exemplary set of skills that yield a particularly sophisticated approach to handling the situation. Meets all major / essential / core criteria or acceptable equivalents and met three or more additional criteria. Significant evidence that skill is present. Outstanding. Truly excellent. Fully meets competency requirement. Proactive2 Points (Pass)GoodAcceptableSatisfactory AverageShould be adequate for effective performance.Meets criteria relative to quality and quantity of behaviour required for successful job performance.Meets several of the major / essential / core criteria and one or two of the minor / additional criteria or acceptable equivalents. Describes / demonstrates a sufficient range of skills for handling the situation and/or the desired outcome is obtained. Some of the major and minor criteria were met; some deficiencies exist in the areas assessed but none of major concern. Satisfactory evidence that skill is present.Competent –solid and steady in essential aspects but could be improved. Meets enough of the competency requirement to adequately perform the task.Reactive0-1 Points (Fail)UnacceptableWeak PoorMuch less than acceptableInsufficient or significantly below criteria required for successful job performance.Many deficiencies. A major problem exists.No answer or inappropriate answer. Describes / demonstrates insufficient range of skills appropriate for handling of situation. Describes / demonstrates plausible but inappropriate behaviours for handling the situation and/or the outcome if not obtained. Describes / demonstrates counter-productive behaviours that have negative outcomes or consequences (make the situation worse) No evidence that skills is present OR evidence that the skill is not presentNot competent. Not ActiveTips for Using 3 Point ScalesChoose the words or phrases for the Rating and Definitions most appropriate for the skill or ability being assessed and the selection tool being used. Use either or both the numerical and narrative ratings. Identify, group and briefly outline the criteria on which the skill or ability will be assessed (i.e. examples of superior to ineffective behaviours that can be observed and reliably scored).. Don'tget overly detailed. These are key indicators only. It is not required to be an exhaustive list of every possible criteria.
3 Point Rating Scale2Brought to you by the BC Public Service Agency Focus on the extreme ends of each range (i.e. the 3 and the 0-1 points) and define them fully first OR focus on describing the "2 Point" passing answer first, then add or subtract to define other answers. Sample Marking Guide Using 3 Point Rating ScalesOral Communication Skills-Sample Marking GuideName:Please Circle OneNotes:Clarity123Conciseness123Complete123Logic123Correct Vocabulary , Grammar and Usage123Listening/comprehension123Additional (Optional)123Overall Average ScoreGeneral CommentsCore Criteria: clear: message is clear, direct and easily understood, free of jargon concise: brief and to the point complete: all necessary information identified and articulated –no questions left unanswered for the listener/reader correct: vocabulary and usage: accurate, correct language and vocabulary usage; chose level, language, style, tone appropriate to the audience; grammar: rules of grammar are observed, grammatically correct structures are used logic: organized, ideas are logically developed and presented in reasonable sequence, emphasis is on key points and/or principles / identified and highlighted listening / comprehension: (optional -use if a question and answer period, role-play or audience interaction is involved); activelyattended to, and conveyed an understanding of the comments and questions of others listened/read attentively for the messages being conveyed; recalled key points and took them into account in one’s own communicationsAdditional Criteria: (if/when situation / assessment tool requires) gender-neutral language; persuasive; convincing; dealt effectively with unreceptive, hostile, critical, disruptive participants.