dialogue RESEARCH PAPER about ( What is the purpose of a college education? )
you will write a formal, traditional 6-8 page argumentative research paper about education. You MUST use at least three of our unit’s readings AND at least THREE sources found on the CUYAMACA COLLEGE LIBRARY website (see the library research demonstration video on Blackboard), for a minimum of six total sources. Your paper must also include at least one counterargument (argument which opposes your thesis) with a rebuttal.
What is the purpose of a college education?
sources: total 6 sources
1- Deblanco, “3 Reasons College Still Matters”
2-Rotella, “No, it Doesn’t Matter What you Majored in” (467)
3- Malala Yousafzai, “Interview with Jon Stewart”
also, AT LEAST THREE sources found on the CUYAMACA College library website
Final Essay Project Outline: OPTION 2 DIALOGUE ESSAY
**The brief outline here is simply to help you visualize the structure of this paper. Students are encouraged to use the best structure that works for their specific topic. Outlines will vary depending on number of characters and sub-points covered in the paper.**