you will post a response to three other student threads, with at least 200 words in each reply. Two additional sources beyond required weekly sources must be used in each reply and properly cited.
Recruiting is not just the ability to find an individual to fill a job opening and get them on the payroll; there is so much more to the recruiting process. However, there are many challenges in the recruiting process. First, a fundamental issue is money and how much the company is willing to spend; second is organizational policies and its image; third is evaluating those who are conducting the recruiting and how well they interact with the potential candidates, and lastly is the job characteristics and the realistic job preview according to Lussier and Hendon (2019). How will the agency recruit qualified individuals who are willing to work, complete the required tasks, work well with others, and be an asset to the company? All the elements mentioned above come into play for many organizations. If not closely examined, they may either lose out in attracting qualified candidates, violate policy or even federal laws, or hire the wrong candidate who returns negative results or creates turnover.
Langan (2000) reports that 52% of employers surveyed expressed recruitment and retention was their most critical issue facing their organization as many individuals are no longer drawn to a company just based on pay. Lussier and Hendon (2019) discussed this reason and found that money is not always the driving factor for employment with the new generations dominating the workforce. Therefore, organizations need to plan and budget when looking for employees to fill the void—determining how to fill the vacancies, whether internally or externally, or by using headhunters or referrals will aid in budgeting how much to spend. Also, using various media outlets can reduce budget expenses, but this could also reduce qualified candidates. Also, an organization needs to look at the image it is portraying because many of the up and coming individuals want different commitments from their employers, including more family time and various benefits.
One of the most critical challenges in recruiting are the recruiter and the social exchange that takes place during the interview process (Kristoff-Brown, Barrick, & Franke, 2002). Recruiters not only need to find individuals who possess the necessary skills to perform the job requirements, but they need to be able to read people to see if they are indeed a "fit" for the position (Kristoff-Brown, Barrick, & Franke, 2002). The last challenges to discuss are the job characteristics and realistic job preview. Candidates need to know what is expected of them. Many recruits think of the fast car chases with lights and sirens blazing, putting the bad guy in jail, and finding the missing child in policing. However, this is not the reality of the job. Soomro and Yanos (2018) list numerous psychological consequences of police work, including suicide, PTSD, and emotional challenges. Recruiters need to ensure candidates know what to expect and that the job is not glamorous all the time. Psalm 55:22 reads, "Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteousness be removed" (English Standard Version). Certain occupations are more demanding than others. Therefore it takes specific personal characteristics to be able to do the job. Recruiters must employ skills to be able to see these characteristics and not place someone in a position they are not cut out to undertake.
According to Lussier and Hendon (2019), recruiting is the process of establishing a qualified applicant pool to fill a job opening. Emphasis is placed on ‘qualified,’ as a large number of applicants who apply for a job do not meet qualifications posted for the position. To obtain qualified candidates for an open position, a detailed job analysis, including job descriptions and specifications, allow both the job applicant and the organization to determine whether or not an applicant would be a potential match for the job opening. It is essential that organizations effectively spread the word about a job opening. The process of recruiting can take on many forms in the human resources professional should clearly understand the labor market regarding the supply and demand for employees, the current unemployment rate, general factors within the labor force, competitors for potential employees, and the social and legal environment (Lussier & Hendon, 2019).
Significant Challenges in Recruiting Talent
Specific to law enforcement, finding new employees can be a daunting task, especially sworn law enforcement officers. In today’s political climate, significant challenges exist for recruiters who are desperately trying to fill open positions due to attrition and an overall lack of interest in policing. Current factors such as a stable economy, perception of increased danger associated policing, and the current negative image of policing have led to significant shortages of police officers throughout the United States (The force is weak; Recruiting police officers, 2017).
Law enforcement agencies also prefer to recruit a workforce that mirrors the community they serve. Hiring minorities, women, and those individuals from the LGBTQ community have become an emphasis for many police chiefs. According to Prussel and Lonsway (2001), the stereotyping of policing, which often focuses on a military-like environment, detours many women from pursuing a law enforcement career. Agencies are striving to change the perception of policing to be more inclusive of a broader demographic. Human resource managers should focus more on how to recruit by aiming for their style of recruiting. Social media and other hiring websites have assisted in external recruiting. Recruiting will continue to face challenges, especially in government work, until the government becomes more competitive with private industry (Lussier & Hendon, 2019).
The Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:29 (English Standard Version) that a man skillful in his work will stand before kings and not stand before obscure men. And then Titus 2:7-8, we learn that we cannot show ourselves in all respects to be a model of good works unless we display integrity, dignity, and sound speech that is above reproach and does not allow others to speak evil. While recruiting efforts are essential in onboarding new hires to an organization, the reputation of the organization is critically important to ensure new employees want to join the ranks.
Recruiting is a complicated aspect of any industry and takes up a large portion of the revenue, particularly in law enforcement agencies. Lussier and Hendon (2017) point out that the challenges and costs are similar between both the civilian and law enforcement aspect of recruitment costing up to four times the salary for a benefited job. Within law enforcement the cost is typically higher because of the extensive background investigation and testing required to fill a position. From start to finish the average time to hire a law enforcement officer can end up taking as long as six months. Jackson (2006) points out that due to budget restraints it is difficult to hire qualified officers. The competition is so fierce that smaller agencies are suffering from the resources that a larger one works with. McKeever and Kranda (2006) present the factor that causes some agencies to have negative recruitment issues because of a poor self-assessment. They point out that an agency needs to have a healthy work environment with incentives for someone to join the department. Unfortunately, recent times have highlighted the toxic work environments present in law enforcement and the weak command staff structures that turn against those officers in a moment of media attention.
Lussier and Hendon (2017) determined that obtaining qualified candidates takes several steps to be successful. The first is to properly analyze the agencies qualities and shortages to offer prospective employees. Second is to supply a job description that allows a candidate and recruiters to fully assess if the fit would be good for both sides. Lastly, the advertisement for a position must be done in a proper way that reaches out to the right group. Understanding the current climate and trends of the workforce is a very key aspect to finding a successful candidate.
As pointed out by our readings having a quality agency is the best approach and is also important as a Christian society. Hebrews 4:12 of the Holy Bible (English Standard Version) states ,” For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” This tells us that God is active in our world, seeing our every intention. As Christians society must keep a sound house that follows the commandments of God, keeping to an ethical and moral stance.