Discussion prompts
Prompt 1-------- 3 reference
1. Select a research study that discusses the efficacy of a treatment program for opioid use.
2. 150 words You will use this same study for this week’s assignment.
3. 150 words What biases did the researchers identify in the study?
4. 150 words What other biases did you identify? Explain your answers.
5. 150 words What alternative treatment are available for opioid?
6. 150 words What therapeutic communication is used by healthcare provider and nurses for clients in opioid crisis?
Prompt 2 ---------3 reference
1. 150 words What is the intended target population for this treatment in the study you selected?
2. 150 words What is a culturally competent way to implement treatment within this population?
3. 150 words What are the necessary elements for a successful culturally appropriate implementation?
4. 150 words What advice would you provide to first responders such as EMT and police officers when responding to a client in opioid crisis? Provide research and evidence to support your argument.
5. 150 words Does prescribing opioids provide ethical and moral dilemma for physicians? Provide research and evidence to support your argument.
Cite and reference all sources using APA 7th edition format, also include subheading for each sections
Separate Essay section -----4 reference
In a separate 1500 words essay address the response below using the same study from discussion prompt 1
Anytown needs your help to determine what intervention programs are available for opioid users.
There are no programs currently available for the residents, so swift action is necessary. Your supervisor at the Department of Health has asked you to prepare a report on an intervention program. If this report is approved, you may be tasked with a full report to submit to the director.
Use the same study from discussion prompt 1, which discusses the efficacy of a treatment program for opioid use and answer the following questions:
1. What hypothesis was proposed?
2. Did the researchers obtain an answer?
3. What type of intervention was utilized?
4. How were the participants selected?
5. What were the modes of data collection, analysis, and interpretation?
6. Do you think this can work in Anytown? Explain your answer.
Cite and reference all sources using APA 7th edition format, also include subheading for each sections