1. Make sure there are no dupes in file check by phone # if there are mark the one with the least amount of info Duplicate
2. Mark Incomplete if Record does not have one of the following Phone First Name Last Name Address City State Zip
3. If phone number is less than 10 digits Mark Bad Phone #
4. If record does not have the state as CA or TX mark Out of Area
5. If Phone number is in the TNB file IS ON TEST LEAD FILE Mark NQTNB
6. If Phone number is in the Prior File IS ON TEST LEAD FILE Mark NQPRIOR
7. If Age is 1 or 2 Mark NQAGE
8. After steps 1 thru 7 if blank mark Qualified
1. Make sure there are no dupes in file check by phone # if there are mark the one with the least amount of info Duplicate
2. Mark Incomplete if Record does not have one of the following
First Name
Last Name
3. If phone number is less than 10 digits Mark Bad Phone #
4. If record does not have the state as CA or TX mark Out of Area
5. If Phone number is in the TNB file Mark NQTNB
6. If Phone number is in the Prior File Mark NQPRIOR
7. If Age is 1 or 2 Mark NQAGE
8. After steps 1 thru 7 if blank mark Qualified