What Can You Do Right Now?
In general, by eating a balanced diet, we’re getting sufficient
vitamins. If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you may need
a vitamin D supplement, especially in the winter months, due
to the low levels of sunlight. If you are a vegetarian who eats
zero animal-sourced foods, make sure you are taking vitamin
B12 supplements because you’re not getting any vitamin B12 from your diet.
Chapter 07: Vitamins
When you think of vitamins, do you think of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy and
protein foods, or do you think of vitamin supplements? The 2015 Dietary Guidelines recommend
obtaining nutrients through whole foods and beverages, not through supplementation. 2
Vitamins are non-caloric, organic substances that the body can’t synthesize that are
needed in small amounts for the normal growth, maintenance and function of the body. In
general, vitamins serve as coenzymes, allowing certain enzymes to work, and as antioxidants.
Vitamins are often consumed as provitamins, which are inactive, vitamin precursors, then
converted into the active forms as the body needs them. All of the vitamins the healthy body
needs are found in sufficient quantities in whole foods.
Small amounts of vitamins are needed to prevent vitamin-deficiency diseases, and large
amounts of vitamins are not needed for this; again, whole foods provide adequate amounts. Some
vitamins, do, however, have pharmacological effects and are sometimes prescribed by doctors in
large doses. The amounts of each vitamin that 97-98% of healthy people need is termed the
Recommended Daily Allowance, or RDA. The tolerable upper intake level, or UL, is the amount
that most adults can ingest without causing negative health effects. 3
There are 13 vitamins the body needs. 1 These 13 vitamins are grouped into water soluble
and fat soluble vitamins.
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
The fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E and K (ADEK). These vitamins dissolve in
fats and oils, so they require fat in the diet to be optimally absorbed; low-fat diets can lead to
ADEK deficiencies. 14
ADEK must be emulsified and carried by bile in micelles though the
watery environment of the small intestine to be taken in by the cells lining the intestine, so any
pathologies that affect the production and secretion of bile will affect the absorption of ADEK. 12
Hepatitis and other liver diseases, and gall stones that block bile ducts, can reduce the amount of
bile available. Because fiber binds to and removes excess bile from the body, individuals who
consume large amounts of fiber daily over time may be at risk for ADEK deficiencies. Daily use
of mineral oil laxatives, 16
chitin and the artificial fat olestra may lead to ADEK deficiencies as
well. Individuals with Crohn’s disease may also not absorb enough ADEK. 12
Note that cooking
does not remove the fat-soluble vitamins from food. 13
However, because the fat-soluble vitamins
are stored in the liver, and because these vitamins are not excreted in the urine, only small
amounts of these vitamins are needed, and it is not absolutely necessary to ingest them every
day. 13
And, because ADEK are stored in the liver and fat cells, large doses of these vitamins,
which you can only obtain through supplements and by eating liver, can be toxic and lead to
health issues; 13
for most people, supplements of these vitamins are not needed, 13
specific exceptions will be discussed below.
After being absorbed by the cells lining the small intestine, ADEK are transported either
in chylomicrons or by transport proteins that allow them to mix with the watery environment of
lymph and blood.
In general, ADEK are found in high amounts in animal- and plant-sourced foods
containing fats, although some are also found in other foods, particularly dark green, leafy
Vitamin A
In the early 1900s, many researchers were looking into the nutritional requirements of both
humans and mammals used in agriculture. 387
Frederick Hopkins, in 1912, discovered a fat-
soluble “factor” in milk, essential for growth in rats, that was neither a carbohydrate, protein or
fat; for his work, he won the Nobel Prize in 1929. 386
In 1913, Elmer McCollum and Marguerite
Davis at the University of Wisconsin and Thomas Osborne and Lafayette Mendel of Yale
University discovered a fat-soluble accessory factor which was essential for the growth of and
prevent xerophthalmia rats 388
that was termed “fat soluble A” in butter and egg yolks, but not in
lard and olive oil. 385
The “accessory factor” was given the name, “vitamin A” in 1920. 385
By the
way, in their work toward the discovery of vitamin A, McCollum and Davis were the first to use
rats as laboratory animals. 387
Vitamin A is a group of compounds called retinoids, which include retinal, retinol and retinoic
acid, also called “active vitamin A,” and the provitamin carotenoids, chiefly beta-carotene, also
called “inactive vitamin A.” Besides beta-carotene, the other provitamin carotenoids include
alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, a very small number of the over 600 known carotenoids. 7
Active vitamin A is absorbed and converted into retinol inside the cells lining the gut and
incorporated into chylomicrons; carotenoids may either be split into retinol, which are packed
into chylomicrons, 15,34
or introduced into chylomicrons intact. 26
Chylomicrons are then released
into the lymph, carried into the blood, and are taken in by liver cells, resulting in the storage of
retinol and some beta-carotene in the liver; 15,26
80-90% of active vitamin A is stored in the liver. 5
Most individuals have enough retinol in their livers to last for several months. 34
Most of the beta-
carotene is stored in fat tissue. 26
Inside the liver, retinol is attached to retinol binding protein
(RBP). 15
When needed, retinol is released into the blood attached to RBP 15
or prealbumin, 3 and
delivered to where it is needed. Retinol is oxidized to retinal, which can then be converted to
retinoic acid. 5 Beta-carotene is transported through the body in VLDLs and HDLs, but
principally in LDLs. 25
Beta-carotene. The principal function of beta-carotene is as the major, non-toxic precursor for the formation of retinol and the other active forms of vitamin A.
22 It is also thought to be
an antioxidant, so normal dietary amounts may help reduce the risk of heart disease,
cancer 22,23
and other vascular diseases; diets rich in carotenoids are associated with lowered
levels of heart disease, cancers, macular degeneration and cataracts, 6
although beta-carotene
specifically has been shown to have little to no effect on macular degeneration and
cataracts. 22,24
Beta-carotene is a major skin pigment and helps protect the skin against UV
damage causing sunburn. 22
Retinol. The chief function of retinol is to serve as the storage form of active vitamin A for later use by the body. Retinol is stored in the liver in the form of retinyl esters.
Retinal is necessary for vision. It is used in the formation of rhodopsins, the photopigments that absorb light and begin the biochemical process of turning it into nerve signals that are
sent to the brain. Retinal is thus needed for dim-light and color vision, and rapid dark
adaptation. 4
Besides vision, animal studies show that retinal is essential for the production of sperm
and the fertility of the female. 34
Retinoic acid is essential for the growth and development of the embryo,30,33 and the maintenance of normal growth in the child and adult, including that of the bones.
34 It is
responsible for most of the functions of vitamin A, 31
and is up to 1000 times more active than
the other forms of vitamin A. 34
Interestingly, retinoic acid binds to retinoic acid receptors
located on DNA molecules, functioning to turn genes on or off. 29
Retinoic acid is involved in the control of the development and keratinization of cells of
the skin 33
and the epithelial linings of the body including the lungs, digestive and urogenital
tracts, including the production of mucus. 34
Keratin is the tough protein of hair and
fingernails that helps to strengthen and waterproof the skin; a lack of retinoic acid may lead
to dryness and overgrowth of the keratin in the epithelia. 32
Retinoic acid plays a key role in the functioning of white blood cells, including T
lymphocytes, so is essential to the functioning of the immune system. 28
In fat tissue, retinoic acid appears to play a role in the formation of new fat cells, with
higher levels of retinoic acid inhibiting the formation of new fat cells and lower levels
activating the formation of new fat cells. 27
Cancer is characterized by the proliferation of cells at such a rapid rate that they don’t
have time to differentiate into functioning cells. Retinoic acid is used to treat various cancers
and pre-cancerous conditions 36
as it causes cells to differentiate, slows down proliferation, 35
and induces the death of cancerous cells via the process of apoptosis. 36
RDI and UL
Males, 19-70, require 900 mcg RAE and females, 19-70, require 700 mcg RAE of active vitamin
A (retinol) daily, with the UL set at 3000 mcg RAE. 3 (See Table 7.2.) The various sources of
inactive (provitamin) vitamin A such as beta-carotene are not absorbed and converted into
retinol as efficiently as the active forms of vitamin A—700 mcg of beta-carotene does not equal
700 mcg of retinol. For instance, 2 mcg of beta-carotene supplement or 12 mcg of beta-carotene
in foods is equivalent to 1 mcg of retinol. It is for this reason that the amount of vitamin A in
food is given in retinol activity equivalents, RAE, and not in mcg, 4 as indicated below under
“Dietary Sources.”
Table 7.1. IU to mcg RAE conversion. 5
1 IU retinol = 0.3 mcg RAE 1 IU beta-carotene from food = 0.05 mcg RAE
1 IU beta-carotene from supplements = 0.15
mcg RAE
1 IU alpha-carotene or beta-cryptoxanthin =
0.025 mcg RAE
Supplement and some food labels list vitamin A in international units, IUs. In order to
convert from IUs to mcg RAE, the source of the vitamin A must be known. For active vitamin A,
1 IU retinol = 0.3 mcg RAE and for beta-carotene from food, 1 IU = 0.05 mcg RAE. Other
values are given in Table 7.1. So, a 25 year-old male, who requires 900 mcg RAE per day, would
need 3,000 IU of active (animal-sourced) vitamin A per day, or 18,000 IU of beta-carotene from
veggies and fruits (or 6,000 IU from beta-carotene supplements). To solve these problems,
simply divide the mcg RAE by the mcg RAE per 1 IU; the first one is given as an example:
900 mcg RAE x = 3,000 IU
Fortunately, food labels report the amount of vitamin A in one serving of the product in percent
daily value.
Table 7.2. DRI and UL for Vitamin A in mcg RAE/day. 138,139
(Upper limits in parentheses.)
Age Male Female Pregnancy Lactation
0-6 months 400 (600) 400 (600) - -
6-12 months 500 (600) 500 (600) - -
1-3 years 300 (600) 300 (600) - -
4-8 years 400 (900) 400 (900) - -
9-13 years 600 (1,700) 600 (1,700) - -
14-18 years 900 (2,800) 600 (2,800) 750 (2,800) 1,200 (2,800)
19-50 years 900 (3,000) 700 (3,000) 770 (3,000) 1,300 (3,000)
> 50 years 900 (3,000) 700 (3,000) - -
Dietary Sources
Over 70% of our (U.S.) dietary vitamin A comes from animal products, with less than 30% from
carotenoids in fruits and vegetables; the reverse is true in developing countries, which consume
less than 30% of their dietary vitamin A from animal products and over 70% from plant sources. 6
Inactive Vitamin A (Provitamin A)
Beta-carotene is a red-orange pigment found in fruits and vegetables. It is optimally absorbed
1 IU
0.3 mcg RAE
from vegetables by cooking them with a little oil or serving raw veggies that have been finely-
chopped or homogenized with a little oil; 3,7
remember that vitamin A is fat soluble!
Foods that are particularly rich in beta-carotene and the other provitamin A carotenoids
include yellow, orange and green vegetables 4 and orange fruits. Some of the foods richest in
beta-carotene are listed in Table 7.3 below.
Active Vitamin A
Active vitamin A, in the form of retinyl esters, 4 is found in various animal-sourced foods, the
highest amounts being found in liver. Some foods richest in active vitamin A are listed in Table
7.3 below. Recall that the UL is 3000 mcg RAE.
Table 7.3. Representative Foods High in Beta-Carotene. 38
Values given in mcg retinol activity equivalents, RAE
Food RAE Food RAE Sweet potato, boiled, mashed (1cup) 2582 Turnip greens, boiled (1 cup) 549
Carrot juice, canned (1 cup) 2250 Swiss chard, boiled (1 cup) 536
Pumpkin, canned (1 cup) 1906 Peas and carrots, frozen, boiled (1 cup) 762
Squash, winter, butternut, baked (1 cup) 1144 Dandelion greens, boiled (1 cup) 359
Spinach, boiled (1 cup) 943 Cantaloupe, cubes (1 cup) 270
Carrots, raw, grated (1 cup) 918 Peanut butter (1 tbsp) 188
Kale, boiled, chopped (1 cup) 885 Apricots, dried (1/2 cup) 117
Beet greens, boiled (1 cup) 552 Red peppers, sweet, raw, chopped (1/2 cup) 117
Table 7.4. Representative Foods High in Active Vitamin A. 38
Values given in mcg retinol activity equivalents, RAE
Food RAE Food RAE Beef liver, New Zealand, boiled (2 oz) 17862 Eel, raw (3 oz) 887
Beef liver, U.S., braised (2 oz) 5329 Bluefin tuna (3 oz) [most tuna much lower] 557
Chicken liver, pan fried (2 oz) 2436 Pickled herring (3 oz) 219
Liverwurst (0.25 cup) 2250 Milk, 0%, fortified (1 cup, 8 oz) 157
Cod liver oil (1 tsp) 1350 Egg, large, scrambled 98
Braunschweiger, Oscar Mayer (1 slice, 28 g) 1322 Cheddar cheese (1 oz, 1 slice) 74
It is uncommon to see serious vitamin A deficiencies in the United States; 23
however it is one of
the nutrients determined by the 2015 USDA Scientific Report of the Dietary Guidelines
Advisory Committee to be a “shortfall.” 158
Clinical signs of vitamin A deficiency include slow
dark adaptation to night blindness, xerophthalmia, xerosis of the skin and of the lining of the
respiratory, GI and urinary tracts; the immune system may also be depressed. 3
Early symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include night blindness, or the inability of the
eyes to rapidly adjust from bright sunlight to darkness as one would experience in going from
outside into a darkened theater. Other symptoms may include dry skin, dry hair, dryness of the
respiratory passages and digestive tract, conjunctivitis, and frequent infections. 34
which is the leading preventable cause of blindness, 37
is the drying of the cornea caused by
vitamin A deficiency; it occurs late in vitamin A deficiency. 5 Other symptoms of long-term
vitamin A deficiency include iron-deficiency anemia and an increase in the severity of infections,
and an increased risk of dying from them. 5
Groups at risk for vitamin A deficiency include preterm infants, as they have not had time
to build up adequate liver stores of vitamin A; pregnant and nursing women in developing
countries as they often get insufficient vitamin A from active vitamin A sources (animals) or
beta-carotene from plant sources; infants and young children in developing countries as nursing
women are often vitamin A deficient, so their breast milk does not contain enough vitamin A. 5
Individuals with cystic fibrosis, 5 Crohn’s disease and celiac disease are at risk for vitamin A
deficiency as these pathologies inhibit fat absorption, hence affect the absorption of vitamin A,
and the other fat-soluble vitamins as well. 4
Toxicity and Supplementation
Beta-carotene is non-toxic; however, high-dose supplementation (20, 30 and 50 mg/day) has
either shown no effect on lung cancer risk in individuals who did not smoke, 8,11
or has actually
shown a significant increase in lung cancer risk in individuals who smoked. 7 High levels of beta-
carotene supplementation over long periods of time are not recommended, especially for
smokers. 7 Except for this, high doses of beta-carotene and the other provitamin A carotenoids
have not been shown to have negative health effects. 5
Although beta-carotene supplementation does not reduce lung cancer risk, 8
consumption of high levels of total caroteinoids, lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein and
zeaxanthin does. 9,10
In a large, 12-year study, beta-carotene supplementation showed no effect on
heart disease, cancer, or death from all causes. 11
Beta-carotene supplementation has been shown
to help protect the skin from UV damage resulting in sunburn. 22
It was thought that beta-carotene supplementation may reduce the risk of macular
degeneration, a pathology that destroys the part of the eye responsible for focused vision;
however, beta-carotene is not found in the macula lutea of the eye, and supplementation has not
been shown to be effective in improving the condition. 22,24
All of the forms of active vitamin A have been shown to cause birth defects, 34
pregnant women should not take active vitamin A supplements (beta-carotene is okay); further,
since active vitamin A is stored in the liver, the risk of causing birth defects remains for several
months after discontinuing high supplementation levels. 4
Vitamin A supplementation is recommended in individuals who are vitamin A deficient,
children who have measles 4 supplementation over the RDA does not reduce the risk of cancer of
any kind further. 4
High doses of active vitamin A are used by physicians to treat leukemia, 21
pigmentosa, 19,20
which is the major cause of inherited blindness, 4 and skin diseases such as
psoriasis 17
and acne; 18
since these treatments require doses at toxic levels, they are closely
monitored. 4
Vitamin D
Ricketts is a bone disease of children characterized by malformed bones. Cod-liver oil had been
used by coastal folk to cure rickets for centuries, and was first mentioned in the medical
literature for rickets in 1824. 389
The French physician Armand Trousseau wrote in 1861 that rickets and osteomalacia
were caused by a poor diet as well as lack of sun, and that cod-liver oil could cure it. 390,392
1890, Scottish physician Theobald Palm, a medical missionary to Japan and other tropical areas,
noted that British infants had a higher rate of rickets than those who lived in the tropics; he
concluded that sun was needed to prevent rickets and recommended sun exposure to cure
rickets. 391
In 1906, Frederick Hopkins theorized that rickets and scurvy were caused by deficiencies
in “essential dietary factors.” 388
In 1919, the English physician, Edward Mellanby, through
experimentation with puppies, developed four diets that caused rickets, then determined that
rickets could be cured by feeding cod-liver oil, butter or milk; Mellanby further suggested that
there was a factor in the foods that cured rickets. 390
In 1918, working at Johns Hopkins University, Elmer McCollum and colleagues found
that rickets could be induced in rats, and cod-liver oil cured it. At first, vitamin A was considered
as being the factor that cured rickets; however, because oxidized cod-liver oil no longer could be
used to treat skin and eye problems, which vitamin A does, but can still be used to cure rickets, it
was understood that there was a different vitamin at work. The new substance was termed
“vitamin D” simply because it was next in the sequence of vitamins after vitamins A, B and C
had been discovered. 390
Vitamin D is actually a steroid hormone, technically a “prohormone,” produced from cholesterol
by skin that is stimulated by ultraviolet-B radiation. 39
Sunlight of the wavelengths 290-315 nm
(400 nm is deep blue) strike the epidermis and induces the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to
cholecalciferol, otherwise known as vitamin D3. A binding protein transports cholecalciferol to
the liver, where it is turned into calcifidiol (25-hydroxycholecalciferol). Calcifidiol is then
transported in the blood to the kidneys, where it is converted into calcitriol (1,25-
dihydroxycholecalciferol). Calcifidiol is the major circulating form of vitamin D in the blood.
Cholecalciferol and calcifidiol are both biological inactive; the active form is calcitriol. 40
Ergocalciferol, or vitamin D2, is derived from artificially irradiated mushrooms and may
be added to foods as a supplement. Cholecalciferol (D3) can also be manufactured, as can
calcitriol; cholecalciferol is also commonly added to foods as supplements. Ergocalciferol is
efficiently turned into calcitriol by the kidneys, 39
but is not as biologically active as
cholecalciferol 39
and is more toxic. 3
Dietary vitamin D is absorbed with other fats in the small intestine. Thus, as with active
vitamin A, vitamin D requires bile for absorption, and any pathology of the pancreas or liver that
affects the production of bile by the liver or the secretion of fat-digesting enzymes by the
pancreas will interfere with the absorption of dietary vitamin D. Once absorbed, vitamin D is
packaged into and carried by chylomicrons to the liver. 39
Excess vitamin D is stored in fat tissue, but is not available for immediate use from tissue
when needed. It appears that vitamin D stored in fat is liberated only when fat is metabolized. 39
Active vitamin D (calcitriol) stimulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food in
the gut, maintaining adequate blood calcium and phosphorus levels. 41
Blood calcium and
phosphorus levels need to be sufficient to support the formation and maintenance of strong bones
and teeth, thereby preventing rickets in children, and osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults. 41,43
Vitamin D regulates hundreds of genes, possibly as much as 5% of the human genome. 48
It is involved in the control of cell differentiation and proliferation thereby helping with healing
and inhibiting cancer of several types, 39
including prostate, colon and breast cancer. 51
It is
associated with maintaining immune function. 44
It may inhibit the development of autoimmune
diseases, including type 1 diabetes; 50,52
vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased
autoimmunity risk, 44
and vitamin D supplementation is used to treat some autoimmune
diseases. 39
Vitamin D is associated with controlling the development and inflammation of fat
cells. 68
Adequate vitamin D is essential for proper nerve and muscle function. 55
Vitamin D is a powerful anti-inflammation agent, and deficiencies are associated with
increased risk for many chronic diseases. 39
Adequate vitamin D enhances insulin and glucose control, and pancreas function, thus
reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. 43,45
Adequate vitamin D reduces the risk of high blood pressure, markedly reducing the risks
associated with hypertension such as heart disease. 46,47
Vitamin D may help prevent kidney
disease. 43
Vitamin D plays a role in supporting cognition 43
and helps maintain good mental health. 53
It is interesting, however, that many healthy individuals have low serum vitamin D levels,
so low vitamin D levels are probably not the sole cause of many pathologies associated with low
vitamin D levels. 39
RDI and UL
Males and females, 1-70 years of age, require 600 IU (15 mcg) daily, with the UL set at 4000 IU
(100 mcg) for individuals 9 years of age and over; 41
see Table 7.5 below. Adequate vitamin D
intake and synthesis should maintain blood calcifidiol levels of 50 nmol/L, which meets the
needs of 97.5% of individuals; blood levels of 125 nmol/L cause vitamin D toxicity symptoms. 41
International units, or “IU,” are units of biological activity; 40 IU = 1 mcg. 41
IUs (and/or percent of the RDI of vitamin D) are used on food and supplement labels.
Dietary Sources
About 5-15 minutes of direct, bright-sun exposure to the arms, legs or face, at least 3 times per
week may provide enough UVB for adequate vitamin D synthesis. 3 However, the American
Academy of Dermatology does not recommend that we get increased exposure to the sun as this
Table 7.5. DRI and UL for Vitamin D in mcg/day. 138,139
(Upper limits in parentheses.)
Age Male Female Pregnancy Lactation
0-6 months 10 (25) 10 (25) - -
6-12 months 10 (38) 10 (38) - -
1-3 years 15 (63) 15 (63) - -
4-8 years 15 (75) 15 (75) - -
9-50 years 15 (100) 15 (100) 15 (100) 15 (100)
51-70 years 15 (100) 15 (100) - -
> 70 years 20 (100) 20 (100) - -
Multiple mcg given by 40 to obtain IUs; 15 mcg = 600 IU, 100 mcg = 4,000 IUs.
increases the risk of skin cancer and no amount of UVB is safe; rather, they recommend that we
obtain vitamin D through diet and supplementation. 56
It is recommended that foods rich in
vitamin D be consumed, and individuals who are at risk for vitamin D deficiency (most people)
should take supplements (see above).
Foods that are particularly rich in vitamin D are listed in Table 7.6. Generally, fatty fish,
mushrooms, especially those grown in sunlight, and fortified dairy are highest in vitamin D.
Table 7.6. Representative Foods High in Vitamin D. 38
Values given in international units (IU), with 40 IU = 1 mcg.
Food IU Food IU Greenland halibut (3 oz) 932 Pacific halibut (3 oz) 388
Carp (3 oz) 840 Coho salmon (3 oz) 383
Eel (3 oz) 792 Tuna, light, canned in oil (3 oz) 229
Maitake mushrooms (1 cup, diced) 786 Tuna, light, canned in water (3 oz) 40
Sockeye salmon, canned (3 oz) 730 Atlantic sardines, canned (1 can) 178
Portabella mushrooms, UV exposed (1 cup) 634 Morel mushrooms (1 cup) 136
Rainbow trout (3 oz) 540 Milk, whole, 3.25% milkfat (1 cup, 8 oz) 124
Cod liver oil (1 tsp) 450 Milk, nonfat (1 cup, 8 oz) 115
Whitefish, smoked (3 oz) 435 Soymilk, plain (1 cup, 8 oz) 119
Channel catfish (3 oz) 425 Orange juice, fortified with D (1 cup, 8 oz) 100
Pork loin, rib in (1 rib) 407 Egg (1 large) 41
Over 1 billion people are vitamin D deficient globally, 63
with 77% of the U.S. adult population
being deficient. 67
The 2015 USDA Scientific Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory
Committee determined that overall Vitamin D intake was insufficient, and was a “public health
concern.” 158
Rates in vitamin D deficiency have been growing as individuals minimize their
exposure to sun due to skin cancer concerns. 67
Adequate sunlight is essential for the photosynthesis of sufficient vitamin D. Light-
skinned individuals may need as little as 5 minutes per day of bright sunlight, 41
whereas dark-
skinned individuals may require more than two hours. 42
This suggests that dark-skinned
individuals are at the highest risk for vitamin D deficiency (see below). In higher latitudes, such
as Seattle, Washington, where there is less sun, dietary supplements are recommended. 42
The use
of sunscreens, which are recommended to lower the risk of skin cancer, markedly decrease
natural vitamin D production by 99% and lead to deficiency. 56,67
One theory explaining the higher risk of heart disease, cancers, hypertension, multiple
sclerosis, type 1 and 2 diabetes, obesity, kidney and other diseases in countries at higher latitudes
compared to those closer to the equator is the lower amount of sunshine, producing vitamin D
deficiency, observed in people living at higher latitudes. 51
People who live at higher latitudes
have a higher risk of dying of colon, prostate and breast cancer, probably due to reduced UVB
exposure. 51
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to increased risk of heart disease, 51
arterial disease, 61
prostate, 51
colorectal, 57
breast, 58
ovarian 69
and esophageal 69
cancer, multiple
sclerosis, 59
rheumatoid arthritis, 69
type 1 diabetes 52
and other autoimmune diseases, 44
type 2
diabetes, 60
hypertension, 60
acute respiratory infections including influenza, 64,65
obesity, 68
cognitive decline 43
and depression. 53
As indicated above, vitamin D deficiency commonly causes
rickets in children, and osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults. 41,43
Dark-skinned children,
especially those exclusively breast-fed, are at the highest risk for rickets. 62
Supplementation may
help reduce the risk of all of these pathologies.
Groups that are at a higher risk for vitamin D deficiency include the following:
Breastfed Infants. Infants that are given only breast milk, especially those with darker skin, are at high risk. Breast milk, though the most nutritious food that can be given to baby,
contains insufficient vitamin D. Vitamin D supplement drops should be given to breast-fed
infants. 62
Breast milk contains about 7 IU vitamin D per cup (8 oz). 38
Dark-Skinned People. Individuals with darker skin contain higher amounts of melanin in the epidermis. Melanin blocks UVB, hence reduce its ability to stimulate the photosynthesis of
vitamin D. 66
Some 97% of U.S. blacks and 90% of Mexican-Americans are vitamin D
deficient. 67
Limited Exposure to Sun. Many people reduce their exposure to the sun to reduce the risk of skin cancer. In this case, they must obtain their vitamin D from diet and supplements. People
who live at higher latitudes are also at a higher risk for vitamin D deficiencies than those who
live closer to the equator.
Obesity. As indicated above, vitamin D is stored in fat tissue. Overweight and obese individuals tend to have lower vitamin D levels in the blood as more of their vitamin D is
removed from the blood than in thinner individuals. 66
Older Adults. Reduced kidney function and the reduced ability of the skin to synthesize cholecalciferol is common with older age, thus reducing naturally-produced vitamin D.
Gastric Bypass Patients. Individuals who have had part of their small intestine removed absorb less vitamin D (and other vitamins) from ingested food.
Kidney Disease. Kidney disease may result in a marked decrease in calcitriol production, with subsequent vitamin A deficiency symptoms.
Chronic Antacid Use. Overuse of antacids can reduce blood concentrations of vitamin D.16
Toxicity and Supplementation
Toxic amounts of vitamin D can only be obtained through supplementation and not through
whole foods or sun exposure. 39
Since a significant number of people are deficient vitamin D,
supplementation to recommended levels is suggested for most people. 56
Particularly during the
winter at higher latitudes, research suggests vitamin D intake be increased to 1000 IU or more. 67
Calcium supplements are often recommended to be taken with vitamin D (see Chapter 8).
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) may be less toxic than the fungus-sourced D2
(ergocalciferol), 39
and has higher biological activity, so is the supplement form preferred. 3
The main benefit to vitamin D supplementation is to restore optimal levels to the blood.
Since most Americans are deficient, vitamin D supplementation can reduce the risk of
developing the pathologies discussed above under deficiencies. In brief, supplementation may
reduce the risk of heart and other vascular diseases, reduce the risk of cancers, help increase
glycemic control both type 1 50
and type 2 diabetes, reduce the risk of developing autoimmune
disease, reduce inflammation, reduce asthma, help with weight loss and maintenance, help
improve thinking, and help treat depression, although results have been varied. 54
Of course, it is
well established that vitamin D supplementation helps with the development and maintenance of
bones and teeth, and reduces the risk of rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
It is easy to obtain toxic amounts of vitamin D from supplementation. General symptoms
of vitamin D toxicity include increased urination, anorexia and weight loss, and heart
arrhythmias. 41
A major result of excess vitamin D is hypercalcemia, very high levels of calcium
in the blood. Hypercalcemia may cause abnormal heart rhythms, heart damage and increased risk
of heart disease; 39
increased risk of lung and breast cancer; 41
digestive system disorders such as
nausea, abdominal pain, ulcers, and constipation; urinary system disorders such as increased
urination, kidney stones, kidney damage 39
and kidney failure; calcification of soft tissues; 41
conditions such as confusion, memory loss, dementia and depression; hyperthyroidism; skeletal
system problems like aches and pains in the bones, increased risk of fractures and spinal
curvature. 70
Vitamin E
In 1922, Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop at the University of California at Berkeley,
discovered that rats fed a diet of lard, they would grow, but pregnant rats would lose their pups.
When the rats’ diet was supplemented with lettuce or wheat germ, pregnant rats would give birth
to healthy pups. Oil-extract of lettuce instead of whole lettuce or wheat-germ extract would also
allow healthy rats to be born. Evans and Bishop decided to call the substance, “vitamin E” in
1925. However, in 1924, Bennett Sure at the University of Arkansas discovered a fat-soluble
factor that, when missing, would render rats sterile; he called this factor, which turned out to be
the same chemical, “vitamin E,” about one year earlier than Evans and Bishop. 393
“Vitamin E” is the collective term for eight related antioxidants: alpha-, beta-, gamma- and
delta-tocopherol and alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-tocotrienols. 73
These forms of vitamin E
are absorbed and carried to the liver by chylomicrons 15,75
where all of them, except alpha-
tocopherol, are oxidized (destroyed), the components of which are excreted into the bile, released
into the small intestine, and voided with the feces. 74,75,77
Because of this, vitamin E does not
bioaccumulate to toxic levels in the liver, 77
which makes it unique among the fat-soluble
vitamins. 75
Thus, alpha-tocopherol is the only form used by the human body. 71,77
Alpha-tocopherol binds to alpha-tocophopherol transfer protein (-TTP) in the liver, 15,77
which carries it into VLDLs. 76
VLDLs, then LDLs and HDLs carry alpha-tocopherol to the
tissues. 15,75
The reason the body uses only alpha-tocopherol is -TTP only recognizes alpha-
tocopherol among the eight types of vitamin E. 15
Alpha-tocopherol serves as a powerful antioxidant. Free radicals are formed by mitochondria
during normal cell metabolism, especially when cells are active, as during athletic activities; 75
they’re also formed by the smoking of tobacco, 79
fried foods, ultraviolet radiation, pesticides and
from other environmental pollutants. 71,73,78
Free radicals are chemical species that contain an odd
number of electrons. Free radicals remove electrons from the fatty acids of cell membranes and
from the fatty acids and cholesterol of LDL, oxidizing them, contributing to the narrowing and
blockage of arterioles, thus increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. 73
Free radicals also
remove electrons from proteins and DNA, increasing the risk of cancers. 71
blocks oxidation reactions by being oxidized itself, by giving an electron to the free radical, 78
thus protecting the structure of cell membranes and reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, 73
cancers, 71
and conditions related to aging. 82
Once alpha-tocopherol has been oxidized, vitamin C
can be used to recharge it. 79
Besides its role as an antioxidant, alpha-tocopherol helps to support the immune
system. 71
Alpha-tocopherol inhibits the various types of protein kinase C (PKC). 73
PKC promotes
the proliferation and migration of cancer cells, the development of new blood vessels to feed
tumors, and the resistance of anticancer drugs. 81
Cancers of the head and neck, thyroid, breast,
lungs, kidneys, bladder, stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, pancreas, ovaries and prostate are
related to the action of PKC, as are leukemia and melanoma. 81
The inhibition of PKC reduces the
risk of developing these cancers; 81
further, PKC inhibition suppresses platelet aggregation inside
blood vessels, further reducing risk for heart disease and other vascular diseases such as stroke. 80
Alpha-tocopherol reduces the ability of monocytes and other blood components from
sticking to the walls of arterioles, thus inhibiting the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. 75
Alpha-tocopherol inhibits inflammation by inhibiting the release of certain components of
inflammation reactions, 75
and promotes the dilation of blood vessels, again reducing the risk of
vascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke. 71
RDI and UL
Males and females, 14 years of age and over, require 15 mg (22.4 IU) of alpha-tocopherol daily,
with the UL set for all individuals, 14-18, at 800 mg (1,200 IU) and at 1,000 mg (1,500 IU) for
individuals 19 years of age and over; 71
see Table 7.7 below. International units, or “IU,” are units
of biological activity; 1 mg of natural d-alpha-tocopherol = 1.49 IU and 1 mg of synthetic alpha-
tocopherol = 2.22 IU. 71
So, for instance, a 400 IU vitamin E supplement of natural d-alpha-
tocopherol contains 268 mg of vitamin E, 12 times the recommended amount, but far below the
established ULs. But read further below for comments about the UL and the evidence suggesting
it be lowered considerably.
IUs (and/or percent of the RDI of vitamin E) are used on food and supplement labels.
Table 7.7. DRI and UL for Vitamin E (natural alpha-tocopherol) in mg/day. 138,139
(Upper limits in parentheses.)
Age Male Female Pregnancy Lactation
0-6 months 4 (ND) 4 (ND) - -
6-12 months 5 (ND) 5 (ND) - -
1-3 years 6 (200) 6 (200) - -
4-8 years 7 (300) 7 (300) - -
9-13 years 11 (600) 11 (600) - -
14-18 years 15 (800) 15 (800) 19 (800) 19 (800)
19-50 years 15 (1,000) 15 (1,000) 19 (1,000) 19 (1,000)
> 51 years 15 (1,000) 15 (1,000) - -
Multiply mg given by 1.49 to obtain IUs. ND = not determined.
Dietary Sources
The main dietary sources of d-alpha-tocopherol are nuts and seeds, seafoods, fortified cereals
and many fruits and vegetables; a perusal of Table 7.8 shows that vitamin E is found in a wide
variety of whole foods. Note that dairy, unless fortified, meats and poultry are comparatively low
in vitamin E. Since the DRI for vitamin E is only 15 mg daily, it is clear that whole foods can
easily supply all the vitamin E most healthy people need to remain healthy.
Table 7.8. Representative Foods High in Vitamin E. 38
Values given for natural d-alpha-tocopherol.
Food mg Food mg Wheat bran flakes cereal, Ralston (3/4 cup) 23.33 Apricots, dried (1/2 cup) 2.81
Granola, homemade (1 cup) 13.55 Kiwi, sliced (1 cup) 2.62
Ovaltine beverage (1 cup) 9.57 Canola oil (1 tbsp) 2.44
Kellogg’s Rice Krispies (1.25 cup) 8.79 Broccoli, cooked (1 cup) 2.26
Conch, baked or broiled (1 cup, sliced) 8.04 Olive oil (1 tbsp) 1.94
Bagel, 4” diameter 7.83 Sardines, canned in oil (1 can, 3.75 oz) 1.88
Sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted (1 oz) 7.40 Sardines, canned in oil (1 can, 3.75 oz) 1.88
Almonds, dry roasted (1 oz) 6.78 Rye flour, dark (1/2 cup) 1.75
Soymilk (1 cup, 8 oz) 6.12 Brazilnuts (1 oz) 1.60
Hazelnuts or filberts (1 oz) 4.26 Mango, sliced (1 cup) 1.48
Tomato sauce (1 cup) 3.52 Peanuts, dry roasted (1 oz) 1.40
Abalone (3 oz) 3.40 Avocado, California (1/2) 1.34
Eel (3 oz) 3.40 Quinoa, cooked (1 cup) 1.17
Swiss chard, cooked (1 cup) 3.30 Salmon, coho, smoked (3 oz) 1.15
Sweet potato, cooked (1 cup) 3.08 Tomato, raw (1 medium) 0.66
Cranberry juice, unsweetened (1 cup, 8 oz) 3.04 Egg, large 0.52
Peanut butter (2 tbsp) 2.91 Post Shredded Wheat, spoon size (1 cup) 0.32
Although adequate amounts of vitamin E are easy to obtain from a balanced, whole-food diet,
over 90% of American adults do not obtain 15 mg/day of vitamin E; in fact, the average intake is
6.9 mg/day. 99
The 2015 USDA Scientific Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
determined that overall, Vitamin E was a “shortfall nutrient.” 158
Even so, symptomatic vitamin E
deficiency is rare and not seen in healthy individuals. 71,73
Vitamin E deficiency may be caused by individuals on a low-fat diet, or those with
pathologies that inhibit the absorption of fats such as cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease or liver
disease. 71,73
Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency include neurological problems such as damage to
the retina (retinopathy) and sensory nerves (neuropathy), balance and coordination impairment
and muscle weakness (myopathy). 73
Inhibition of the immune system with increased risk of
infections is also a symptom of vitamin E deficiency. 71
Toxicity and Supplementation
Over 1/3 of American adults take multiple vitamins daily containing 400 IU of vitamin E, 94,96
and many take an additional 400 IU, yet supplements have virtually no effect on any pathology,
except to correct nutritional deficiencies; 94
further, as indicated below, studies suggest
supplementation decreases overall health.
Studies suggest that daily vitamin E supplementation of 400 IU increases the risk of
developing prostate cancer by 17%. 72
This makes sense because alpha-tocopherol inhibits the
mechanism that vitamin K uses to cause apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells, so by blocking the
cancer-killing action of vitamin K, vitamin E supplements increase cancer risk. 134
alpha-tocopheryl succinate, a form of vitamin E, has been shown to be a powerful anti-cancer
agent, more powerful than alpha-tocopheryl acetate or nicotinate. 137
Multiple large studies show that vitamin E supplements do not reduce the risk of heart
disease, 86
do not increase recovery from heart disease, and do, in fact, increase the risk of heart
failure. 83
The American Heart Association does not recommend taking vitamin E supplements 85
or any antioxidant supplements to prevent heart disease, but does recommend a balanced, whole-
food eating plan with physical activity to reduce the risk of heart disease. 84
Vitamin E supplements of 400 IU every other day have been shown to increase the risk of
hemorrhagic stroke, 86
with daily supplements of 150 IU and above increasing the risk of death
slightly but significantly. 94
Because supplement amounts of vitamin E inhibit the blood clotting
effects of vitamin K, 154
individuals who are taking other blood clotting agents such as vitamin D,
fish oil, aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin) 71
and other blood-thinning agents, should review what they
are taking with their doctor.
Studies suggest that vitamin E supplements do not benefit macular degeneration 87,88
cataracts. 89
Regarding diseases of the brain, studies have shown that vitamin E supplementation has
no effect on improving Alzheimer’s disease 92
or on improving mild cognitive impairment. 91
Recent research (2014), however, shows that high doses of vitamin E (2000 IU) reduce the
progression of functional decline in Alzheimer’s disease by 19% per year, but not cognitive
decline. 90
Regarding Parkinson’s disease, diets rich in vitamin E from whole foods decrease the
risk of developing Parkinson’s; 94
vitamin E supplements do not benefit individuals who already
have Parkinson’s. 95
Regarding amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), vitamin E supplementation
does lower the risk of developing ALS, 97
but does not benefit patients who already have ALS. 98
More research is needed.
Vitamin K
In 1929, Danish researcher Henrik Dam, while working on sterol chemistry, noted that chickens
fed a diet that did not contain foods containing cholesterol would develop symptoms including
hemorrhaging. 394
Feeding purified cholesterol to the chickens would not cure the condition; thus
he theorized that the lack of another factor was causing hemorrhaging. 394
The same symptom
was noted by other researchers in chickens fed diets that did not include greens, and could be
prevented with extracts of alfalfa meal. 394
Dam’s research group continued to work on this
substance, and published conclusive evidence that it was a new vitamin, which he named
“vitamin K,” just before an American group working out of the University of California at
Berkeley published their results. 394
In 1943, Henrik Dam and Edward Doisy were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work in
the discovery of vitamin K and determining its function. 395
Characterization and Function
Vitamin K is a group of structurally-similar compounds including vitamin K1, also called
phylloquinone, and vitamin K2, a group designation for the menaquinones, with several
subtypes. 102,107
Phylloquinone (K1) is found in green plants where it is associated with beta-
carotene and chlorophyll, participating in the process of photosynthesis; thus, it is particularly
rich is leafy green plants. 103
Phylloquinone (K1) is converted into K2 subtype MK-4 by the walls
of arteries, the pancreas and testes. 105
The MK-4 type of vitamin K2 is the most common form of
vitamin K in animals, including humans. 100
Vitamin K1 can also be converted into MK-4 or other
forms such as MK-7 to MK-11 by bacteria in the colon; 105,106
only gut bacteria can produce MK-
7 to MK-11. 105
Most of the vitamin K2 is synthesized by gut bacteria, but some is ingested from
fermented foods and animal-sourced foods. 101
Vitamin K3, menadione, is an artificially-
synthesized provitamin form of vitamin K that is commonly used for livestock. 107
Note that diets rich in soluble, fermentable fiber sources such as whole grains and
legumes, support beneficial gut bacteria that synthesize vitamin K, especially Bacteroides
fragilis and B. vulgatus, whereas very-low fiber diets do not and are associated with severe
vitamin K deficiency. 113
Evidence suggests that some of this K2 is absorbed as the unique forms
of vitamin K2, MKs 10-13, produced by these bacteria, have also been found in the liver so must
have been absorbed. 127
There is further evidence that the site of absorption of bacteria-produced
K2 is the end of the small intestine, which does harbor vitamin K-producing bacteria. 105
Since it is a fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin K is absorbed in the intestine in the same way
vitamins A, D and E are absorbed. Micelles must be formed in the aqueous environment of the
intestine with the assistance of bile, dietary fat needs to be present, and absorption occurs
through the cells lining the small intestine and colon. Absorption efficiency of vitamin K is in the
range of 40-70%. 107
There is evidence that phylloquinone (K1) is absorbed by ATP-powered active transport,
whereas K2 is absorbed by passive diffusion in the distal part of the small intestine and from the
colon, which allows for the absorption of bacteria-synthesized K2 (MK-4). 107
In the cells lining
the gut, vitamin K is packaged into chylomicrons, 107
which are released into the lymphatic
system. From the lymphatic system they enter the circulatory system and end up in the liver. In
the liver, vitamin K is either used to synthesize four of the 13 proteins essential for blood
clotting, 106
or is packaged into VLDLs for release into the blood and transportation to the
tissues, 107
where K1 and K3 are converted into K2. 108
The liver does not store vitamin K and the
half-life is about 17 hours. 107
Vitamin K2 concentrates somewhat in the brain, kidneys and
pancreas, but is found and used by many tissues such as the heart and bone. 100,107,108
Compared to the other fat-soluble vitamins, little vitamin K is stored in the body. 100
It is
quickly metablized. Some 20% of phylloquinone (K1) is excreted into the urine, with about 40-
50% dissolved in bile and released into the feces. 100
Only about 30-40% of dietary vitamin K is
kept. 100
Vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting and bone mineralization; in fact, the “K” in
vitamin K comes from the Danish word for clotting, Koagulation. 101
As stated above, four of the
13 plasma proteins that are involved in the biochemical process of blood clotting are produced
by vitamin K. 106
Vitamin K also promotes the aggregation of blood platelets by activating a
protein called Gas6 (growth arrest-specific gene 6 protein). 119
Protein S, also activated by
vitamin K, reduces coagulation. 101
Vitamin K is needed for the regulation of bone formation. Osteocalcin is one of the
proteins needed for formation of bones. Although active vitamin D (calcitriol) stimulates the
synthesis of osteocalcin by osteoblasts, which are the cells in bone tissue that form bone, a
compound formed by vitamin K2 is needed to bind calcium onto osteocalcin to form bone
crystals. 116
The matrix gla protein (MGP) works opposite osteocalcin by inhibiting bone
formation in various soft tissues such as cartilage, skin, blood vessel walls, heart, kidneys and
other sites, including bone itself. MGP is activated by vitamin K2. 100, 117
Vitamin K thus inhibits
soft tissue ossification. 118
In the heart, insufficient vitamin K does not activate enough MGP to
inhibit the calcification of the heart, increasing the risk of heart disease; thus, vitamin K inhibits
heart disease. 100
As a side note, vitamin K-antagonists are used to reduce internal clots in blood
vessels; because they also decrease the activity of MGP, they increase atherosclerotic
calcification in coronary arteries thereby contributing to heart disease. 129
The vitamin K-activated protein S, mentioned above, stimulates the breakdown of
bone, 101
thus provides another mechanism by which vitamin K helps to regulate bone formation.
Cell growth and communication between cells is regulated, in part, by vitamin K’s
activation of the Gas6 gene. As a response to injury, it promotes conditions associated with
tissue repair such as atherosclerosis 101,121
and inflammation; 125
it is also associated with the
promotion of the growth of cancer cells. 101
The overall effect of dietary menaquinone (K2),
though, is to reduce atherosclerosis 130
and inhibit the growth of cancer cells; 107
(K1) reduces inflammation, 123
as does vitamin K2 (MK-7). 150
Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) plays a role in the control of blood glucose and insulin. 123
RDI and UL
Males, 19 years of age and over, require 120 mcg of vitamin K daily and females, 19 years of
age and over, require 90 mcg of vitamin K daily. 100,138
There is no upper limit (UL) set for
vitamin K; 100,139
see Table 7.9 below.
Table 7.9. DRI and UL for Vitamin K in mcg/day. 138,139
(No upper limits have been determined for vitamin K.)
Age Male Female Pregnancy Lactation
0-6 months 2.0 2.0 - -
6-12 months 2.5 2.5 - -
1-3 years 30 30 - -
4-8 years 55 55 - -
9-13 years 60 60 - -
14-18 years 75 75 75 75
19-50 years 120 90 90 90
> 50 years 120 90 - -
Dietary Sources
It has been estimated that as much as half of the intake of vitamin K in the human diet comes
from bacterial synthesis in the gut, 109
but this value is probably significantly lower, around 10%,
due to the lack of bile in the colon needed for absorption and the fact that bacterial K2 is
complexed inside bacteria and is not freely available for absorption. 126,148
There is very good
evidence, though, that some bacteria-produced vitamin K2 is absorbed in the end of the small
intestine, 105
and that bacteria-produced vitamin K is significant as individuals on broad-spectrum
antibiotic therapy, including cephalosporins, 143,144
exhibit vitamin K deficiency
symptoms, 141,142,146
and have significantly lower amounts of K2 in the liver than individuals who
are not on antibiotic therapy. 140
Vitamin K1 is obtained from foods high in chlorophyll such as leafy green vegetables; 100
fruits and grains are not a good source, 107
although they are certainly a healthy source for other
nutrients. Vitamin K2 is found in some fermented foods 100,148
and in modest amounts in some
animal-sourced foods (see Table 7.11); note that the highest source of dietary vitamin K2 is natto,
which is fermented soybean curd.
Cooking does not significantly reduce the amount of vitamin K in foods. 126
There is commercial interest in using more bacteria that produce the various forms of
vitamin K2 to produce fermented dairy products such as cheeses to increase the amount of
menaquinones in the American diet. 148