1. Use the following guidelines to critique the research article provided. There is a distinct difference between critiquing and reporting. Make sure you critique and provide the analysis of “why” in your support. Refer to Chapter 18 for specific critiquing questions. Guidelines adapted from: Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St Louis, MO: Elsevier, Inc.
2. Prepare your paper using APA format 6th edition.
3. abstract is required.
4. Page length should be no more than 4 pages, excluding title and reference pages.
TITLE (3 points)
Does the title represent the focus of the study?
Abstract (3 points)
Does the abstract summarize the purpose of the study, qualitative approach, sample and key findings?
Research Problem (5 Points)
What is the phenomenon of interest? Is it explicit? Significance to the researcher noted? To nursing?
Purpose and Research Questions (5 points)
Clearly stated? Logical approach to addressing the research problem of the study? Addresses population as connected to identified problem?
Are there explicit questions? Are they consistent with the framework, problem, and purpose? Is a qualitative method appropriate to answer the research questions?
Literature Review (4 points)
References current? Reviews previous studies and theories? Critically appraises and synthesizes the studies? Summarizes what is known and not known?
Philosophical Foundation/Theoretical Perspective (5 points)
Philosophical theory and perspective described? Primary source cited for the philosophical foundation/theory? Broad philosophy used? If so was a specific philosopher identified?
Research Design (5 points)
Is the design appropriate based on the qualitative method chosen? What is that stated or implied research approach? Describe the qualitative research perspective and state if the researcher was true to the design? Is the research question asked, appropriate for the methodology? (Gray, Grove & Sutherland, 2017, Chapter 4 may be helpful in reviewing different qualitative research methodologies).
Sample and Setting (5 points)
What sampling method was used? Is it appropriate for the type of study?
Was the sample described? How were participants selected and recruited? What was the site(s) for participant selection? Was the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participant selection described? Was the sample size sufficient and how was it determined? Was data saturation described? What was the role of the researcher in the sampling process?
Data Collection (20 points)
What was the data collection process? Discuss the period of time for the interviews and data collection period? Describe the data collection process (individual interviews or focus groups)? Was the research study conducted in a consistent manner or if changes were made were they described?
Was protection of human subjects addressed? Did an Institutional Review Board approve the study by approving the research process, protection of human subjects and outcome? Did the researcher provide information on potential risk and benefits?
Ethical: Where there any adverse events and were they managed well? Did the researcher acknowledge potential participant vulnerability and or sensitivity? What type the thematic analysis process for coding data based on the design methodology?
Data Analysis and Methodological Congruence (20 points)
Discuss rigor and threats to the qualitative process (Make sure to address all aspects of rigor evaluation)? Did the researcher maintain ethical rigor? Discuss ethical implications related to the study? Was there a decision trail or auditability?
Analytical Preciseness
What type the thematic analysis process for coding data based on the design methodology? Are the study themes logical and correspond with findings? Was there member checking (expert in field) applied to the study?
Theoretical Connectedness
Are the themes and concepts clearly described, logical, interconnected and reflective of the study population? Are the concepts and themes congruent with the phenomena?
Heuristic Relevance
Can the reader recognize the phenomenon described in the study and its theoretical significance?
Interpretation and Implications for Future Research (6 points)
Was a theory produced? Were findings linked to the framework? Were implications for nursing practice, education, theory development, research or nursing science addressed? Were suggestions made for future research?
Summarize strengths and weaknesses of the study
Explain how the study contributes to nursing knowledge
Graduate level writing should be concise, clear, and organized. Content should flow from paragraph to paragraph using proper transitions. Correct use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation will assist in this process. All graduate papers must be written using the APA 6th edition. Please refer to the APA Manual 6th edition when completing this assignment.