Reserved Words Reserved words are also called keywords. You may not redefine any of these reserved words. Their meanings are determined by the Java language and cannot be changed. In particular, you cannot use any of these reserved words for variable names, method names, or class names.
abstract false package void
assert final private volatile
finally protected
boolean float public while
break for
byte return
case short
catch if static
char implements strictfp
class import super
const instanceof switch
continue int synchronized
default this
do long throw
double throws
native transient
else new true
enum null try
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Operator Precedence In the following list, operators on the same line are of equal precedence. As you move down the list, each line is of lower precedence. When the order of operations is not dictated by parenthe- ses, the operator of higher precedence executes before an operator of lower precedence. When operators have equal precedence, binary operators execute in left-to-right order, and unary oper- ators execute in right-to-left order.