Important Points
Need 6-7 slides by using following details with minimum number of words (500-600 words)
Kindly I want a persuasive presentation about “Is meat bad for health? Ans No.”
It’s supposed to be 6-7 min presentation
It has to have:
- Introduction:
-Outline or overview
In which include Points will be included in presentation
-Conclusion: some world to conclude and sayingabout (according to) Quotation something like that and my opinion on it as it has to be a quote.
Reference APA style:
At least 2-3 book reference and 3-4 Web site references also
Minimum: 5-7 references
1- How reference should be at the end
2- Image ref should also be in text and at the end of presentation. This means I text her mage ref has to be (photographer name, year) and if it’s from book with page number... also provided in ref how to do end text citation for image