1SLIDE IMARPOL, ANNEX VIPREVENTION OF AIR POLLUTION FROM SHIPSCONTENTProtocol of 1997 to amend MARPOL 73/78Annex: Annex VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as amended by the Protocol of 1978 relating theretoChapter I –GeneralChapter II –Survey, certificate and means of controlChapter III –Requirements for control of emissions from shipsAppendix I –Form of IAPP CertificateAppendix II –Test cycles and weighing factorsAppendix III –Criteria and procedures for designation of SOx emission areasAppendix IV –Type approval and operating limits for shipboard incineratorsAppendix V –Information to be included in the bunker delivery noteResolutions of the 1997 MARPOL ConferenceResolution 1 –Review of the 1997 ProtocolResolution 2 –Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxidesfrom Marine Diesel EnginesResolution 3 –Review of nitrogen oxides emission limitationsResolution 4 –Monitoring the world-wide average sulphur content of residual fuel oil supplied for use onboard shipsResolution 5 –Considerations of measures to address sulphur deposition in north-west EuropeResolution 6 –Introduction of the harmonized system of survey and certification in Annex VIResolution 7 –Restriction on the use o perfluocarbons on board shipsResolution 8 –CO2emission from ships
2SLIDE 2MARPOL, ANNEX VIPREVENTION OF AIR POLLUTION FROM SHIPSAnnex VI is intended to address the following topics:Ozone depleting substances (reg.VI/12),Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from diesel engines (reg. VI/13),Sulphur dioxide (SOx) emissions from ships (reg.VI/14),Volatile organic compound (VOCs) emissions from cargo tanks of oil tankers,(reg.VI/15)Shipboard incineration of waste (reg.VI/16),Fuel oil quality (reg.VI/18).