Eighth Edition
To Madison, Isla, and Sullivan
Theory and Practice
Eighth Edition
Peter G. Northouse Western Michigan University
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Northouse, Peter Guy, author.
Title: Leadership : theory and practice / Peter G. Northouse, Western Michigan University.
Description: Eighth Edition. | Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications, [2018] | Revised edition of the author’s Leadership, 2015. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017049134 | ISBN 9781506362311 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Leadership. | Leadership—Case studies.
Classification: LCC HM1261 .N67 2018 | DDC 303.3/4—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017049134
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Brief Contents
1. Preface 2. Acknowledgments 3. About the Author 4. About the Contributors 5. 1. Introduction 6. 2. Trait Approach 7. 3. Skills Approach 8. 4. Behavioral Approach 9. 5. Situational Approach
10. 6. Path–Goal Theory 11. 7. Leader–Member Exchange Theory 12. 8. Transformational Leadership 13. 9. Authentic Leadership 14. 10. Servant Leadership 15. 11. Adaptive Leadership 16. 12. Followership 17. 13. Leadership Ethics 18. 14. Team Leadership 19. 15. Gender and Leadership 20. 16. Culture and Leadership 21. Author Index 22. Subject Index
Detailed Contents
Preface Acknowledgments About the Author About the Contributors 1. Introduction
Leadership Defined Ways of Conceptualizing Leadership Definition and Components
Leadership Described Trait Versus Process Leadership Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership Leadership and Power Leadership and Coercion Leadership and Management
Plan of the Book Summary References
2. Trait Approach Description
Intelligence Self-Confidence Determination Integrity Sociability Five-Factor Personality Model and Leadership Strengths and Leadership Emotional Intelligence
How Does the Trait Approach Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 2.1 Choosing a New Director of Research Case 2.2 A Remarkable Turnaround Case 2.3 Recruiting for the Bank
Leadership Instrument Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ)
Summary References
3. Skills Approach Description
Three-Skill Approach Technical Skills Human Skills Conceptual Skills Summary of the Three-Skill Approach
Skills Model Competencies Individual Attributes Leadership Outcomes Career Experiences Environmental Influences Summary of the Skills Model
How Does the Skills Approach Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 3.1 A Strained Research Team Case 3.2 A Shift for Lieutenant Colonel Adams Case 3.3 Andy’s Recipe
Leadership Instrument Skills Inventory
Summary References
4. Behavioral Approach Description
The Ohio State Studies The University of Michigan Studies Blake and Mouton’s Managerial (Leadership) Grid
Authority–Compliance (9,1) Country-Club Management (1,9) Impoverished Management (1,1) Middle-of-the-Road Management (5,5) Team Management (9,9)
Paternalism/Maternalism Opportunism
How Does the Behavioral Approach Work? Strengths Criticisms Application
Case Studies Case 4.1 A Drill Sergeant at First Case 4.2 Eating Lunch Standing Up Case 4.3 We Are Family
Leadership Instrument Leadership Behavior Questionnaire
Summary References
5. Situational Approach Description
Leadership Style Development Level
How Does the Situational Approach Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 5.1 Marathon Runners at Different Levels Case 5.2 Why Aren’t They Listening? Case 5.3 Getting the Message Across
Leadership Instrument Situational Leadership® Questionnaire: Sample Items
Summary References
6. Path–Goal Theory Description
Leader Behaviors Directive Leadership Supportive Leadership Participative Leadership Achievement-Oriented Leadership
Follower Characteristics Task Characteristics
How Does Path–Goal Theory Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 6.1 Three Shifts, Three Supervisors Case 6.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others Case 6.3 Playing in the Orchestra
Leadership Instrument
Path–Goal Leadership Questionnaire Summary References
7. Leader–Member Exchange Theory Description
Early Studies Later Studies Leadership Making
How Does LMX Theory Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 7.1 His Team Gets the Best Assignments Case 7.2 Working Hard at Being Fair Case 7.3 Taking on Additional Responsibilities
Leadership Instrument LMX 7 Questionnaire
Summary References
8. Transformational Leadership Description
Transformational Leadership Defined Transformational Leadership and Charisma A Model of Transformational Leadership
Transformational Leadership Factors Transactional Leadership Factors Nonleadership Factor
Other Transformational Perspectives Bennis and Nanus Kouzes and Posner
How Does the Transformational Leadership Approach Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 8.1 The Vision Failed Case 8.2 An Exploration in Leadership Case 8.3 Her Vision of a Model Research Center
Leadership Instrument Sample Items From the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) Form 5X-Short
Summary References
9. Authentic Leadership Description
Authentic Leadership Defined Approaches to Authentic Leadership
Practical Approach Theoretical Approach
How Does Authentic Leadership Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 9.1 Am I Really a Leader? Case 9.2 A Leader Under Fire Case 9.3 The Reluctant First Lady
Leadership Instrument Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Summary References
10. Servant Leadership Description
Servant Leadership Defined Historical Basis of Servant Leadership Ten Characteristics of a Servant Leader Building a Theory About Servant Leadership
Model of Servant Leadership Antecedent Conditions Servant Leader Behaviors Outcomes Summary of the Model of Servant Leadership
How Does Servant Leadership Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 10.1 Everyone Loves Mrs. Noble Case 10.2 Doctor to the Poor Case 10.3 Servant Leadership Takes Flight
Leadership Instrument Servant Leadership Questionnaire
References 11. Adaptive Leadership
Description Adaptive Leadership Defined
A Model of Adaptive Leadership Situational Challenges Technical Challenges Technical and Adaptive Challenges Adaptive Challenges Leader Behaviors Adaptive Work
How Does Adaptive Leadership Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 11.1 Silence, Stigma, and Mental Illness Case 11.2 Taming Bacchus Case 11.3 Redskins No More
Leadership Instrument Adaptive Leadership Questionnaire
Summary References
12. Followership Description
Followership Defined Role-Based and Relational-Based Perspectives Typologies of Followership
The Zaleznik Typology The Kelley Typology The Chaleff Typology The Kellerman Typology
Theoretical Approaches to Followership Reversing the Lens The Leadership Co-Created Process New Perspectives on Followership
Perspective 1: Followers Get the Job Done Perspective 2: Followers Work in the Best Interest of the Organization’s Mission Perspective 3: Followers Challenge Leaders Perspective 4: Followers Support the Leader Perspective 5: Followers Learn From Leaders
Followership and Destructive Leaders 1. Our Need for Reassuring Authority Figures 2. Our Need for Security and Certainty 3. Our Need to Feel Chosen or Special 4. Our Need for Membership in the Human Community 5. Our Fear of Ostracism, Isolation, and Social Death 6. Our Fear of Powerlessness to Challenge a Bad Leader
How Does Followership Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 12.1 Bluebird Care Case 12.2 Olympic Rowers Case 12.3 Penn State Sexual Abuse Scandal
Leadership Instrument Followership Questionnaire
Summary References
13. Leadership Ethics Description
Ethics Defined Level 1. Preconventional Morality Level 2. Conventional Morality Level 3. Postconventional Morality
Ethical Theories Centrality of Ethics to Leadership Heifetz’s Perspective on Ethical Leadership Burns’s Perspective on Ethical Leadership The Dark Side of Leadership Principles of Ethical Leadership
Ethical Leaders Respect Others Ethical Leaders Serve Others Ethical Leaders Are Just Ethical Leaders Are Honest Ethical Leaders Build Community
Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 13.1 Choosing a Research Assistant Case 13.2 How Safe Is Safe?
Case 13.3 Reexamining a Proposal Leadership Instrument
Ethical Leadership Style Questionnaire (Short Form) Summary References
14. Team Leadership Description
Team Leadership Model Team Effectiveness Leadership Decisions Leadership Actions
How Does the Team Leadership Model Work? Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 14.1 Can This Virtual Team Work? Case 14.2 Team Crisis Within the Gates Case 14.3 Starts With a Bang, Ends With a Whimper
Leadership Instrument Team Excellence and Collaborative Team Leader Questionnaire
Summary References
15. Gender and Leadership Description
The Glass Ceiling Turned Labyrinth Evidence of the Leadership Labyrinth Understanding the Labyrinth
Gender Differences in Leadership Styles and Effectiveness Navigating the Labyrinth
Strengths Criticisms Application Case Studies
Case 15.1 The “Glass Ceiling” Case 15.2 Lack of Inclusion and Credibility Case 15.3 Pregnancy as a Barrier to Job Status
Leadership Instrument The Gender–Leader Implicit Association Test
Summary References
16. Culture and Leadership
Description Culture Defined Related Concepts
Ethnocentrism Prejudice
Dimensions of Culture Uncertainty Avoidance Power Distance Institutional Collectivism In-Group Collectivism Gender Egalitarianism Assertiveness Future Orientation Performance Orientation Humane Orientation
Clusters of World Cultures Characteristics of Clusters
Anglo Confucian Asia Eastern Europe Germanic Europe Latin America Latin Europe Middle East Nordic Europe Southern Asia Sub-Saharan Africa
Leadership Behavior and Culture Clusters Eastern Europe Leadership Profile Latin America Leadership Profile Latin Europe Leadership Profile Confucian Asia Leadership Profile Nordic Europe Leadership Profile Anglo Leadership Profile Sub-Saharan Africa Leadership Profile Southern Asia Leadership Profile Germanic Europe Leadership Profile Middle East Leadership Profile
Universally Desirable and Undesirable Leadership Attributes Strengths Criticisms Application
Case Studies Case 16.1 A Challenging Workplace Case 16.2 A Special Kind of Financing Case 16.3 Whose Latino Center Is It?
Leadership Instrument Dimensions of Culture Questionnaire
Summary References
Author Index Subject Index
This eighth edition of Leadership: Theory and Practice is written with the objective of bridging the gap between the often-simplistic popular approaches to leadership and the more abstract theoretical approaches. Like the previous editions, this edition reviews and analyzes a selected number of leadership theories, giving special attention to how each theoretical approach can be applied in real-world organizations. In essence, my purpose is to explore how leadership theory can inform and direct the way leadership is practiced.
New to This Edition
First and foremost, this edition includes a new chapter on followership, which examines the nature of followership, its underpinnings, and how it works. The chapter presents a definition, a model, and the latest research and applications of this emerging approach to leadership. It also examines the relationship between followership and destructive, or toxic, leadership. In addition, the strengths and weaknesses of followership are examined, and a questionnaire to help readers assess their own follower style is provided. Three case studies illustrating followership, including one that addresses the Penn State sexual abuse scandal and another that looks at the 1936 U.S. Olympic rowing team, are presented at the end of the chapter.
In addition to the discussion of destructive leadership in Chapter 12, this edition includes an expanded discussion of the dark side of leadership and psuedotransformational leadership and the negative uses and abuses of leadership in several of the chapters. Readers will also find that the ethics chapter features a new self-assessment instrument, the Ethical Leadership Style Questionnaire (ELSQ), which assesses a leader’s style of ethical leadership and will help leaders understand their decision-making preferences when confronting ethical dilemmas.
This edition retains many special features from previous editions but has been updated to include new research findings, figures and tables, and everyday applications for many leadership topics including leader–member exchange theory, transformational and authentic leadership, team leadership, the labyrinth of women’s leadership, and historical definitions of leadership. The format of this edition parallels the format used in earlier editions. As with previous editions, the overall goal of Leadership: Theory and Practice is to advance our understanding of the many different approaches to leadership and ways to practice it more effectively.
Special Features
Although this text presents and analyzes a wide range of leadership research, every attempt has been made to present the material in a clear, concise, and interesting manner. Reviewers of the book have consistently commented that clarity is one of its major strengths. In addition to the writing style, several other features of the book help make it user-friendly.
Each chapter follows the same format: It is structured to include first theory and then practice. Every chapter contains a discussion of the strengths and criticisms of the approach under consideration, and assists the reader in determining the relative merits of each approach. Each chapter includes an application section that discusses the practical aspects of the approach and how it could be used in today’s organizational settings. Three case studies are provided in each chapter to illustrate common leadership issues and dilemmas. Thought-provoking questions follow each case study, helping readers to interpret the case. A questionnaire is provided in each of the chapters to help the reader apply the approach to his or her own leadership style or setting. Figures and tables illustrate the content of the theory and make the ideas more meaningful.
Through these special features, every effort has been made to make this text substantive, understandable, and practical.
This book provides both an in-depth presentation of leadership theory and a discussion of how it applies to real-life situations. Thus, it is intended for undergraduate and graduate classes in management, leadership studies, business, educational leadership, public administration, nursing and allied health, social work, criminal justice, industrial and organizational psychology, communication, religion, agricultural education, political and military science, and training and development. It is particularly well suited as a supplementary text for core organizational behavior courses or as an overview text within MBA curricula. This book would also be useful as a text in student activities, continuing education, in-service training, and other leadership-development programs.
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