Ferrell, L, Ferrell, O.C., & Fraedrich, J. (2018). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases (12th ed.). Cengage. ISBN: 9781337614436 (Chapter 4-5)
Select two peer-reviewed articles on the topics for the current week (below). Analyze the articles separately and correlate them to your personal ethics assessment results. You are encouraged to share some specific examples of your assessment results to support your opinion.
Write a 1-2 page summary on your analysis of the article #1 to your assessment results and how you believe this content has increased your ethical self-awareness. Please discuss these points from; alternatives, analysis, application, and action.
Write a 1-2 page summary on your analysis of the article #2 to your assessment results and how you believe this content has increased your ethical self-awareness. Please include alternatives, analysis, application, and action.
The assignment should be submitted as a Word document and APA format is required. The title page and reference page are not counted in the 2-4 page requirement. Both summaries can be included in one document.
Include your results from this assignment on the ethics portfolio (attached).
· 4-1 Managing Ethical Risk through Mandated and Voluntary Programs
· 4-2 Mandated Requirements for Legal Compliance
4-2a Laws Regulating Competition
4-2b Laws Protecting Consumers
4-2c Laws Promoting Equity and Safety
· 4-3 The Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) Act
4-3a Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
4-3b Auditor and Analyst Independence
4-3c Whistle-Blower Protection
4-3d Cost of Compliance
· 4-4 Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
4-4a Financial Agencies Created by the Dodd–Frank Act
4-4b Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
4-4c Whistle-Blower Bounty Program
· 4-5 Laws That Encourage Ethical Conduct
· 4-6 Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
· 4-7 Core or Best Practices
4-7a Voluntary Responsibilities
4-7b Cause-Related Marketing
4-7c Strategic Philanthropy
4-7d Social Entrepreneurship
· 5-1 A Framework for Ethical Decision Making in Business
5-1a Ethical Issue Intensity
5-1b Individual Factors
5-1c Organizational Factors
5-1d Opportunity
5-1e Business Ethics Intentions, Behavior, and Evaluations
· 5-2 Using the Ethical Decision Making Model to Improve Ethical Decisions
· 5-3 Normative Considerations in Ethical Decision Making
5-3a Institutions as the Foundation for Normative Values
5-3b Implementing Principles and Core Values in Ethical Business Decision Making
· 5-4 Understanding Ethical Decision Making
· 5-5 Chapter Review
5-5bImportant Terms for Review
5-5cResolving Ethical Business Challenges