BOOK REVIEW - A BILLION WICKED THOUGHTS Men and women perspective has changed in the last generations. Even though sexuality has been
looked as a forbidden for centuries, the last generations have changed that point of view in many
cultures. Some people were taught to not express any feeling about sex as just sex. However,
society seems to convey more their emotions about sexuality than ever before. Now a day, the
more educated and experimented a person is the better understanding about sexuality is.
Intercourse is a natural and healthy emotion, and it is part of an emotional fulfillment. For men,
sex has always been the main initiator of sexual action. However, times have changed. Women
have many feelings about sexual intimacy. Reading 2 Rubin explains some of these aspects;
which are: oral sex, positions, casual sex, gay interaction and many more.
In today’s society the use of the internet has become somewhat of a norm. It has been found that
about almost 90% of adolescents aged between the years of 12 to18 have access to the internet
(Authentic Human Sexuality). Also the vast majority, about 87% of youth who report looking for
sexual images online are 14 years of age or older (Internet Solutions). We have a growing
problem in our culture and it is just going to get worse if corrective steps aren’t taken. Because
of being exposed to internet pornography at such a young age, the impact of it on adolescents is
dire. Some of the effects that internet pornography is having on teens are that of, committing acts
of sexual violence, becoming addicted to sex and porn, a changing in values and attitudes, and
having problems with self-identity. And these are not just all of the effects on adolescents, but
are just a few of the hot topics. As a whole society we need to take action and help our
adolescents from being taken over and controlled by this epidemic, it is up to us to rise up and
make a change.
Due to such a high exposure of pornography sexual crimes are on the rise. It has been
proven that the internet has become a useful and crafty tool for sexual predators to seek out
victims in chat rooms, engage in highly sexual conversations with adolescents, and to seek and
distribute child pornography. The more those adolescents are exposed to such inappropriate
content the higher the risk of them acting out their fantasies, which include sexual assault and
rape in the future. It has been found in a study that children, under the age of 14, who are
exposed to pornography, have a greater chance of being involved in deviant behavior and sexual
practices such as rape. In this study around one third of child molesters and rapists that were
interviewed claimed that they had been occasionally incited to commit an offence due to their
exposure of pornography (Pornography Harms Children). According to James Dobson, a
psychologist, when children start using porn at a young age they grow up to wanting more types
of porn as if climbing a latter, trying to get to higher levels of porn, but what happens when the
latter stops and you can’t go any higher? Well according to Dobson that is when porn addicts
take the next step, the step to becoming sexual predators, a step toward sexual violence.
According to Dobson this is what happened to Ted Bundy, an infamous serial killer. Dobson was
actually asked by Bundy to come and interview him in his last moments before he was executed.
Bundy wanted to share his story and let the world know about the effects of pornography and the
power it can hold over people. Dobson talks to Bundy about the point in his life when printed
pornography and viral pornography were just not enough. Bundy goes on to tell Dobson that,
“It’s a very difficult thing to describe - the sensation of reaching that point where I knew I
couldn’t control it anymore. The barriers I had learned as a child were not enough to hold me
back from seeking out and harming somebody.” He had reached the top of his latter and the only
way to feed his addiction was to go out an actually harm someone. Bundy does say that he is not
blaming pornography for his crimes but that pornography was a great influencer and shaped him
to become the monster that he was today. Ted Bundy wanted to warn society of the dangers of
hard core pornography and to explain how it had led him to kill many innocent girls (Fatal
Addiction). Not only does pornography lead people to commit sexual acts of violence but it also
as other effects maybe some not as sever but can always turn into something more dangers. One
effect that pornography can have on adolescents that can lead to sexual violence is that of
Pornography like many other things can become an addiction, but it can also lead to other
types of addiction such as sexual addiction/illness. As more and more of teens are exposed to not
only soft-core porn but more explicit kind they are becoming more and more desensitized and
learning that sex without responsibility is okay (Pornography Harms Children). Porn for some
people is just like a drug, they need to get their daily fix. Research does not support the theory
that children can get addicted to porn at a young age, but that it can lead to an addiction as an
adult and well as other sexual addictions. Porn addiction is like any other addiction such as a
drug. Porn addicts tend to replace relationships with family and friends with internet
pornography or sex. Pornography addicts tend to try and isolate themselves when engaging in or
viewing porn. While some porn addicts use masturbation as a part of acting out their addiction,
some use sex very minimally but nonetheless they still end up losing themselves to the sexual
images found online. Like any other addiction though there are ways to come clean and break
yourself free of the bonds of your addiction. The first thing to getting better is being honest and
asking for help. Yes owning up to any addiction is embarrassing and shameful, but to overcome
the addiction you have to get past those feelings and move forward (Sexual Recovery Institute).
Pornography addiction can be very dangerous. It may not seem like such a big deal, but it can
easily develop into something more serious, something more dangerous. Ted Bundy was a porn
addict and look where it got him. Internet pornography is like a gateway drug, it is the gateway
to sexual crimes. It affects not only the person viewing it, but the people around them. It can turn
people into something that they are not.
Porn like any other type of drug can alter a person. It can turn into an addiction that alters
a person’s attitudes and values. Most parents want what is best for their children and at a young
age they try to instill the right kind of values and morals to have. I know as a child, my parents
always told me that respecting people and having strong important relationships where important
in having a good, healthy life. Also as a young age I learned about sex and how it needs to be
shared with someone I truly love, my husband. My parents taught me that sex outside of
marriage was frowned upon by God and that He created this act of love to be only shared in the
bonds of marriage. Due to the affects of porn that line of sanctity has been removed and people’s
views of sex have become more recreational. Internet pornography has become a very powerful
tool of sex education and it has lead many adolescents to believe that love without affection is
okay, it is the norm. Not only does pornography shape adolescents views about sex but also the
views that men have on women. Replicated studies have demonstrated that exposure to
significant amounts of increasingly graphic forms of pornography has a dramatic effect on how
adult consumers view women, sexual abuse, sexual relationships, and sex in general
(Pornography Harms Children). Also the viewing of pornography can lead to attitudes of
aggressive sexual behavior. According to a study done by Malamuth about the effects of
pornography on college males, the report showed that 41% might rape a girl if they knew they
would not get caught. Malamuth continues to go on and conclude that the aggressive content of
pornography is a major factor to aggression towards women and also that it makes a significant
impact in reinforcing a cultural climate that accepts and promotes sexual aggression towards
women (Authentic Human Sexuality).
Pornography not only can impact a child’s values and attitudes, but it can also impact a
child’s identity. It has been seen that with some children you regularly view pornography that
they struggle with self identity. During a certain point in a child’s life their brain so to speak
begins to “hardwire” its self and set patterns and norms. During this “hardwiring” stage a child
begins to develop a keen sense to what they are attracted to, what arouses them. Exposure to
healthy sexual norms and attitudes during this critical period can result in the child developing a
healthy sexual orientation. In contrast, if there is exposure to pornography during this period,
sexual deviance may become imprinted on the child's "hard drive" and become a permanent part
of his or her sexual orientation. Sexual identity is something that develops overtime through
childhood and adolescents. As children grow up they are very much in danger of being
influenced by pornography which can affect their development. For children sex and information
from sex generally come from homes and places of education and are presumably age
appropriate and tend to gradually accelerate depending on the child’s age and what the parents
and educators thinks best. But when pornography enters the picture, it changes the whole scene.
Pornography short-circuits and/or distorts the normal personality development process and
supplies misinformation about a child's sexuality, sense of self, and body that leaves the child
confused, changed, and damaged. Pornography tends to prematurely introduce adolescents to
sexually sensations that they are just not ready for and unprepared for. This overwhelming sexual
sensation can leave an adolescent feeling over stimulated and confused. Sexual excitement and
release can condition a adolescent to only be aroused by pornography or leave them with very
bad habits. For example, if a young boy at a very young age gets sexually stimulated and aroused
by pornography then he can be conditioned to only get aroused by such material. Once this pair
of pornography and sexual arousal is rewarded then it is more than likely to become permanent.
The result of this leaves this child in a place where he can only get sexually stimulated from
pornographic images (Pornography Harms Children). With pornography being so accessible now
on the internet it makes situations like this more feasible. Our adolescents are very much in
danger of having their sexual development haltered and put down the wrong path. We all know
talking to our kids about sex and especially pornography is really tough, but with all the negative
and dangerous effects pornography has on adolescents, I think it is time for parents to step up
and take control, not for their sake but for their child’s future well being.
Like I mentioned earlier pornography is so easily accessible, it is so accessible that kids
don’t even know sometimes when the accidently stumble upon it. I mean if you even type in the
wrong phrase on your search engine there is a good chance that you can find some pornographic
sites. Our adolescents are being flooded with temptation from movies, to music, to television.
Parents need to take more control and try to stop pornography from infiltrating their children’s
lives. Some things that parents can do to stop or try and stop pornography from affecting their
kids is to, for one set up the computed in a busy place in the home. Make sure that there is
always at least someone else in the room at all times when a kid is on the internet. It is proven
that generally people look at pornography on the internet when they are alone and feel like no
one is around. Also use kid friendly search engines. Like I mentioned earlier depending on what
search engine you use, sometimes you can accidently stumble upon pornography. If you do
choose to use a more adult search engine, like Google instances, make sure to use the filtering
options available. Another important thing to do is to block all pop-ups. It is very common that
many pornographic sites use pop-ups to get people’s attention. Also, it never hurts to just talk to
your kids. Be open with them so they feel they can be open with you. Adolescents are being
exposed daily to sexual images so you need to establish an open and honest dialogue with them
so they will come to you with their questions. Lastly make sure to never overreact. Kids
accidently stumble upon pornography all the time. Just be calm, cool, and collective. You want
your kids to feel comfortable turning to you for help and advice when these incidents happen
(Web Aware).
It is not hard to see that pornography is ever where. It is hard to flip through a magazine
and not see anything that might be too sexually explicit. Adolescents are living in a world that is
very sexually driven, and because of this adolescents are losing a sense of good values and
attitudes. Pornography has flooded the internet and is seeping into the homes of America.
Adolescents are learning that sex is okay without affection, that it is good to have more than one
sexual partner, the more the better actually. Pornography can not only lead to an addiction but
also it can lead to an unnaturally sex drive. There are so many cases in the head lines that have to
do with sexually addiction, many celebrities own up to this so called addiction. Well where do
you think these addictions stemmed from? The answer is easy, pornography. Pornography can
teach a person that sex all the time is good, that it is acceptable, well it’s not. Not only can
pornography lead to sexually addictions but it can lead to violence. Ted Bundy was a porn
addict. He needed more and harder porn. His addiction got so bad that his normal means of
feeding his addiction was not enough; he needed another type of release, that release was
murder. Ted Bundy even admits that his addiction to pornography helped shape him into the
monster that he had become. The time to act is now. The adolescents of our world are in danger;
they are in danger of being psychologically damaged. If the parents of this generation don’t step
up and act now then our kids is in real danger, they are in danger of not knowing the love and
grace that God bestowed upon us. They will not understand the meaning the God placed upon
our sexually adventures. The time is now!
1. Balswick, K. Judith., Balswick, O. Jack. Authentic Human Sexuality: An Integrated Christian Approach. 2nd Ed.
InterVarsity Press, 2008.
2. Ybarra, M.L., Mitchell, K. “Exposure to internet pornography among children and adolescents: A national
survey”. 2005.
internet-pornography-among-children-and-adolescents-a-national-survey/. 19 Apr 2010.
3. Hughes, R. Donna. “How Pornography Harms Children.” Revel, September 1998. 18 Apr 2010.
4. Dobson, James. “Fatal Addiction: Ted Bundy's Final Interview.” Nashville, Ten. World Publications, 1995. 18 Apr 2010.
5. Sexual Recovery Institute. “About pornography addiction.” 1997-2010. 19 Apr 2010.
6. Web Aware. “Exposure to Pornography.” Media Awareness Network, 2010. 19 Apr 2010.