The experiment conducted is somewhere in retro period. We can see that the teacher has got considerable influence on children. Initially she says that Blue eyed children are better and they would be in favour, this makes brown eyed children go very uneasy and later she says that brown eyed children are better than blue eyed. This experiment was conducted to tell children that colour of people face, eyes etc does not makes any difference in their rights.
The experiment was conducted at the right age where kids are 8-9 year old and they start knowing the world and hence it is well established in their minds. The result was good where kids got to know the impact of differentiation.
Today apart from teacher, management of school, parents also play a role in children's education. And hence conducting such an experiment would have caused problem to teacher. Moreover there is not much differentiation like earlier days. People are not discriminated based on their colour. Had the teacher would have conducted such an experiment today, then kids would have gone home complaining to their parents. And the parents would have come running to school management, principal as such differentiation is taking place. This would risked teacher's job.
Today there are strict laws about discrimination, anybody seeing or caught in discrimination such as gender, race, religion etc are fined heavily be it company, any school etc.
Jane Elliot’s brown eye/blue eye: class division video was interesting to watch. Jane was a teacher in the 60’s who chose to do a lesson on discrimination a little different than textbook style. She divided the class into brown eyes vs blue eyed and let one group be dominate of the other, each for a day. When starting this experiment, I do not believe that Jane thought she classroom of third graders when turn against one another so quickly. While watching this video I watched these children discriminate against one another only because they were told they were dominate because of eye color. Jane watched these children bully one another, she watched how their social status affected their school work and how this dominance changed each child into completely different people. Jane was just as shocked as I was when seeing the children segregate themselves and choose to belittle the colored eyed people that were less than that day. As scary as it seems, I believe that if this was done again today, in a classroom full of third graders, the results would still be the same. Discrimination is still alive and well, people still believe they are better than others based on skin color, economic status, gender or sexual orientation. People still hold these beliefs that these certain values and ways of life have a right and wrong choice, if we are not all the same then one must be dominant. Jane used this lesson to show her children the importance of acceptance and what discrimination is exactly.