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A history of europe in the modern world palmer pdf

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R.R. Palmer Joel Colton Lloyd Kramer

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Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2014 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2007, 2002, and 1995. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Palmer, R. R. (Robert Roswell), 1909-2002.

[History of the modern world] A history of Europe in the modern world / R.R. Palmer, Joel Colton, Lloyd Kramer. — Eleventh edition. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-07-338554-9 (acid-free paper) — ISBN 978-0-07-759960-7 (acid-free paper) — ISBN 978-0-07-759958-4 (acid-free paper) 1. History, Modern. 2. Europe—History—1492- I. Colton, Joel, 1918-2011. II. Kramer, Lloyd S. III. Title. D209.P26 2014 090.08—dc23 2013018526

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R.R. PALMER was born in Chicago. After graduating from the University of Chicago he received his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1934. From 1936 to 1963 he taught at Princeton University, taking leave during World War II to work on historical projects in Washington, D.C. In 1963 he moved to Washington University in St. Louis to serve as dean of arts and sciences but in 1969 resumed his career in teaching and research, this time at Yale. After his retirement he lived in Princeton, where he was affi liated with the Institute for Advanced Study, and then in a retirement community in Newtown Pennsylvania. Of the numerous books he wrote, translated, and edited, three of the most important have been his Catholics and Unbelievers in Eighteenth-Century France (1939); Twelve Who Ruled: The Year of the Terror in the French Revolution (1941, 1989); and his two-volume Age of the Democratic Revolution (1959, 1964), the fi rst volume of which won the Bancroft Prize. He served as president of the American Historical Association in 1970, received honorary degrees from universities in the United States and abroad, and was awarded the Antonio Feltrinelli International Prize for History in Rome in 1990. He was a long-time fellow of the American Philosophical Society and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He died in 2002, widely recognized as one of the preeminent historians of his generation.

JOEL COLTON was born in New York City. A graduate of the City College of New York, he served as a military intelligence offi cer in Europe in World War II, and received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1950. He served on the faculty of Duke University for more than four decades, chairing the History Department from 1967 to1974 and chairing the university’s academic council from 1971 to 1973. On leave from Duke, he served from 1974 to 1981 with the Rockefeller Foundation in New York as director of its research and fellowship program in the humanities. In 1986 Duke voted him a Distinguished Teaching Award. He received Guggenheim, Rockefeller Foundation, and National Endowment for the Humanities fellowships. He served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Modern History, French Historical Studies and Historical Abstracts, and was co-president of the International Commission on the History of Social Movements and Social Structures. In 1979 he was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His writings include Compulsory Labor Arbitration in France, 1936–1939 (1951); Léon Blum: Humanist in Politics (1966, 1987), for which he received a Mayfl ower Award; Twentieth Century (1968,1980) in The Time-Life Great Ages of Man Series; and numerous contributions to journals, encyclopedias, and collaborative volumes. He died in 2011, having served as the distinguished co-author of A History of the Modern World for every revision after the fi rst edition.

LLOYD KRAMER was born in Maryville, Tennessee, and graduated from Maryville College. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1983. Before entering Cornell, he was a teacher in Hong Kong and he traveled widely in Asia. After completing his graduate studies, he taught at Stanford University and Northwestern University. Since 1986 he has been a member of the faculty at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where he is currently a professor of History. He has served two terms as chair of his Department and received two awards for distinguished undergradu- ate teaching. His writings include Threshold of a New World: Intellectuals and the Exile Experience in Paris, 1830–1848 (1988); Lafayette in Two Worlds: Public Cultures and Personal Identities in an Age of Revolutions (1996), which won the Gilbert Chinard Prize from the Society for French His- torical Studies and the Annibel Jenkins Biography Prize from the American Society for Eighteenth- Century Studies; and Nationalism in Europe and America: Politics, Cultures, and Identities since 1775 (2011). He has also co-edited several books, including a collection of essays on historical edu- cation in America and A Companion to Western Historical Thought (2002). He has been a member of the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study and a Fellow at the National Humanities Center; and he served as president of the Society for French Historical Studies.

A b o u t t h e A u t h o r s

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List of Chapter Illustrations xiv

List of Chronologies, Historical Interpretations and Debates, Maps, Charts,

and Tables xxii

Preface xxv

Geography and History 1

Chapter 1 The Rise of Europe 9 Chapter 2 The Upheaval in Western Christendom, 1300–1560 49 Chapter 3 The Atlantic World, Commerce, and Wars of Religion,

1560–1648 99

Chapter 4 The Growing Power of Western Europe, 1640–1715 147 Chapter 5 The Transformation of Eastern Europe, 1648–1740 195 Chapter 6 The Scientifi c View of the World 233 Chapter 7 The Global Struggle for Wealth and Empire 267 Chapter 8 The Age of Enlightenment 309 Chapter 9 The French Revolution 363 Chapter 10 Napoleonic Europe 411 Chapter 11 Industries, Ideas, and the Struggle for Reform, 1815–1848 449 Chapter 12 Revolutions and the Reimposition of Order, 1848–1870 501 Chapter 13 The Consolidation of Large Nation-States, 1859–1871 535 Chapter 14 European Civilization, 1871–1914: Economy and Politics 569 Chapter 15 European Civilization, 1871–1914: Society and Culture 611 Chapter 16 Europe’s World Supremacy, 1871–1914 643 Chapter 17 The First World War 689 Chapter 18 The Russian Revolution and the Emergence of the

Soviet Union 735

Chapter 19 Democracy, Anti-Imperialism, and the Economic Crisis after the First World War 779

Chapter 20 Democracy and Dictatorship in the 1930s 811 Chapter 21 The Second World War 843 Chapter 22 The Cold War and Reconstruction after the Second

World War 883

Chapter 23 Decolonization and the Breakup of the European Empires 925 Chapter 24 Coexistence, Confrontation, and the New European Economy 959

B r i e f C o n t e n t s

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viiBrief Contents

Chapter 25 The International Revolt against Soviet Communism 987 Chapter 26 Europe and the Changing Modern World 1019 Appendix Rulers and Regimes A1

Index I1 Suggestions for Further Reading Online at www.mhhe.com/palmerhistory11e

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List of Chapter Illustrations xiv

List of Chronologies, Historical Interpretations and Debates, Maps, Charts,

and Tables xxii

Preface xxv

Geography and History 1

Chapter 1 THE RISE OF EUROPE 9 1. Ancient Times: Greece, Rome, and Christianity 11 2. The Early Middle Ages: The Formation of Europe 19 3. The High Middle Ages: Secular Civilization 29 4. The High Middle Ages: The Church 38

Chapter 2 THE UPHEAVAL IN WESTERN CHRISTENDOM, 1300–1560 49 5. Disasters of the Fourteenth Century 50 6. The Renaissance in Italy 56 7. The Renaissance Outside Italy 70 8. The New Monarchies 74 9. The Protestant Reformation 77 10. Catholicism Reformed and Reorganized 93

Chapter 3 THE ATLANTIC WORLD, COMMERCE, AND WARS OF RELIGION, 1560–1648 99 11. The Opening of the Atlantic 100 12. The Commercial Revolution 108 13. Changing Social Structures 117 14. The Wars of Catholic Spain: The Netherlands and England 124 15. The Disintegration and Reconstruction of France 133 16. The Thirty Years’ War, 1618–1648: The Disintegration

of Germany 138

Chapter 4 THE GROWING POWER OF WESTERN EUROPE, 1640–1715 147 17. The Grand Monarque and the Balance of Power 148 18. The Dutch Republic 151

C o n t e n t s

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Contents ix

19. Britain: The Civil War 158 20. Britain: The Triumph of Parliament 165 21. The France of Louis XIV, 1643–1715: The Triumph

of Absolutism 173

22. The Wars of Louis XIV: The Peace of Utrecht, 1713 186

Chapter 5 THE TRANSFORMATION OF EASTERN EUROPE, 1648–1740 195 23. Three Aging Empires 196 24. The Formation of an Austrian Monarchy 206 25. The Formation of Prussia 210 26. The Transformation of Russia 218

Chapter 6 THE SCIENTIFIC VIEW OF THE WORLD 233 27. The Emergence of a Scientifi c Culture: Bacon and Descartes 234 28. The Road to Newton: The Law of Universal Gravitation 240 29. New Knowledge of Human Beings and Society 251 30. Political Theory: The School of Natural Law 260

Chapter 7 THE GLOBAL STRUGGLE FOR WEALTH AND EMPIRE 267 31. Elite and Popular Cultures 268 32. The Global Economy of the Eighteenth Century 275 33. Western Europe after the Peace of Utrecht, 1713–1740 285 34. The Great War of the Mid-Eighteenth Century: The Peace

of Paris, 1763 294

Chapter 8 THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT 309 35. The Philosophes—and Others 310 36. Enlightened Despotism: France, Austria, Prussia 324 37. Enlightened Despotism: Russia 333 38. The Partitions of Poland 339 39. New Stirrings: The British Reform Movement 343 40. The American Revolution 352

Chapter 9 THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 363 41. Social and Cultural Backgrounds 364 42. The Revolution and the Reorganization of France 369

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43. The Revolution and Europe: The War and the “Second” Revolution, 1792 385

44. The Emergency Republic, 1792–1795: The Terror 389 45. The Constitutional Republic: The Directory, 1795–1799 400 46. The Authoritarian Republic: The Consulate, 1799–1804 405

Chapter 10 NAPOLEONIC EUROPE 411 47. The Formation of the French Imperial System 412 48. The Grand Empire: Spread of the Revolution 420 49. The Continental System: Britain and Europe 425 50. The National Movements and New Nationalist Cultures 431 51. The Overthrow of Napoleon: The Congress of Vienna 437

Chapter 11 INDUSTRIES, IDEAS, AND THE STRUGGLE FOR REFORM, 1815–1848 449 52. The Industrial Revolution in Britain 451 53. The Advent of the “ISMS” 460 54. The Leaking Dam and the Flood: Domestic 475 55. The Leaking Dam and the Flood: International 479 56. The Breakthrough of Liberalism in the West:

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