Answer one of the following questions. Your journal should be at least 400 words long.
1. Using Schatz's notions of the evolution of genres, indicate where each of the Westerns we have viewed would fit. Address both the formal (stylistic) changes as well as the cultural developments in your answer.
2. Watch the tutorial video on the Western (from the 278 textbook, Looking at Movies). To what extent does this version of the western genre fit with the films we have watched? Can we apply this discussion of the western to Jones' The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada as well as to Stagecoach and The Searchers? Is Three Burials really a western?
Three Burials is obviously indebted to The Searchers. They share the journey motif, of course, and both filmmakers are addressing the intersections of different cultures. The Searchers has been interpreted as "really" being about Civil Rights, specifically integration vs. separation, and Three Burials is obviously about border issues, including immigration. Westerns, as a genre, do this kind of "cultural work." In other words, westerns talk to us about our nation, its formation and its "legitimate" inhabitants. What message does Three Burials promote about border issues, immigration, integration, or other issues that you think are important and that the film raises? I think it's still a relevant film, do you?