This paper builds upon the secondary research you conducted for Paper 1: after reading and critiquing five articles, you were asked to develop a targeted research question and possible hypothesis. Paper 2 consists of two parts: 1) a two-page description of your variable conceptualizations and empirical method, and 2) a draft of your questionnaire that you would have filled out by a sample of 50 Old Westbury students.
Part 1 should look like this: a) concise statements of your research topic, your targeted research question, and your guiding hypothesis; b) and c) identification, conceptualization and operationalization of your independent and dependent variables; d) identification, conceptualization and operationalization of at least four control variables. Keep in mind that every choice you make in this process should be justified, i.e. tell me why this conceptualization/operationalization is the most appropriate or best choice.
Part 2 should look like this: 10-20 questions with your own pre-determined response categories. The following basic demographic questions should be included: age, sex, race/ethnicity, immigration status, parental status (kids or no kids?), work status (yes/no? If yes: part-time/full-time? Primary earner or secondary income?). Here are three example questions with response categories:
1) How old are you (in years)? ______________ (please write numeral in the space provided)
2) With regard to race and/or ethnicity, which one of the following categories would you most strongly identify with? (please circle one)
a) black b) white c) Latina/o d) Asian/Pacific Islander e) other
3) Were you born in the United States or in another country? (please circle one)
a) born in the U.S.
b) born outside the U.S.