I’m studying for my Statistics class and need an explanation.
Homework Identify whether the statement describes inferential statistics or descriptive statistics.
1) The chances of winning the California Lottery are one chance in twenty-two million. A) Inferential statistics B) Descriptive statistics Determine whether the data are qualitative or quantitative.
2) The colors of automobiles on a used car lot A) quantitative B) qualitative
For questions 3-8, choose from one of the following 4 answers to identify the data setʹs level of measurement.: nominal ordinal interval ratio
3) Hair color of women on a high school tennis team 4) Temperatures of 12 selected refrigerators 5) Number of pages in your statistics book 6) The ratings of a movie ranging from ʺpoorʺ to ʺgoodʺ to ʺexcellentʺ 7) The final grades (A, B, C, D, and F) for students in a statistics class 8) The annual salaries for all teachers in California
For questions 9-13, choose from one of the following 4 answers to decide which method of data collection you would use to collect data for the study. experiment simulation survey observational study census
9) A study where a drug was given to 23 patients and a placebo to another group of 23 patients to determine if the drug has an effect on a patientʹs illness. 10) A study of the salaries of college professors in a particular state. 11) A study where a political pollster wishes to determine if his candidate is leading in the polls 12) A study where you would like to determine the chance getting three girls in a family of three children 13) A study to evaluate the success of a new experimental procedure performed on 35 patients at one hospital