The Middle East: Religious Politics and Antiglobalization The rise of global religious cultures from the Middle East, and current religious politics as part of a global challenge to secularism
Mohammed Bamyeh, “The Ideology of the Horizons” from The Social Origins of Islam
Said Amir Arjomand, “Thinking Globally about Islam” from The Oxford Handbook of Global Religions
Jonathan Fox, “Are Middle East Conflicts More Religious?” from Middle East Quarterly
Barah Mikaïl, “Religion and Politics in Arab Transitions” from FRIDE policy brief
Further Reading
5. South and Central Asia: Global Labor and Asian Culture The spread of Asian cultures from India and Central Asia via trade routes; the role of South Asia in global trade and information technology
Richard Foltz, “Religions of the Silk Road” from Religions of the Silk Road
Morris Rossabi, “The Early Mongols” from Khubilai Khan: His Life and Times
Vasudha Narayanan, “Hinduism” from The Encyclopedia of Global Studies
Barbara D. Metcalf and Thomas R. Metcalf, “Revolt, the Modern State, and Colonized Subjects, 1848–1885” from A Concise History of India
Carol Upadhya and A.R. Vasavi, “Outposts of the Global Information Economy” from In an Outpost of the Global Economy: Work and Workers in India’s Technology Industry
Further Reading
6. East Asia: Global Economic Empires The role of East Asia in global economic history, and the rise of new economies in China, Japan, and South Korea based on global trade
Kenneth Pomeranz, “The Great Divergence” from The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy
Andre Gunder Frank, “The 21st Century Will Be Asian” from The Nikkei Weekly
Steven Radelat, Jeffrey Sachs, and Jong-Wha Lee, “Economic Growth in Asia” from Emerging Asia
Ho-Fung Hung, “Is the Rise of China Sustainable?” from China and the Transformation of Global Capitalism
Further Reading
7. Southeast Asia and the Pacific: The Edges of Globalization The emergence of Southeast Asia from colonial control; the rise of Australia and New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands on the edges of globalization
Georges Coedès, “The Indianized States of Southeast Asia” from The Indianized States of Southeast Asia
Benedict Anderson, “Imagined Communities” from Imagined Communities
Sucheng Chan, “Vietnam, 1945–2000: The Global Dimensions of Decolonization, War, Revolution, and Refugee Outflows”
Celeste Lipow MacLeod, “Asian Connections” from Multiethnic Australia: Its History and Future
Joel Robbins, “Pacific Islands Religious Communities” from The Oxford Handbook of Global Religions
Further Reading
8. Europe and Russia: Nationalism and Transnationalism The role of Europe in creating the concept of the nation, transnational politics in the Soviet Union, and the rise of the European Union
Peter Stearns, “The 1850s as Turning Point: The Birth of Globalization?” from Globalization in World History
Eric Hobsbawm, “The Nation” from The Nation as Novelty
Seyla Benhabib, “Citizens, Residents, and Aliens in a Changing World” from The Postnational Self
Odd Arne Westad, “Soviet Ideology and Foreign Interventions in the Global Cold War” from The Global Cold War
Jürgen Habermas, “Citizenship and National Identity” from Praxis International
Further Reading
9. The Americas: Development Strategies The European conquest of the Americas, the rise of new societies, and varying patterns of economic development within a global context
Charles C. Mann, “Discovering the New World Columbus Created” from 1493: Discovering the New World Columbus Created
Tzvetan Todorov, “The Reasons for the Victory” from The Conquest of America
Francis Fukuyama, “Explaining the Development Gap between Latin America and the United States” from Falling Behind
Denis Lynn Daly Heyck, “Surviving Globalization in Three Latin American Communities” from Surviving Globalization in Three Latin American Communities
Further Reading
10. Global Forces in the New World Order Paradigms for thinking about the new world order (or disorder) in the post– Cold War global era
Benjamin Barber, “Jihad vs. McWorld” from Jihad vs. McWorld
Samuel Huntington, “A Multipolar, Multicivilizational World” from The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, “Empire” from Empire
Saskia Sassen, “Global Cities” from The Encyclopedia of Global Studies
Further Reading
11. The Erosion of the Nation-State The fading strength of the nation-state and the rise of alternative conceptions of world order
Kenichi Ohmae, “The Cartographic Illusion” from The End of the Nation-State
Susan Strange, “The Westfailure System” from Review of International Studies
Zygmunt Bauman, “After the Nation-State—What?” from Glob