Running head: The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention 1
The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention 3
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This Assignment should be written adhering to the guidelines of Standard English. This means that your thoughts should be well organized, logical, and unified as well as original with the viewpoint and purpose clearly established and sustained. Standard English guidelines also include the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. All writing should follow 6th Edition APA formatting and citation style.
The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention
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Purdue University Global
HN220 - Unit 7 Assignment
Your Assignment should be three to four pages, not including the title and references pages. Please address all of the following in your paper.
Begin by introducing the topic of your paper.
Next, describe the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention.
Then, explain and apply Stage A. What is your goal in this stage and what skills will you use to accomplish this goal with these clients?
Next, explain and apply Stage B. Identify the clients’ issues as well as their levels of distress and impairments in functioning. What ethical considerations will you explore with each client in this stage and why? Give examples of the types of therapeutic interaction you might use with these clients.
Then, explain and apply Stage C. Remember to start by exploring what the clients have done in the past to cope. What coping strategies might you recommend for helping these clients? Explain the reasoning for your recommendations.
Next, explain how Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Death and Dying play a critical role in helping this couple. Identify and explain which stage each person is in and your reasoning for your choices.
Finally, write a concluding paragraph for your paper, summarizing the main points discussed.
Doe, J. (2013). This is a sample APA book citation. (2nd ed., Vol. 12, pp. 59–99). New York, NY: Publisher.
Doe, J. (2013). This is a sample APA journal article. Sample APA Journal Articles Weekly, 52(1), 34–76.