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Why Do You Need This New Edition?

1. America: Past and Present (tenth edition) is now tied more closely than ever to the innovative website, MyHistoryLab , which helps you learn more in your history course ( www.myhistorylab.com ). MyHistoryLab icons connect the main narrative in each chapter of the book to a powerful array of MyHistoryLab resources, including primary source documents, analytical video segments, interactive maps, and more. A MyHistoryLab Media Assignments feature now appears at the end of each chapter, capping off the study resources for the chapter. MyHistoryLab also includes both eText and audiobook versions of America: Past and Present , so that you can read or listen to your textbook any time you have access to the Internet.

2. America: Past and Present (tenth edition) now uses the latest New MyHistoryLab , which offers the most advanced Study Plan ever. You get personalized study plans for each chapter with content arranged from less complex thinking—like remembering facts—to more complex critical thinking—like understanding connections in history and analyzing primary sources. Assessments and learning applications in the Study Plan link you directly to the America: Past and Present eText for reading and review.

3. America: Past and Present (tenth edition) includes several new study aids designed to help you improve your understanding of each chapter. Learning Objective Questions now appear at the head of each chapter to help you focus on the most important information. Each chapter closes with a complete Study Resources section, containing a Time Line, Chapter Review, Key Terms and Defi nitions, and Critical Thinking Questions.

4. America: Past and Present (tenth edition) contains stronger coverage of African American history. A new feature essay in Chapter 16 addresses the short-lived order of “40 Acres and a Mule” for every freedman. A major new section in Chapter 19 describes the spread of Jim Crow in both the South and North after Reconstruction.

5. America: Past and Present (tenth edition) includes a new feature essay in Chapter 18 on the rise of the department store in the late nineteenth century and how this affected women and changed the way many Americans shopped.

6. A new feature essay in Chapter 32 discusses why global warming has become such a controversial issue in the United States and how Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth has affected this dispute.

7. Chapter 32 has also been updated to provide a full account of the election of 2008 and the Obama administration through 2011.

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AMERICA Past and Present


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AMERICA Past and Present


Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto

Delhi Mexico City Saõ Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo


ROBERT A. DIVINE University of Texas

T. H. BREEN Northwestern University

R. HAL WILLIAMS Southern Methodist University

ARIELA J. GROSS University of Southern California

H. W. BRANDS University of Texas

◾ ◾ ◾

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Combined Volume: ISBN-10: 0-205-90520-X ISBN-13: 978-0-205-90520-1 Instructor Review Copy: ISBN-10: 0-205-90632-X ISBN-13: 978-0-205-90632-1 Volume 1: ISBN-10: 0-205-90519-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-205-90519-5 Volume 1 A la carte: ISBN-10: 0-205-91008-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-205-91008-3 Volume 2: ISBN-10: 0-205-90547-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-205-90547-8 Volume 2 A la carte: ISBN-10: 0-205-91009-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-205-91009-0

Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text or on pages C1–C2.

Copyright © 2013, 2011, 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Th is publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 or fax your request to 201-236-3290.

Many of the designations by manufacturers and seller to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data America, past and present / Robert A. Divine ... [et al.].—10th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-205-90520-1 (combined volume)—ISBN 978-0-205-90519-5 (volume 1)—ISBN 978-0-205-90547-8 (volume 2) 1. United States—History—Textbooks. I. Divine, Robert A. E178.1.A4894 2013 973—dc23 2012018891

Senior Art Director: Maria Lange Interior Design: Th e Go2Guys, LLc Cover Design: John Christiana Cover Art: March on Washington/Jason E. Powell Director of Media & Assessment: Brian Hyland Digital Media Editor: Alison Lorber Media Editor: Andrea Messineo Supplements: Project Manager: Emsal Hasan Composition and Full-Service Project Management: GEX

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Chapter 16 The Agony of Reconstruction

Chapter 17 The West: Exploiting an Empire

Chapter 18 The Industrial Society

Chapter 19 Toward an Urban Society, 1877–1900

Chapter 20 Political Realignments in the 1890s

Chapter 21 Toward Empire

Chapter 22 The Progressive Era

Chapter 23 From Roosevelt to Wilson in the Age of Progressivism

Chapter 24 The Nation at War

Chapter 25 Transition to Modern America

Chapter 26 Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal

Chapter 27 America and the World, 1921–1945

Chapter 28 The Onset of the Cold War

Chapter 29 Affl uence and Anxiety

Chapter 30 The Turbulent Sixties

Chapter 31 The Rise of a New Conservatism, 1969–1988

Chapter 32 Into the Twenty-fi rst Century, 1989–2012

Brief Contents

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Maps, Figures, and Tables xxi Features xxiii About the Authors xxvi Supplements xxviii

Chapter 16

THE AGONY OF RECONSTRUCTION 366 Robert Smalls and Black Politicians During Reconstruction 366

The President vs. Congress 368 Wartime Reconstruction 368 Andrew Johnson at the Helm 369 Congress Takes the Initiative 371 Congressional Reconstruction Plan Enacted 372 The Impeachment Crisis 373

Reconstructing Southern Society 374 Reorganizing Land and Labor 374 Black Codes: A New Name for Slavery? 376 Republican Rule in the South 376 Claiming Public and Private Rights 377

Retreat from Reconstruction 379 Rise of the Money Question 379 Final Efforts of Reconstruction 379 A Reign of Terror Against Blacks 380 Spoilsmen vs. Reformers 381

Reunion and the New South 382 The Compromise of 1877 382 “Redeeming” a New South 383 The Rise of Jim Crow 386

Conclusion: Henry McNeal Turner and the “Unfi nished Revolution” 387

◾ FEATURE ESSAY “Forty Acres and a Mule” 384

Chapter 17

THE WEST: EXPLOITING AN EMPIRE 390 Lean Bear’s Changing West 390

Beyond the Frontier 391

Crushing the Native Americans 392 Life of the Plains Indians 393 “As Long as Waters Run”: Searching for an Indian Policy 394 Final Battles on the Plains 395 The End of Tribal Life 396



Settlement of the West 400 Men and Women on the Overland Trail 400 Land for the Taking 401 Territorial Government 402 The Spanish-Speaking Southwest 403

The Bonanza West 403 The Mining Bonanza 403 Gold from the Roots Up: The Cattle Bonanza 405 Sodbusters on the Plains: The Farming Bonanza 407 New Farming Methods 408 Discontent on the Farm 409 The Final Fling 410

Conclusion: The Meaning of the West 410

◾ FEATURE ESSAY Blacks in Blue: The Buffalo Soldiers in the West 398

Chapter 18

THE INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY 414 A Machine Culture 414

Industrial Development 416

An Empire on Rails 416 “Emblem of Motion and Power” 416 Building the Empire 418 Linking the Nation via Trunk Lines 419 Rails Across the Continent 419 Problems of Growth 420

An Industrial Empire 421 Carnegie and Steel 421 Rockefeller and Oil 423 The Business of Invention 424

The Sellers 428

The Wage Earners 428 Working Men, Working Women, Working Children 428

Culture of Work 430 Labor Unions 431 Labor Unrest 432

Conclusion: Industrialization’s Benefi ts and Costs 435

◾ FEATURE ESSAY Shopping in a New Society 426

Chapter 19

TOWARD AN URBAN SOCIETY, 1877–1900 438 The Overcrowded 438

The Lure of the City 439 Skyscrapers and Suburbs 440 Tenements and the Problems of Overcrowding 441

x Contents

Contents xi

Strangers in a New Land 441 Immigrants and the City 444 The House That Tweed Built 446

Social and Cultural Change, 1877–1900 447 Manners and Mores 448 Leisure and Entertainment 448 Changes in Family Life 449 Changing Views: A Growing Assertiveness among Women 450 Educating the Masses 450 Higher Education 451

The Spread of Jim Crow 454

The Stirrings of Reform 455 Progress and Poverty 455 New Currents in Social Thought 456 The Settlement Houses 457 Crisis in Social Welfare 458

Conclusion: The Pluralistic Society 459

◾ FEATURE ESSAY Ellis Island: Isle of Hope, Isle of Tears 442

◾ LAW AND SOCIETY Plessy v. Ferguson : The Shaping of Jim Crow 460

Chapter 20

POLITICAL REALIGNMENTS IN THE 1890s 466 Hardship and Heartache 466

Politics of Stalemate 468 The Party Deadlock 468 Experiments in the States 468 Reestablishing Presidential Power 469

Republicans in Power: The Billion-Dollar Congress 470 Tariffs, Trusts, and Silver 470 The 1890 Elections 472

The Rise of the Populist Movement 472 The Farm Problem 472 The Fast-Growing Farmers’ Alliance 473 The People’s Party 474

The Crisis of the Depression 476 The Panic of 1893 476 Coxey’s Army and the Pullman Strike 476 The Miners of the Midwest 477 A Beleaguered President 478 Breaking the Party Deadlock 478

Changing Attitudes 479 “Everybody Works But Father” 479 Changing Themes in Literature 480

The Presidential Election of 1896 481 The Mystique of Silver 481

The Republicans and Gold 481 The Democrats and Silver 484 Campaign and Election 484

The McKinley Administration 485

Conclusion: A Decade’s Dramatic Changes 486

◾ FEATURE ESSAY The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 482

Chapter 21

TOWARD EMPIRE 490 Roosevelt and the Rough Riders 490

America Looks Outward 492 Catching the Spirit of Empire 492 Reasons for Expansion 492 Foreign Policy Approaches, 1867–1900 493 The Lure of Hawaii and Samoa 495 The New Navy 496

War with Spain 497 A War for Principle 498 “A Splendid Little War” 500 “Smoked Yankees” 501 The Course of the War 502

Acquisition of Empire 503 The Treaty of Paris Debate 504 Guerrilla Warfare in the Philippines 505 Governing the Empire 506 The Open Door 507

Conclusion: Outcome of the War with Spain 510

◾ FEATURE ESSAY The 400 Million Customers of China 508

Chapter 22

THE PROGRESSIVE ERA 514 Muckrakers Call for Reform 514

The Changing Face of Industrialism 515 The Innovative Model T 516 The Burgeoning Trusts 517 Managing the Machines 518

Society’s Masses 519 Better Times on the Farm 519 Women and Children at Work 520 The Niagara Movement and the NAACP 521 “I Hear the Whistle”: Immigrants in the Labor Force 522

xii Contents

Contents xiii

Confl ict in the Workplace 524 Organizing Labor 525 Working with Workers 527 Amoskeag 530

A New Urban Culture 530 Production and Consumption 530 Living and Dying in an Urban Nation 530 Popular Pastimes 531 Experimentation in the Arts 532

Conclusion: A Ferment of Discovery and Reform 533

◾ FEATURE ESSAY The Triangle Fire 528

Chapter 23


The Spirit of Progressivism 537 The Rise of the Professions 539 The Social-Justice Movement 539 The Purity Crusade 540 Woman Suffrage, Women’s Rights 540 A Ferment of Ideas: Challenging the Status Quo 542

Reform in the Cities and States 544 Interest Groups and the Decline of Popular Politics 544 Reform in the Cities 544 Action in the States 545

The Republican Roosevelt 546 Busting the Trusts 547 “Square Deal” in the Coalfi elds 547

Roosevelt Progressivism at its Height 548 Regulating the Railroads 548 Cleaning up Food and Drugs 548 Conserving the Land 549

The Ordeal of William Howard Taft 550 Party Insurgency 550 The Ballinger-Pinchot Affair 551 Taft Alienates the Progressives 551 Differing Philosophies in the Election of 1912 552

Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom 553 The New Freedom in Action 554 Wilson Moves Toward the New Nationalism 554

Conclusion: The Fruits of Progressivism 558

◾ FEATURE ESSAY Madam C. J. Walker: African American Business Pioneer 556

Chapter 24

THE NATION AT WAR 562 The Sinking of the Lusitania 562

A New World Power 564 “I Took the Canal Zone” 564 The Roosevelt Corollary 565 Ventures in the Far East 566 Taft and Dollar Diplomacy 566

Foreign Policy Under Wilson 566 Conducting Moral Diplomacy 567 Troubles Across the Border 568

Toward War 568 The Neutrality Policy 569 Freedom of the Seas 569 The U-Boat Threat 570 “He Kept Us Out of War” 570 The Final Months of Peace 571

Over There 572 Mobilization 572 War in the Trenches 576

Over Here 577 The Conquest of Convictions 577 A Bureaucratic War 578 Labor in the War 579

The Treaty of Versailles 582 A Peace at Paris 582 Rejection in the Senate 584

Conclusion: Postwar Disillusionment 585

◾ FEATURE ESSAY Measuring the Mind 574

Chapter 25

TRANSITION TO MODERN AMERICA 588 Wheels for the Millions 588

The Second Industrial Revolution 589 The Automobile Industry 590 Patterns of Economic Growth 590 Economic Weaknesses 591

City Life in the Jazz Age 592 Women and the Family 593 The Roaring Twenties 593 The Flowering of the Arts 595

The Rural Counterattack 598 The Fear of Radicalism 599

xiv Contents

Prohibition 600 The Ku Klux Klan 600 Immigration Restriction 602 The Fundamentalist Challenge 603

Politics of the 1920s 603 Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover 603 Republican Policies 605 The Divided Democrats 605 The Election of 1928 606

Conclusion: The Old and the New 607

◾ FEATURE ESSAY Marcus Garvey: Racial Redemption and Black Nationalism 596

◾ LAW AND SOCIETY The Scopes “Monkey” Trial: Contesting Cultural Differences 608

Chapter 26

FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT AND THE NEW DEAL 614 The Struggle Against Despair 614

The Great Depression 614 The Great Crash 615 Effect of the Depression 616

Fighting the Depression 619 Hoover and Voluntarism 619 The Emergence of Roosevelt 620 The Hundred Days 621 Roosevelt and Recovery 622 Roosevelt and Relief 623

Roosevelt and Reform 624 Challenges to FDR 624 Social Security 624 Labor Legislation 627

Impact of the New Deal 627 Rise of Organized Labor 627 The New Deal Record on Help to Minorities 628 Women at Work 629

End of the New Deal 630 The Election of 1936 630 The Supreme Court Fight 630 The New Deal in Decline 631

Conclusion: The New Deal and American Life 631

◾ FEATURE ESSAY Eleanor Roosevelt and the Quest for Social Justice 632

Contents xv

Chapter 27

AMERICA AND THE WORLD, 1921–1945 638 A Pact Without Power 638

Retreat, Reversal, and Rivalry 639 Retreat in Europe 640 Cooperation in Latin America 640 Rivalry in Asia 641

Isolationism 641 The Lure of Pacifi sm and Neutrality 642 War in Europe 642

The Road to War 644 From Neutrality to Undeclared War 644 Showdown in the Pacifi c 645

Turning the Tide Against the Axis 647 Wartime Partnerships 647 Halting the German Blitz 648 Checking Japan in the Pacifi c 648

The Home Front 649 The Arsenal of Democracy 649 A Nation on the Move 650 Win-the-War Politics 653

Victory 654 War Aims and Wartime Diplomacy 655 Triumph and Tragedy in the Pacifi c 656

Conclusion: The Transforming Power of War 660

◾ FEATURE ESSAY The Face of the Holocaust 658

Chapter 28

THE ONSET OF THE COLD WAR 664 The Potsdam Summit 664

The Cold War Begins 666 The Division of Europe 666 Withholding Economic Aid 666 The Atomic Dilemma 668

Containment 668 The Truman Doctrine 669 The Marshall Plan 670 The Western Military Alliance 670 The Berlin Blockade 670

The Cold War Expands 671 The Military Dimension 671 The Cold War in Asia 672 The Korean War 673

xvi Contents

The Cold War at Home 674 Truman’s Troubles 674 Truman Vindicated 675 The Loyalty Issue 676 McCarthyism in Action 677 The Republicans in Power 678

Eisenhower Wages the Cold War 680 Entanglement in Indochina 680 Containing China 681 Covert Actions 684 Waging Peace 684

Conclusion: The Continuing Cold War 685

◾ FEATURE ESSAY America Enters the Middle East 682

Chapter 29

AFFLUENCE AND ANXIETY 688 Levittown: The Flight to the Suburbs 688

The Postwar Boom 690 Postwar Prosperity 690 Life in the Suburbs 691

The Good Life? 692 Areas of Greatest Growth 692 Critics of the Consumer Society 692

Farewell to Reform 696 Truman and the Fair Deal 696 Eisenhower’s Modern Republicanism 697

The Struggle over Civil Rights 698 Civil Rights as a Political Issue 699 Desegregating the Schools 700 The Beginnings of Black Activism 701

Conclusion: Restoring National Confi dence 703

◾ FEATURE ESSAY The Reaction to Sputnik 694

Chapter 30

THE TURBULENT SIXTIES 706 Kennedy versus Nixon: The First Televised Presidential Candidate Debate 706

Kennedy Intensifi es the Cold War 708 Flexible Response 709 Crisis over Berlin 709 Containment in Southeast Asia 709 Containing Castro: The Bay of Pigs Fiasco 710 Containing Castro: The Cuban Missile Crisis 711

Contents xvii

The New Frontier at Home 713 The Congressional Obstacle 713 Economic Advance 713 Moving Slowly on Civil Rights 714 “I Have a Dream” 716 The Supreme Court and Reform 717

“Let Us Continue” 717 Johnson in Action 718 The Election of 1964 718 The Triumph of Reform 720

Johnson Escalates the Vietnam War 721 The Vietnam Dilemma 724 Escalation 725 Stalemate 726

Years of Turmoil 726 The Student Revolt 726 Protesting the Vietnam War 727 The Cultural Revolution 728 “Black Power” 728 Ethnic Nationalism 729 Women’s Liberation 730

The Return of Richard Nixon 731 Vietnam Undermines Lyndon Johnson 731 The Democrats Divide 731 The Republican Resurgence 732

Conclusion: The End of an Era 733

◾ FEATURE ESSAY Unintended Consequences: The Second Great Migration 722

Chapter 31

THE RISE OF A NEW CONSERVATISM, 1969–1988 736 Reagan and America’s Shift to the Right 736

The Tempting of Richard Nixon 738 Pragmatic Liberalism 738 Détente 739 Ending the Vietnam War 739 The Watergate Scandal 741

The Economy of Stagfl ation 742 War and Oil 742 The Great Infl ation 743 The Shifting American Economy 744 A New Environmentalism 744

xviii Contents

Private Lives, Public Issues 745 The Changing American Family 745 Gains and Setbacks for Women 745 The Gay Liberation Movement 746 The AIDS Epidemic 748

Politics and Diplomacy After Watergate 749 The Ford Administration 749 Carter and American Malaise 749 Troubles Abroad 751 The Collapse of Détente 751

The Reagan Revolution 752 The Election of 1980 752 Cutting Taxes and Spending 753 Unleashing the Private Sector 754

Reagan and the World 755 Challenging the “Evil Empire” 755 Confrontation in Central America 755 More Trouble in the Middle East 758 Trading Arms for Hostages 758 Reagan the Peacemaker 764

Conclusion: Challenging the New Deal 764

◾ FEATURE ESSAY The Christian Right 756

◾ LAW AND SOCIETY Roe v. Wade: The Struggle over Women’s Reproductive Rights 760

Chapter 32

INTO THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, 1989–2012 768 “This Will Not Stand”: Foreign Policy in the Post–Cold War Era 768

The First President Bush 770 Republicans at Home 770 Ending the Cold War 771 The Gulf War 772

The Changing Faces of America 774 A People on the Move 774 The Revival of Immigration 774 Emerging Hispanics 775 Advance and Retreat for African Americans 776 Americans from Asia and the Middle East 776 Assimilation or Diversity? 777

Contents xix

The New Democrats 778 The Election of 1992 779 Clinton and Congress 779 Scandal in the White House 780

Clinton and the World 781 Old Rivals in New Light 782 To Intervene or Not 782 The Balkan Wars 782

Republicans Triumphant 783 The Disputed Election of 2000 783 George W. Bush at Home 784 The War on Terror 785 Widening the Battlefi eld 788 Bush Reelected 790

Barack Obama’s Triumph and Trials 791 The Great Recession 791 New Challenges and Old 792 Doubting the Future 793

Conclusion: The End of the American Future—or Not? 794

◾ FEATURE ESSAY An Inconvenient Truth? The Controversy Surrounding Global Warming 786

xx Contents

Maps, Figures, and Tables


373 Reconstruction 383 Election of 1876 392 Physiographic Map of the United States 394 Native Americans in the West: Major Battles and

Reservations 405 Mining Regions of the West 406 Cattle Trails 409 Agricultural Land Use in the 1880s 418 Federal Land Grants to Railroads as of 1871 420 Railroads, 1870 and 1890 433 Labor Strikes, 1870–1900 445 Foreign-Born Population, 1890 470 Election of 1888 475 Election of 1892 485 Election of 1896 496 Hawaiian Islands 503 American Empire, 1900 506 World Colonial Empires, 1900 520 Irrigation and Conservation in the West to 1917 541 “Changing Lives of American Women, 1880–1930” 549 National Parks and Forests 553 Election of 1912 565 The Panama Canal Zone 567 Activities of the United States in the Caribbean,

1898–1930 573 European Alliances and Battlefronts, 1914–1917 576 The Western Front: U.S. Participation, 1918 580 African American Migration Northward, 1910–1920 584 Europe after the Treaty of Versailles, 1919 606 Election of 1928 620 Election of 1932 622 The Tennessee Valley Authority 623 The Dust Bowl 650 World War II in the Pacifi c 652 Japanese American Internment Camps 656 World War II in Europe and North Africa 667 Europe after World War II 669 Marshall Plan Aid to Europe, 1948–1952


673 The Korean War, 1950–1953 675 Election of 1948 698 The Interstate Highway System 708 Election of 1960 721 African American Voter Registration before and after

Passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 724 Southeast Asia and the Vietnam War 732 Election of 1968 741 Election of 1972 746 Voting on the Equal Rights Amendment 752 Election of 1980 758 Trouble Spots in Central America and the Caribbean 759 Trouble Spots in the Middle East 772 The End of the Cold War 779 Election of 1992 780 Election of 1996 783 The Breakup of Yugoslavia/Civil War in Bosnia 784 Election of 2000 791 Election of 2004 792 Election of 2008


419 Railroad Construction, 1830–1920 421 International Steel Production, 1880–1914 424 Patents Issued by Decade, 1850–1899 444 Immigration to the United States, 1870–1900 447 Urban and Rural Population, 1870–1900 (in millions) 473 Selected Commodity Prices 517 Business Consolidations (Mergers), 1895–1905 523 Immigration to the United States, 1900–1920

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