Powerpoint Project
Instructions GO PPT Capstone Project
Visiting the Zoo
Project Description: In this project, you will modify a presentation about visiting the zoo. You will format a background with a graphic, apply WordArt styles, create a SmartArt diagram, and insert and modify a graphic, a video, a table, and a chart. You will also apply formatting and alignment to text and objects, as well as apply animations and transitions.
Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks: Step Instructions Points Possible 1 Start PowerPoint. Open the downloaded presentation named GO_pV1_Grader_Cap.pptx. 0 2 On Slide 1, hide the background graphics and insert the downloaded picture file pv1Polar_Bear.jpg as the background. 3 3 On Slide 1, format the title text Visiting the Zoo with the WordArt style Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Inner Shadow - Accent 1. 2 4 On Slide 2, insert a Continuous Arrow Process SmartArt graphic. Type Animals in the text placeholder on the left, Food in the middle text placeholder, and Fun in the text placeholder on the right. Add a fourth text placeholder to the right of Fun and type Rides as the text. 5 5 Change the color of the SmartArt shape to Transparent Gradient Range - Accent 1. Decrease the SmartArt arrow by two sizes. 4 6 Change the font size of the text that says Our favorite family outing is… to 28 and change the font color to Blue (under Standard Colors). 2 7 On Slide 3, type the following first-level bullet points in the content placeholder: Polar Bears Sea Lions Bears Monkeys Giraffes After Giraffes, add a new bullet, increase the indent level, and type Especially the baby giraffes! as the bullet text. 3 8 Convert the list of text on Slide 3 to a Vertical Picture Accent List SmartArt shape. Center-align the text in the bottom shape, Giraffes and the second-level bullet point under it. In the Polar Bears picture placeholder, insert the picture pv1Polar_Bear.jpg. In the Sea Lions picture placeholder, insert the picture pv1Lion.jpg. In the Bears picture placeholder, insert the picture pv1Bear.jpg. In the Monkeys picture placeholder, insert the picture pv1Monkey.jpg. In the Giraffes picture placeholder, insert the picture pv1Giraffe.jpg. 7 9 Insert a new Picture with Caption slide after Slide 3. Insert the picture pv1Elephant.jpg in the picture placeholder. Add the text Elephant Family for the caption title. Add the text This baby elephant is only 2 years old! as the content text. 6 10 Change the picture style of the elephant picture to Simple Frame, Black. Add the Shadow picture effect Perspective Diagonal Upper Left. Crop the picture shape to Rounded Rectangle. 5 11 After Slide 4, insert all five slides (in order) from the pv1data1 presentation. Change the bullet list on Slide 5 to a numbered list using the 1. 2. 3. numbering style. Resize the sea lion picture to a height of 3.71 and a width of 4.94. Move the picture so the top left corner aligns with the 1-inch mark above 0 on the vertical ruler and the 0.5-inch mark to the left of 0 on the horizontal ruler. 7 12 Insert a Cloud Callout shape above the sea lion's head at the 1.5-inch mark to the right of 0 on the horizontal ruler and the 2-inch mark above 0 on the vertical ruler. Resize the shape to a height of 1.42 and a width of 2.42. Add the text I love sunny days! to the shape. Change the shape style to Colored Outline - Orange, Accent 6. 5 13 On Slide 6, insert the video file pv1data2.wmv. Resize the video so the width is 6 inches, maintaining the aspect ratio. Align the video so the top left corner is at the 3-inch mark to the left of 0 on the horizontal ruler and the 3-inch mark above 0 on the vertical ruler. Apply the Simple Frame, White video style to the video. 4 14 Change the border of the video on Slide 6 to Orange, Accent 6. Change the video effect to an Art Deco bevel. Trim the video so that the start time is 2.555 and then end time is 8.905. 5 15 On Slide 7, insert a 6-column, 2-row table into the content placeholder. Add the following text to the table (one line in each row): May June July Aug Sep Oct 55 65 85 85 80 65 3 16 Center-align all of the text in the table on Slide 7. Change the table style to Light Style 1 - Accent 6. Add the Convex bevel effect to all of the table cells. 4 17 On Slide 7, search for clip art using the keyword Sun, including Office.com content. Insert the first image that results (the sun with the red swirls pattern). For your reference, the image is included with the project starting materials with the file name sun.jpg. Resize the clip art to a height and width of 3.36 inches. Align the top left corner of the clip art with the 1-inch mark above 0 on the vertical ruler and the 1.75-inch mark to the left of 0 on the horizontal ruler. Add the Perspective Diagonal Upper Right shadow effect to the clip art. 4 18 On Slide 7, insert a text box containing the text Our favorite month to visit: October underneath the clip art. Move the text box so that the bottom left corner is at the 2-inch mark to the left of 0 on the horizontal ruler and the 3-inch mark below 0 on the vertical ruler. 3 19 Add the text The Indianapolis Zoo is in Indianapolis, Indiana to the Notes pane on Slide 7. 1 20 Insert a Clustered Column chart in the content placeholder on Slide 8. In the Excel spreadsheet, replace the sample data with the following: COLUMN A COLUMN B COLUMN C COLUMN D Adults Children Seniors Winter 12000 22000 975 Spring 25000 51000 1250 Summer 37000 72000 3200 Fall 22000 35000 2500 7 21 Change the chart style to Style 26. Apply the Wipe entrance animation to the chart. Apply the From Left effect option. 3 22 Align the stars on Slide 9 by the middle, and then distribute them horizontally. Be sure that Align Selected Objects is selected. 3 23 On Slide 1, apply the Switch transition with a duration of 1.6. Select the option to advance the slide On Mouse Click. Apply these transition settings to all of the slides in the presentation. 3 24 Insert slide numbers on all but the title slide. 3 25 Change the theme of all slides in the presentation to Adjacency. Change the color theme to Horizon. Change the theme font to Median. 4 26 Insert the date and time to update automatically on the Notes and Handouts pages. Insert the page number and a footer with the text Zoo Visit on the Notes and Handouts pages as well. 4 27 Save the presentation. Close the presentation and then exit PowerPoint. Submit the presentation as directed. 0 Total Points 100