ROBERT KONOPASKE Rob Konopaske is an associate professor of management and prin- ciples of management course coordinator in the McCoy College of Business at Texas State University. At the College, he also serves as the Director of the Institute for Global Business. A passionate educator who cares deeply about providing students with an excep- tional learning experience, Rob has taught numerous under- graduate, graduate, and executive management courses, including Introduction to Management, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, International Human Resources Management, and International Business. He has received numerous teaching honors while at Texas State University, most recently the 2016 Presidential Distinction Award, 2014 Gregg Master Teacher Award, and 2012–2013 Namesake for the PAWS Preview new student socialization program (an honor bestowed annually upon eight out of approximately 2,000 faculty and staff). Rob earned his doctoral degree in business adminis- tration (management) at the University of Houston, a mas- ter in international business studies (MIBS) degree from the University of South Carolina, and a bachelor of arts
degree (Phi Beta Kappa) from Rutgers University. He has taught at the University of Houston, the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and Florida Atlantic University.
Rob is co-author of several recent editions of six books: Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World, M: Management, Organizational Behavior and Management, Human Resource Management, Global Management and Organizational Behavior, and Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes. The eleventh edition of Organizations won a McGuffey Award (for longevity of textbooks and learning materials whose excellence has been demonstrated over time) from the national Text and Academic Authors’ Association.
Rob’s research has been published in such outlets as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Executive, Management International Review, Business Horizons, Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Management Education, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Journal of Managerial Psychology, and Human Resource Management Review. Dr. Konopaske currently serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Rob has lived and worked internationally, speaks three languages, and has held management positions with a large nonprofit organization and a Fortune 500 multinational firm. He consults, trains, and conducts research projects for a wide range of companies and industries. Current or for- mer clients include Credit Suisse, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Buffalo Wings & Rings, KPMG, New Braunfels Utilities, and Johnson & Johnson.
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Our goal is to keep you focused on delivering important “bottom line” results—to make sure you think continually about delivering the goods that make both you and your organization successful. Good management practices and processes are the keys to delivering the results that you want and your employer wants. This results-oriented focus of Management, 13th edition, is a unique highlight you will take away from this book.