Running head: CRITICAL FACTORS 1
Critical Factors in Implementing an IT System in Health Facilities
Your Name Here
Strayer University
HSA 315 Health Information Systems
Dr. Renita Ellis
NOTE: Even if you have experience in an area, you must support your work to provide credibility, therefore you have to look up the material and locate an article on what you may know and then use that information to support your comments. Paper should not be in first person, such as (“I” statements) Rather than saying I, you can say, Based on Wager et al (2013) information systems….blah.. blah.. blah. . It is recommended due to .. blah blah. Please remember that Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
NOTE… Paper must be a minimum of six complete pages long and no more than eight pages. Too little or too many pages will result in points deduction.
Critical Factors in Implementing an IT System in Health Facilities
Implementing a new information technology system will be an inevitable task for a healthcare organization because healthcare organizations grow and change. Therefore information technology must evolve to meet the changing demands of the organization. According to Wager, Lee and Glaser (2013) this task requires a significant amount of planning and preparation for the facility. The purpose of this paper is to understand the following: reasons why some organizations are reluctant to implement electronic records; review the manner in which the Health Insurance and Accountable Act (HIPAA) impacts medical records; determine advantages and disadvantages of the HITECH Act and suggest one strategy to use in order to mitigate the main advantages of the act. Additionally, the paper will review workflow processes within organizations related to healthcare IT and decide significant processes that should be eliminated to improve service; analyze way in which key federal initiatives impact standards of information for privacy, safety and confidentiality; and state fundamental advantages of applying IT systems in organizations. Finally the paper will predict new IT developments for the next two decades, justifying the reasoning for the technology predictions. (NOTE: You are welcomed to start with this section as your paper should have an introduction into your topic where you tell the reader what you will be writing about. However, you MUST write your own information, in your own words or it will be identified in Safe Assign..)
Why Health Care Organizations Reluctant to Implement Electronic Records
According to Wager et al. (2013) electronic medical records can be expensive to develop, implement and support. Therefore many providers can be reluctant to implement electronic records. Wager et al (2013) states there are several other reasons for this reluctance such as blah blah,. blah blah blah. (See Chapter 5 and provide at least three (3) various reasons why some health care organizations have been reluctant to implement electronic medical records. Ensure you incorporate in your writing information from an additional professional sourced material and cite your sources on this objective. At a minimum every paragraph should have at least one source where you paraphrased the information and gave credit to the author. If you include several sources, then include citations for all material to give credit. ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
HIPAA’s Impact on Patient’s Records
According to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (2014) protects the privacy of health information and set standards for the security of medical records. However, with this security, comes an impact on the health information of patients. Blah, blah, blah. blah blah blah blah.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (SEE Chapter 1 for more info or and discuss the essential manner in which the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) impacts patient’s medical records. Ensure you incorporate in your writing information from an additional professional sourced material and cite your sources on this objective. At a minimum every paragraph should have at least one source where you paraphrased the information and gave credit to the author. If you include several sources, then include citations for all material to give credit.).
Advantages and Disadvantages of HITECH
According to Wager et al. (2013) The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, was enacted as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. HITECH was developed blah blah blah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (State advantages, disadvantages for healthcare professionals. Then suggest one strategy that the medical staff could use in order to mitigate the main disadvantage named above. Ensure you incorporate in your writing information from an additional professional sourced material and cite your sources on this objective. At a minimum every paragraph should have at least one source where you paraphrased the information and gave credit to the author. If you include several sources, then include citations for all material to give credit.)
Workflow Processes and Most Significant Process to Eliminate
According to Wager et al. (2013) it is important for healthcare organizations to understand the workflow processes blah blah blah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please ensure you state a typical workflow process within a health organizations, and decide the single most significant part of that process that the health organization must eliminate in order to improve the service. Provide a rationale to support your response. Ensure you incorporate in your writing information from an additional professional sourced material and cite your sources on this objective. At a minimum every paragraph should have at least one source where you paraphrased the information and gave credit to the author. If you include several sources, then include citations for all material to give credit.
Federal Initiatives Impact on Healthcare Standards
According to Wager et al. (2013) federal initiatives are very important in the proper management of patient information, both to protect the patient and the health organization. Blah blah blah.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Analyze the primary ways in which the key federal initiatives impact the standards of health care information for patient privacy, safety, and confidentially. Ensure you incorporate in your writing information from an additional professional sourced material and cite your sources on this objective. At a minimum every paragraph should have at least one source where you paraphrased the information and gave credit to the author. If you include several sources, then include citations for all material to give credit.)
Advantages of IT System and Prediction of New Developments
According to Wager et al. (2013) there are several advantages to applying information technology within healthcare organizations. Some advantages of information technology are Blah blah blah.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Specify the fundamental advantages of applying an IT system within health care organizations. Predict new IT developments in the health care industry for the next two (2) decades. Justify your response. Ensure you incorporate in your writing information from an additional professional sourced material and cite your sources on this objective. At a minimum every paragraph should have at least one source where you paraphrased the information and gave credit to the author. If you include several sources, then include citations for all material to give credit.)
In conclusion, new information technology is inevitable task for a healthcare organization and is necessary for the growth and advancement of healthcare Therefore information technology must evolve to meet the changing demands of the organization. This paper covered important elements of reasons why some organizations are reluctant to implement electronic records; reviewed the manner in which the HIPAA impacted medical records; determined advantages and disadvantages of the HITECH Act and suggested a strategy to mitigate the main disadvantage. Additionally, the paper reviewed workflow processes related to healthcare IT and reviewed significant processes that could be eliminated to improve service; analyzed ways that federal initiatives impacted standards of information for privacy, safety and confidentiality; and stated fundamental advantages of applying IT systems in organizations. Finally the paper predicted IT developments for the next two decades with justifications for the reasoning of the technology predictions. (NOTE: You are welcomed to start with this area and add to your conclusion so that you are summarizing the major points presented in your paper. Again you MUST add to this area and state some of the highlights that you covered within your paper as the conclusion should summarize to the reader the major points presented above in your writing. )
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2014). Retrieved from
Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2013). Healthcare information systems: A practical approach for health care management (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
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