Software Testing
Exam#2 essay question
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Scenario: A team has planned for verification testing on requirement. Someday, when the system will become day-to-day operations in the client's environment, consider two possible questionable ways someone could abuse the system. The perpetrator may be the same person, but the two actions must be different and may directly relevant to your project’s security and controls section. Using critical thinking, compose your ideas clearly, and precisely. Insert your answer into the cells of the table below, using as many sentences as needed. Vague answers will not earn points. a) What is the possible motivation? And by whom? b) For that motivation, what is the suspicious action or abuse? c) What is a possible consequence if the action was performed and not be detected? d) What control can discourage or prevent this action? e) Why or how will the control reduce the risk?
first questionable action:
2nd questionable action:
possible motivation?
suspicious action or abuse?
possible consequence if not detected?
controls to discourage or prevent this action?
how will the control reduce the risk?
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