Unit MGT2002 Managing Operations
Assessment Type Report
Assessment # 3
Group project
Alignment with
Unit and Course
Unit Learning Outcome Graduate Attributes Assessed
ULO 2: Explain how operations objectives
and strategies fit within an organization
ULO 3: Describe the many facets of the
operations process (design,
planning/control, and improvement) and
how to manage these
ULO 5: Evaluate a practical operations
management scenario
GA 1: Communication
GA 2: Collaboration
GA 3: Research
GA 4: Critical Thinking
GA 6: Flexibility
Due Date/Time Week 10 Moodle Turnitin 5:00pm (AEST)
Assessment Description This assessment is a group assessment. Students will form groups and work together to
write a report based on the question provided below. The responses to the case should be
written in report format.
Identify an organization that you are familiar with and do the following:
• Explain the operations performance objectives of the operations and the contribution
of the operations to company performance
• Scrutinize its product or service designs
• Discuss its process design and improvements
• Identify the corresponding business layout, location and flow of information
• Suggest alternative managing operations strategies, and
• Evaluate the improvement of the newly suggested aspects.
• Explain the required resources for the successful implementation of the proposed
The report should have the following key parts
o Cover page
o Abstract
o Table of contents
o Introduction
o Description of the organization
o Analysis (with sub-headings)
o Recommendation
o Conclusion
o References
o Appendices (if any)
Research expectation:
• The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources.
• Credible sources should be varied and include, but not limited to, the Textbook,
Government reports, Industry reports, Newspaper articles, Books, and Journal
• Use the EBSCO Databases accessed through the Library and Learning Support
page on Moodle to find journal articles, case studies and more to help you prepare
your assessment. Speak with the library assistants or email
(support@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you require further assistance.
• Submission must be within 3000 words (not including executive summary, table of
contents, tables, figures or the reference list).
• Retain the formatting of the template (11 font, 2.5 margins, 1.5 spacing)
• Use Harvard referencing including the reference list
• All students must submit the peer evaluation via relevant Moodle link before the
assessment due date
• One member of the group must submit the assessment through the Assessment 2
Turnitin link on Moodle page for this unit
Group Work • In Week 5, groups are formed. • All groups will fill out the Group Charter and submit to the lecturer.
• 3-4 students per group.
• In the case where one team member ceases contact and/or contribution to the
group work, the group must notify and consult with the Lecturer as soon as
• All students will submit a Peer Evaluation for their group members at the end of the
• The Peer Evaluation Form can be accessed in the Assessment 2 folder on this
Moodle page for this unit.
Misconduct • The assessment will be submitted through Turnitin via your unit page on Moodle. • Turnitin is plagiarism software, which will identify if you have copied information
and included it in your assessment.
• Copying information from others (i.e. websites, partner company information, or
other students etc.) without the acknowledging the author is classified as
• Engaging someone else to write any part of your assessment for you outside of the
group work arrangement is classified as misconduct.
• To avoid being charged with Misconduct, students need to submit their own work
and apply Harvard Style Referencing (ask your lecturer or the learning support
coordinator (support@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you do not know what this means, or you
need assistance applying it).
• The AIH misconduct policy and procedure can be read on the AIH website
• Use the AIH referencing guide accessible via Library and Learning Support Page
on Moodle.
Late Submission • Any assessment submitted past the specific due date and time will be classified as Late.
• Any Late submission will be subject to a reduction of the mark al