I'm working on a marketing case study and need a sample draft to help me study.
Analyse the HBS Brief Case: Altius Golf and the Fighter Brand (913578-PDF-ENG) , your write-up should include the following key elements,
Situation analysis
Summary of SWOT
Strategic options
Your recommended solution
Case Study Write-up Assignment Rubric is attached for your information.
Please read Marketing Analysis Toolkit Situation Analysis FIRST!!!! You can choose 5C's or Porter's Five Forces.
Each part should be 200 words.For the exclusive use of S. Lei, 2021. 9-510-079 FEBRUARY 4, 2010 THOMAS STEENBURGH JILL AVERY Maarketing Analysis To oolkit: Situatiion Analysis Intro oduction Beefore managerrs can begin to t formulate marketing strrategies for th heir businessees, they mustt have a stro ong understa anding of thee internal an nd external marketing m env vironments in i which theey are operaating. The ma arketing envirronment offers many opportunities forr businesses, but b it also im mposes many y constraints. In this toolk kit, we presen nt three metho ods for collecting and anallyzing inform mation aboutt the internal and external marketing en nvironments that firms facce: 5 C's Anaalysis, Porter'ss Five Forces Analysis, and SWOT An nalysis. Thesse analyses help h managerrs monitor an nd understand key o- and micro--environmenttal factors thatt affect their firms' f ability to t earn profitts. macro Usin ng 5 C's An nalysis to assess thee situation n A 5 C’s analyssis outlines five f dimensio ons of the marketing m env vironment th hat are cruciaal for hey begin to make m decision ns. The dimensions analyzzed in markeeting manageers to understtand before th the 5 C’s -- custom mers, context, company, collaboratorss/complemen nters, and com mpetitors -- allow c an nd the externaal players and d forces that affect manaagers to understand themsselves, their customers, their business. A current and d dynamic un nderstanding g of the 5 C’’s sets a strong foundatio on for n making. markeeting decision Analyyzing Custoomers Cu ustomer analy ysis involves two primary y activities: understandin ng the consum mer needs drriving consu umption and understanding the decision making process conssumers underrgo to fulfill their needss. Neeeds Analysis Cu ustomer analy ysis involves outlining po otential custom mers who haave a need fo or the producct and underrstanding theeir needs and d preferencess. Analysis begins with understandiing the utilittarian, symbolic, emotion nal, and sociall needs the prroduct fulfillss in the lives of consumerss. What functional t make consumers’ livess easier or better? b needss does the prroduct fill? What job(s) does it do to Remeember that co onsumers ofteen buy produ ucts not only for what theey do, but forr what they mean. m What meaning doees the producct bring to th he consumers lives? In wh hat rituals or traditions t doees the uct play an im mportant rolee? How doess it help conssumers build their identitiies? How doees the produ ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professo or Thomas Steenbu urgh and Professor Jill Avery (Simmon ns School of Manag gement) prepared this t note as the basiis for class discussiion. Copyrig ght © 2010 Presiden nt and Fellows of Harvard H College. To T order copies or request permission n to reproduce matterials, call 1-800-545-7685, write Haarvard Business Scchool Publishing, Bo oston, MA 02163, or o go to www.hbsp p.harvard.edu/educators. This publicaation may not be digitized, photoco opied, or otherwise reproduced, posteed, or transmitted, without w the permisssion of Harvard Bu usiness School. This document is authorized for use only by Siyu Lei in NYUSPS-MS-IM-Integrated Marketing - Spring 2021 taught by JUNE BU, New York University-School of Professional Studies from Jan 2021 to May 2021. For the exclusive use of S. Lei, 2021. 510-079 Marketing Analysis Toolkit: Situation Analysis product connect consumers to others in the social world? How does it help consumers fulfill their important social roles? How does the product make consumers feel? What emotions are associated with the purchase and consumption of the product? Analyzing the direct and indirect benefits consumers receive from using the product, as well as the pain, unhappiness or other negative effects the product helps consumers ward off, gives insight into how much consumers will value the product. When conducting a needs analysis, it is important to remember to include rational and seemingly irrational needs, and to remember that consumers may not have direct access to their subconscious or unconscious needs. Alternative market research methods may be required to probe consumers’ unconscious minds. Important input into segmentation and targeting decisions comes from understanding the distribution of needs and preferences across the total market. Do consumers share similar needs and have homogenous preferences or do needs differ and are preferences diffused? Are there clusters of customers who share the same need and show similar preferences? Are consumers’ needs currently being met in the marketplace, and if so, by what and by whom? How satisfied are consumers with their current solutions? What needs are still unfulfilled by existing products? Decision Making Process Analysis Customer analysis continues with an understanding of how consumers come to realize they have a need and the process by which they seek to fulfill that need. Consumers’ decision-making processes can be analyzed as a series of five stages (or subprocesses). The first stage is Problem Recognition. Analysis of this stage involves understanding when, where, and how consumers’ needs arise and the situational, social, or marketing triggers that cause consumers to realize they have a problem that needs to be solved. The second stage is Information Search. Analysis includes understanding the sources of information consumers use to learn more about the available options. Understanding social influences in this stage is crucial. Who do consumers rely upon for advice (friends, family, Internet ratings, media, celebrities)? What social reference groups do consumers benchmark against? Who are the opinion leaders who matter to consumers? What marketing activities inform their search (corporate website, salesperson, point of purchase material, advertising)? The third stage is Evaluation of Alternatives. Analysis includes understanding which attributes or features of the product are most important to consumers when choosing among brands or products. How do consumers make their decisions? What factors influence the choice? How do consumers weight the importance of different attributes of the product in their decisions? Are choices made cognitively or emotionally? The fourth stage is the Purchase Decision itself.