Emily presents a MLVA analysis showing separation between the Lovelace strains and those of the patients. "Great work, but we still have the common link of Albuquerque. Can we safely assume they picked it up here at the Comicon?"
Additional information emerges. Of the patients examined, one of them, Dr. Donald Gerecke is a Rutgers professor who claims he did not participate in the Comicon. He states that he had business at Lovelace. His itinerary is also slightly later than most attendees who were there for the weekend. He instead flew in on Sunday and departed Monday. "This seems to be a difficult situation. If the infection location was indeed Comicon, how could Dr. Gerecke have gotten the infection? Also is this guy a suspect?"
Allison adds some extra information about the strain. Very helpful!
Allison asks about the Comicon air filters. You can set about doing an investigation. Take a look at the website for the comicon for more clues. Where else to look?
Rachel asks about international people attending the conference. There were some foreigners, but no Middle Easterners in attendance according to the registration.
Emily adds more information about the mutation. Indeed it is curious that the patients have not gotten any sicker and seem to be recovering.
MLVA analysis on the CA strains show the same outcome - the patients had all attended comicon.
Ed raises some important points. At this point CIA and FBI would be involved in the criminal investigations. Feel free to take on their roles - what would they do in this situation?
APA format, 1 page, deadline tomorrow at 2PM