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Ober / Newman Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online 8e

Current, fast-paced, & interesting – Just like business itself.

The business world is evolving rapidly, and you deserve a textbook that keeps pace. Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online presents innovative content that refl ects the variety of communication technology used in today’s workplace. The text moves beyond describing new media to helping you use social media and other emerging communication technologies. With engaging examples and an innovative, visual format, this edition grabs your attention and makes you want to read.

Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online, 8e

• Refl ects how people communicate in business today.

• Illustrates principles with current, real-world examples.

• Engages readers with creative visuals and an accessible writing style.

• Reinforces learning and promotes skill-building with a variety of online resources.

Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online

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Copyright 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).

Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.

Refl ects How People Communicate in Business Today

Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online prepares you for challenging situations you will face in the digital workplace. Effective, accurate written and oral communication skills are still paramount. But in today’s competitive business environment, you need to be more than a successful communicator; you need to use communication to differentiate yourself.

Prepares You for Today’s Digital Workplace

Get more familiar with communicating through social media.

g y p

• Sending important information in a meeting • Providing instant reminders24

Social Media Perhaps the more interesting technologies for communication are social media. Web 2.0, which encourages online interaction, has opened the door for people to participate on the web. This is quite different from the one- way communication of the early Internet, when companies would post brochure-like websites for people to consume.

The real value of social media for companies is the opportunity to con- nect with people online. Social media is about the conversation. To promote interaction, companies use 2.0 technologies, for example, blogs, wikis, video, and social networking sites. These tools are used on the Internet (for the public), on a company’s intranet (for employee access only), and on extranets (private networks for people outside the company, e.g., custom- ers or franchisees). Examples of social media are shown in Figure 6.

For many companies, social media focuses on user-generated content (UGC), also called consumer-generated media (CGM). This content can be blog entries, product reviews, videos, or other messages posted about a company. As we discussed earlier in the Glassdoor example, this content isn’t always positive. In Chapter 7, we’ll explore how to respond to negative online comments.

The Fortune Global 100 companies are using social media actively. Seventy- nine percent are using at least one of four main social platforms—Twitter, videos, Facebook, and blogs—to communicate with customers.25 Of these tools, Twitter is the most frequently used.26 As a student, you may not be excited about Twitter (the average Twitter user is 39 years old),27 but this has proved useful for companies,

Companies use social media to have a conversation with internal and external audiences.

After introducing a few examples here, we’ll discuss social media— and other technologies—where relevant throughout the book. For example, we’ll explore wikis for team communication; social networking for interpersonal communication; email, blogs, and instant messaging for written communication; user- generated content for customer communication; and video for oral presentations.

as we’ll discuss later. The Fortune Global 100’s frequency of social media activity is shown in Figure 7.28

Blogs Companies use blogs to connect with employees and customers. Successful blogs are updated regularly with news or commentary, and many encourage inter- activity through comments, email subscriptions, and RSS (Really Simple Syndica- tion) feeds to share news and other content.

Wegmans, a regional supermarket, has an active blog called “Fresh Stories” to educate and engage customers—and keep them coming back. The blog includes videos, photos, and posts by CEO Danny Wegman. In one recent post, the CEO wrote,

With the spring season upon us (we hope! It’s been a cold April in the Roches- ter area), I wanted to kick off the season with a fresh story from the farm. I’m hoping you’ll start sharing your growing stories and questions as we experi- ence this new season together!29

With a blog, a CEO can build direct relationships with customers and personal- ize the company, particularly with a conversational style such as Danny Wegman’s.

The Wegmans blog also allows open comments, which are not always positive. Following the earthquake and tsunami disasters in Japan, one customer wrote,

Visit the author’s blog at www.bizcominthenews .com for current communication examples.

Figure 7 How Fortune

Learn how to listen to and engage online audiences.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.

Ober / Newman Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online 8e

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Newman / Ober Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online 8e

new content

• Move from diversity to inclusion.

• Adapt communication to multicultural and international audiences.

• Participate in online (web) meetings and videoconferences.

• Create PowerPoint® “decks” and represent ideas using creative graphics.

• Manage your online reputation.

New Content Helps You:

Understand how to communicate ethically and avoid legal consequences of communication.

front of a jury about the content of this email I am about to send?’ If the answer is anything other than an unqualifi ed ‘yes,’ it is not an email that should be sent.”40

You might ask yourself the same question for all communications related to your company.

ETHICS AND COMMUNICATION Beyond the legal requirements, companies will expect you to communicate ethi- cally. Consider this situation: Brian Maupin, a Best Buy employee, posted videos about the company on YouTube.41 His fi rst cartoon video, which received over 3.3 million views within two weeks, mocked a customer of “Phone Mart,” desperate for the latest version of the iPhone (Figure 12).

Before Maupin was invited back after being suspended, he created another video poking fun at the company’s policies. This interaction, between the store employee and the woman who “run[s] the ethics department” at the corporate offi ce, illustrates gray areas in communication ethics—and the importance of social media policies.

Was Maupin’s behavior ethical? Most corporate executives would consider the videos disparaging to the company. Although Maupin didn’t expect the videos to be such a huge success, he still publicly disagreed with sales policies, questioned loyalty to a top Best Buy supplier (Apple), and insulted customers. Things worked

Communicate ethically.

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overr atee

Ethics in Communication

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Maupin: How is it any business of Phone Mart’s what I do in my spare time?

Head of Corporate Ethics Department: If it hurts us or one of our Phone Mart partners, like Apple, then it hurts all the Phone Mart employees and stockholders, and we must take action to protect the company from these attacks, James Cameron.

You iPhone4 vs HTC Evo tinywatchproductions

tinywatchproductions 4,707,322 views

Figure 12 Best Buy Employee Posts a Video

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Copyright 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).

Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.

• Use email, instant messaging, and texting effectively at work.

• Respond to customer comments and complaints online.

• Answer behavioral interview questions and prepare for a case interview.

New Content Helps You:

Delete Junk Reply Reply All Forward Print




Subject: Need More Detailed Bio by FridayUses a clear, specific subject line.

Uses a greeting that is standard within

the company.

Provides specific suggestions in bullets so

they are easy to skim.

Gives clear instructions: email by Friday.

Includes a simple, standard closing.

Uses a professional signature line.

Includes information that is useful to complete

the request.

Provides context for the request.

Gives a rationale for the deadline.


Figure 12 Well-Written Email


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See Chapter 12, Employment Communication, for tips on phone and video interviews.

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Figure 11 Tips for Using VoIP

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A friendly photo makes me feel like I’m talking to real


From Jill Z.

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Thanks for at least using my name.

They really care what I think.

Wow! You really read my review!

Reply Delete Block User

“What TO Do” – A simple and personal thank you

Figure 13 Yelp’s Advice to Managers for Responding to a Positive Customer Post

The Plymouth manager’s response (at the bottom of Figure 12) could be more substantive, but her response is brief and funny. For informal social media interac- tions, this works just fi ne to connect with the writer and other prospective custom- ers. Considering the reviewer’s casual post, it might look odd for the manager to respond with something longer and more formal.

Yelp offers the example in Figure 13 with good advice for responding to posi- tive feedback online. For an authentic approach, personalize the response: provide a photo and your own name (not just the company’s name), mention the writer’s name, thank the writer for the post, address specifi c comments from the post, and offer solutions or other ways to stay in touch.

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Ober / Newman Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online 8eNewman / Ober Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online 8e

Illustrates Principles with Current, Real-World Examples Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online is interesting to read. Principles and skills come alive with many examples of communication at work. You’ll learn how companies use communication to their advantage—and how companies struggle with communication.

Sample annotated letters, emails, blog posts, and other messages illustrate what works well and what could be improved.

cashiers to not ask me 50 times to barrassing to the company, at least the ty to respond, as someone did quickly: nce at the checkout. Our cashiers have me of them have done so on their own. t War- rs also

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Figure 8 Kevin Smith’s Tweet About Southwest Airlines

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Figure 9 Southwest’s Response to Kevin Smith




• Examples are integrated right into the paragraph text, such as Best Buy’s suspension of an employee for a video posted on YouTube, Toyota’s response to safety recalls, McDonald’s adaptation to interna- tional markets, Google’s strategy for hiring, and more.


Personalizes the message to a select group of


Uses the indirect plan to provide history and context

for the decision.

Explains the Chapter 11 decision.

Uses headings to address customers’ questions.

Uses a conversational style and a personal approach

from the company’s leader.

Highlights customers’ most prevalent concerns.

Reassures customers with a positive, forward-looking



Figure 12 Borders Updates Reward Customers During the Bankruptcy Process

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Figure 10 McDonald’s India Website














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Companies customize their websites in other ways, too. Site navigation for high-context cultures, for example, might include subtle guidance and new pages opening in several new browser windows. This strategy allows the user to select new entry points for further exploration. But for low-context cultures, which tend to have more linear thought patterns, navigational cues may be more explicit, and new pages will open within the current window, to allow the user to go back and forth easily.23

We all interpret events through our own mental fi lter, and that fi lter s based on our unique knowledge,

experiences, and perspectives. For example, the language of time is as different among cultures as the lan- guage of words. Americans, Canadi- ans, Germans, and Japanese are very time conscious and precise about appointments; Latin American and Middle Eastern cultures tend to be more casual about time. For example, f your Mexican host tells you that he

or she will meet with you at 3:00, it’s most likely más o menos (Spanish for more or less”) 3:00.

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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.

• A companion blog, BizCom in the News (www.bizcominthenews.com), spotlights communication issues that make headlines. Browse stories by chapter or by topic, and access stories on the book’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/bizcominthenews).

Illustrates Principles with Current, Real-World Examples

• Expanded end-of-chapter exercises include six new company scenarios that help you develop skills that will transfer to the workplace. For example, Aggresshop prepares you to respond to a customer complaint on the company’s blog and select the appropriate channel to communicate organizational change.

CHAPTER 1 Understanding Business Communication 33

Aggresshop Imagine you work for Aggresshop, an upscale women’s clothing boutique with 16 stores throughout the United States. At www.cengagebrain.com, you’ll fi nd Aggresshop’s company blog for customers and employees.

As you’ll read in the scenario, Aggresshop is experiencing many customer com- plaints about its sales associates’ overly aggressive techniques (two posts are shown below). The CEO decides to change the sales compensation structure to address this issue.

On the blog, you’ll see examples of several communication concepts discussed in Chapter 1: directions of communication, communication media, barriers to communica- tion, and ethics in communication. This scenario will also help you learn to do the following:

• Respond to customer complaints on a company blog.

• Communicate a change internally.

• Tailor message content and tone for different audiences and communication channels.

To help you practice your business communication your instructor may assign the

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Scan This!

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Ober / Newman Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online 8eNewman / Ober Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online 8e

Current, fast-paced, & interesting – Just like business itself.


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• Engaging model documents help you learn the many types of writing—both in print and online. Models provide marginal callouts with detailed writing instructions.

CHAPTER 12 Employment Communication 417

Chooses present tense verbs to describe current


Includes relevant skills and hobbies (optional).

Starts with educational background, most relevant for a graduating student.

Education Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills, IL • Associate in Science Degree (A.S.), 3.8 G.P.A.,

Expected Graduation 2012 • Dean’s List All Semesters • Coursework: International Business, Fundamentals of

Accounting, Business Mathematics, Financial Accounting, Computer Applications in Accounting

The American International University in Rome Study Abroad, High School Program, Summer 2010 • Lived with a host family for three weeks • Studied Italian and Introduction to Business


Employment Moraine Valley Community College Teaching Assistant, Computer Applications in Accounting, (2011-present) • Assist professor with grading 150 papers each semester • Hold daily office hours for students • Provide tutoring on challenging course material

Lakewatch Apartments Property Accountant (2009-2012) • Processed all accounts payable including taxes,

mortgages, and monthly bills • Maintained cash receipt journals for various properties • Processed and deposited rental income • Maintained general ledger and reconciled all bank

statements • Produced special reports for the partners and investors

Other • Notary Public, State of Illinois • Proficient in Peachtree and Microsoft Word, Excel,

and Outlook • Proficient Italian • Hobbies include guitar, tennis, model airplanes

Highlights experience to differentiate his candidacy.

Uses a simple, creative design; includes clear

contact information and a professional email address.

Marcus C. Benini

Uses bold type to emphasize job title, which is more

important than the names of this applicant’s employers.

Chooses past tense verbs to describe previous


Figure 4 Sample Résumé 1 (Chronological)

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Creative visuals enhance your learning experience and aid in retention.

Engages with Creative Visuals & an Accessible

Writing Style With strong visual appeal, this edition encourages you to read. Where appropriate, content is presented visually— in tables and graphics. Written in a professional, conversational style, Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online aids comprehension and refl ects business writing in companies today.

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Reinforces Learning & Promotes Skill-Building with a Variety of Innovative Digital Resources

The eighth edition of Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online integrates the most advanced new technology for effi cient and effective study opportunities.

CengageNOW™ is an integrated, online learning system that gives you more control over your success. This innovative, intuitive tool combines the best of current technology to help you plan and study more effectively.

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Ober / Newman Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online 8eNewman / Ober Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online 8e

digital tools

• A diagnostic Personalized Study Plan helps you identify troublesome concepts and creates individualized study plans for better class preparation and grades.

• With CengageNOW you also get PowerPoint® slides, videos, digital fl ash

cards, games, and an integrated ebook to make studying business communication more effective and convenient.


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Innovative Digital Resources

CourseMate is a unique website, created to support this text, to make course concepts come alive with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools. CourseMate delivers what you need, including an interactive eBook, quizzes, videos, KnowNOW!, Career Transitions interactive tool, and more!

Log in through www.cengagebrain.com to see what is available.

• Pretests

• Posttests

• PowerPoint study slides

• Flash cards

• Multimedia company scenarios

• BizComInTheNews.com

Through CourseMate,

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Helpful tools including fl ash cards, crossword puzzles, and videos are at your fi ngertips!

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Business Communication In Person, In Print, Online


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Business Communication In Person, In Print, Online

AMY NEWMAN Cornell University

SCOT OBER Ball State University


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Professor Smith
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Professor Smith


Professor Smith

I have read your project description carefully and you will get plagiarism free writing according to your requirements. Thank You

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Assignment Hub


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This project is my strength and I can fulfill your requirements properly within your given deadline. I always give plagiarism-free work to my clients at very competitive prices.

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Accounting & Finance Mentor

I am an experienced researcher here with master education. After reading your posting, I feel, you need an expert research writer to complete your project.Thank You

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I have written research reports, assignments, thesis, research proposals, and dissertations for different level students and on different subjects.

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Homework Guru


Homework Guru

I am a professional and experienced writer and I have written research reports, proposals, essays, thesis and dissertations on a variety of topics.

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This project is my strength and I can fulfill your requirements properly within your given deadline. I always give plagiarism-free work to my clients at very competitive prices.

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