i have several questions that need to be short answers.
i attached the book
i need 2 pages, and you can answer only 4 of the 6 questions.
here is the questions:
Chapter 6
1-in eazy’s garage trust was broken between the two parties. Use the contents of that classroom exercise to outline and describe the process for repairing broken trust as covered in Thompson’s chapter on the establishing trust and building a relationship.
Chapter 7
2_ Explain three reasons why it is unwise to lie when negotiating.
Chapter 8
3_ why is creativity often downplayed or ignored in the process of negotiation? Explain three techniques that can be used in negotiation to aid negotiators in arriving at creative solution alternatives to the problem at hand.
Chapter 9
4_what are two key challenges involved in multiparty negotiations? Identify and describe three strategies for dealing with challenges of multiparty negotiations.
Chapter 10
5_ cultural differences can be explained via three distinct dimensions. Please identify and explain these dimensions. What two pieces of advise would you give a colleague if they were going to negotiate in a cross-cultural situation?
Appendix III
6_After viewing Mediation in Action DVD and reading Appendix Three in the Thompson text, explain two of the main challenges facing third parties (i.e., the mediators). In addition, what is at least on strategy for enhancing effectiveness in third party intervention?
please find the answers in the book, no other sources.