I’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.
You could just answer the questions by not writing the questions on if you want
the article are attached below
answer complete sentences and use easy word, grammar(use simple word and is ok to make grammar mistake )
(future!!!) after you finish the questions if you felt interesting let me know I have a writing paper about the two story below
For this assignment you will answer a few questions for the readings (the Stephen King and the Art Markman). Aim for 1-2 single spaced pages per reading. Clearly label and number your submissions. Submit responses for both articles on one document.
For the Stephen King, “Why We Crave Horror Movies” article / Reflection and Discussion Questions:
Understanding Details:
Why, in King’s opinion, do civilized people enjoy horror movies?
According to King, in what ways are horror movies like roller coasters?
According to King, how are horror movies like public lynchings?
What is the difference between “emotions that tend to maintain the status quo of civilization” and “anticivilization emotions”?