Date: 16 April 2018
Invitation to Tender No.: PPP (161)‐PRO/2017
1. The [SBM3302] Ltd invites sealed tenders from eligible bidders for the completion of [Darling
Harbour Swing Bridge Replacement] (hereinafter called the “Works” or “Project”). The project entails
superstructure replacement, swing span replacement, substructure modifications, complete mechanical
and electrical overhaul, operator house replacement and fender system replacement. To minimise the
construction impact on public, all superstructure and swing span replacement must be completed in a
10-day bridge closure period.
2. Eligible interested tenderers may obtain further information about this Invitation of Tenders from,
and inspect the tender documents at the office of [SBM3302, 1rd Floor, APIC, Lecture Room].
3. The detail of the work is as follows:
• Construction Start Date: 11/09/2018
• Construction Completion Date: 05/12/2018
• Total Project Budget: AUD 31,474,000.00
4. A complete set of the tender documents are listed below:
• Statement of Work
• Work Break Down Structure
• Milestone schedule
• Cost estimates
• Quality Assurance/Safety Standards
• Procurement Strategy: propose a contract type
Please submit in person to Samira Alvandi. The tender documents may be obtained by eligible
interested Tenderers on submitting a written application to the aforesaid office and upon Payment of a
non-refundable fee of AUD 0.00006. International Bidders may contact us at
samira.alvandi@apicollege.edu.au to acquire the bid document.
5. Tenders must be submitted to the above‐mentioned office not later than [23.55 HRS] on [6th May
2018] and must be accompanied by a tender security, in accordance with the Instructions to
Tenderers, in the amount of [AUD 0.00006].
6. Tenders will be opened in a session to be held at the office mentioned above and in the presence of
representatives of tenderers who wish to attend. This session will take place at time and date tabulated
in clause 7 of this section or such other time and date as may be notified to the tenderers.
7. Dates and timing for the tender process.
Activity Time & Date Venue
Pre-Bid Meeting Tutorial WK 10 18/04/18 APIC,Room 3.8
Deadline for bid submission WK 11, 11.55 pm 06/05/18 OLS
Bid opening session Lecture WK 12 09/05/18 APIC,Room 3.8