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Approximate Mark Return: 3 weeks from the due date (excluding late submissions) Weighting: Marked out of 80 and weighted at 39%

15/08/2020 Client: sarahhitz Deadline: 24 Hours


Approximate Mark Return: 3 weeks from the due date (excluding late submissions)

Weighting: Marked out of 80 and weighted at 39%

Word Limit: 1500 words (+/-10%)

Submission: Submit online via the assignment link on study desk (see Assessment tab). Your assignment will be submitted to Turnitin. Please refer to processes for requesting an extension for medical, compassionate or extenuating circumstances Marking Criteria: Will be available via Study Desk

Key Concepts in the Course Related to the Assignment

• Person-centred care

• Caring

• Theory

Formatting Requirements:

• Include a header (student name and number), insert page numbers

• Use a plain serif (e.g. Times New Roman) or sans serif (e.g. Arial) font. A serif font is easier to read. Suggested size is Font size 12

• Double line spacing (throughout the body of the assignment and reference list)

• Indent all paragraphs 1.3 cm to the right

• Leave 1 blank line between paragraphs

• Word document (typed), do not submit an assignment in pdf format.

• Provide a full reference list at the end of the assignment beginning on a separate page.

• The reference list does not form part of the assignment word count. In-text references and headings do form part of the overall word count.

• No need to attach a marking guide

• APA 7 Referencing Style

• Make sure that you proof read your work beforehand. Consider using Smarthinking to help with your writing.

• It is accepted in this assignment for you to include headings. Some examples might be, Observed Caring Behaviours, Description of Caring Behaviours, Nursing Caring Theory. You should include an introduction and conclusion but you dont need a heading for them.


Nursing is often described as the art of both science and caring. To provide high quality care, nurses need to practice within professional standards and ensure that their care is based upon quality evidence. On commencement of your nursing education, it is essential that you consider the role of caring in forming the basis for providing fundamental nursing care. Your nursing education will help you to develop an understanding of caring from a professional context and help you to develop the skills and behaviours considered crucial in providing quality, evidence-based, and patient-centred care.

Related Course Objectives for this Assessment Item:

1. Identify and demonstrate a knowledge of person-centred care as they apply to basic nursing skills.

2. Enact professional behaviours and communication skills in accordance with standards of practice.

3. Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to do comprehensive health assessments, including the collection and recording of data, for persons across the lifespan.

Assignment Stimulus Material:

Denise Palmer

This video is a USQ production involving 3rd year nursing students for Denise Palmer who is one of the key patients involved throughout your nursing program. The video is approx. 19 mins. You can also find this video inside the virtual simulation room on the study desk.

Aaqib Abbas

This video is a USQ production involving 3rd year nursing students for Mr Abbas who is one of the key patients involved throughout your nursing program. The video is approx. 13 mins. This video takes you on a journey from Mr Abbass home to his admission into the USQ hospital. You can also find this video inside the virtual simulation room on the study desk.


Style of Academic Writing Required:

Essay Style - based on 3 key sections

Assignment Task:

This assignment enables you to demonstrate a beginning understanding of caring. This understanding will relate to the importance of caring within the profession of nursing, common types of caring behaviours and how caring can be viewed within a theoretical perspective. As you also progress through your nursing program, you will begin to observe behaviours from other nurses and you will also engage in reflection of your own ability to care for others, and to care for yourself. 


Step 1: Choose either Denise Palmer or Aaqib Abbas as the focus of your assignment


Provide a brief overview of caring as it relates to nursing practice, and a thesis statement providing an argument about the importance of caring.

Section 1: (approx.500 words)

Write a description of the types of caring behaviours that are observed in the video by the nursing students. This description should also demonstrate a beginning understand of what caring behaviours are based on descriptions from literature.

An example of how to write this:

In the nursing literature, caring behaviours can be described as.(References). In the case study video of Mr Abbas, a

number of behaviours related to providing comfort. As one example, it was observed in Mr Abbass video that the nursing students ensured his warmth by pulling up the blanket.

Section 2: (approx. 500 words)

Describe how these behaviours relate to the 6 Cs of caring described in your nursing textbook (compassion, competence, confidence, conscience, commitment, comportment) and relate these behaviours to the patient experience. This task requires you to link the observations from Task 1 with relevant nursing literature (e.g. your textbook and other professional journal articles).

An example of how to write this:

Providing comfort is considered a key caring behaviour of nurses. Comfort is a broad term which can have many meanings, for example,.......(References). Within the 6 Cs of caring (Reference), providing comfort is seen as a component of

compassionate care. In the nursing literature there are many examples of the importance of providing comfort to ensure quality care and enhance the patient experience. For example, patients often perceive nurses as caring when they...(Reference).

Section 3: (approx. 500 words)

Identify one nursing theory focused on caring. Describe one key idea that is of interest to you from that nursing theory and outline how in the future this concept could be incorporated into your care of a patient (such as Mr Abbas or Denise Palmer).

An example of how to write this:

A number of nursing theories include the core concept of caring. One such theory, the Theory of Human Caring .describes

caring as....(References). In this theory...(Reference). One key idea that is of interest is.This is described as.

This idea could be incorporated into nursing care by.......(References).


Provide an overall summary of key points made within the assignment and link back to the ideas in the introduction.


NURI 100 Assignment Marking Rubric - Semester 1, 2020

Section 1 1 Identification and description . of caring i behaviours based on ; NUR1100 j patients t f i ; 1 5 J I ; 1 1 ! ; L s 1 f J Student was able to clearly able to identify and describe caring behaviours given discrete examples within the case videos* Very clear descriptions could be differentiated between nursing care and caring behaviours, within the context of holistic nature of care (supported with relevant literature} Student may be showing some ability to consider interlinking of nursing care and caring. Student demonstrated an ability to group /categorise similar caring behaviours together as part of the description* Student was able to clearly able to identify j and describe caring behaviours given discrete examples within the case videos. [ Descriptions could be differentiated between | nursing care and caring [ behaviours. Student demonstrated i an ability to group /categorise similar caring behaviours together as part of the [ description. At least 5-10 behaviours were identified and were described ata high level. Overall a good number of behaviours were identified and described [ (approx. 5). May have had some difficulty in considering what [ might be nursing [ care and caring behaviours. 1 i I Student is able to write a satisfactory description having identified [ a few behaviours in the case study. Description is quite basic and does not provide many details* 1 p 1 c Student was not able to identify what would be considered caring behaviours* Did not relate behaviours to one of the case videos* To gain higher marks In this section students [should focus on: [Identifying clear ^examples of nursing care [and caring behaviours [Descriptions should [include clear details of [how the nurses were [providing care and [caring* Identifying a range of [behaviours and descriptions of [behaviours are based on [nursing literature. t J i

: J J J ! 1 1 • ! 1 J r [ Section 2 j Description of i how the caring ! behaviours may [ relate to [ concepts of j caring and [ relationship j with patient | experience. ] At least 5-10 behaviours were identified and were described at a high level, and considering various types of behaviours. Avery good understanding of the behaviours in relation to the 6Cs of caring-Student may show initiative in showing a deeper level of understanding and breadth of knowledge by relating to other literature about the 6 Cs beyond the textbook* Use of several references to support key concepts. Student was able to demonstrate a high level of thinking in relation to which behaviours linked with the 6Cs. I A very good understanding of the behaviours in relation j to the 6Cs of caring-Student may show initiative in showing a I deeper level of understanding and breadth of knowledge by relating to other literature about the 6 Cs beyond the textbook. [ Makes very good links between caring and patient-centred care and [ provide evidence to support how the types of caring behaviors can positively impact on the patient experience. a A good understanding of j the behaviours in j relation to the SCs of caring. Makesan attempt at [ describing and explaining the links between 1 caring and patient-centred care. May have limited supporting evidence. A satisfactory demonstration of understanding of the behaviours and how they might relate to the 6 Cs. Limited linking of these behaviours in relation to the patient experience. Mainly a basic description with no evidence of higher levels of thinking- Limited or no jro gain higher marks in demonstration this section students of Should focus on: understanding | of the j behaviours and [Ensuring clear links the 6Cs. Was [between the behaviours not able to [and aspects of the 6 Cs* [ support any Demonstrating a good j description [understanding of the I with supporting [different aspects of the 6 evidence and [Cs. This also can show J could not [evidence of broader i : [ consider why or reading* [ how these [ behaviours [Links good quality [ might enhance [examples from the [ the patient [literature about those [ experience* [behaviours and the patient experience.

Makes excellent articulate links between caring and patient-centred care and

provides evidence to support how the types of caring behaviors can positively impact on the patient experience.


NUR1100 Assignment Marking Rubric - Semester 1, 2020

To gain higher marks In

Section 3 Student is clearly able to Student is clearly able Student Is clearly [ Some attempt at Student was this section students

identify a nursing caring to identify a nursing able to identify a { describing a notable to [should focus on:

Identifying and theory and can caring theory and can nursing caring nursing caring identify and i

describing an demonstrate an demonstrate a very ] theory and theory, but may ! describe a [Identifying and

element of excellent level of good understanding of attempts to not be able to nursing care [describing a nursing

caring from a understanding of key key aspects of the describe this. clearly describe i theory* Could caring theory (there are

nursing caring aspects of the theory at theory at a beginners 2 key aspects* not identify and [some examples provided

theory and how a beginners level* The level* The student A good attempt j May link to one describe any in the textbook).

this might be student shows an ability shows an ability to at identifying key idea but is key aspects. {Show evidence that you

applied to to demonstrate demonstrate one key idea as a [ not well Idea appeared {have extended your

practice* understanding of the understanding of the focus point. May j supported by to be unrelated [reading of the theory

theory by utilising a theory by utilising a have some any literature to the theory [and key aspects beyond

number of sources of number of sources of ( integration of and may not [ and nursing {the textbook.

literature. literature. 1 literature, but consider well practice* [Show evidence of

Student describes one Student describes one limited. how this might reading in relation to a

key idea that directly key idea that directly May have a basic be applied to [one key aspect of

relates to a key aspect relates to a key aspect idea of how this j nursing practice* j [interest broader from 1

within the theory, and within the theory, and could be linked - jthe textbook and from

also demonstrate an also demonstrate an [ to nursing [quality academic

ability to link this idea as ability to link this idea practice. ¦ sources*

• an important aspect as an important aspect [ I • pan show evidence of a

with other supporting with other supporting : • (beginning knowledge of

literature. Student is literature. 2 •• [nursing practice and how

clearly able to explain ! • {this one key idea could

1 the key idea and how z k be incorporated. This is

this would apply with 2 (also supported by

• nursing care. • [relevant academic

• fuftt IXWW*! ArMA! W AAfciuw.wfr fOXf «**! 5 [literature*

I Academic i Word limit: Adhered to Word limit: Adhered to 8 Word limit: Word limit: Word limit: Not To gain higher marks In

i Writing: i word limit +/-10% word limit +/-10% Adhered to word Adhered to word adhered to [this section students

j structure, APA Expression Expression limit+/-10% limit (+/-10% Expression should focus on:

[ referencing [ High standard of Sound academic 1 Expression Expression Used incorrect [Using scholarly, credible

I expression = academic presentation* structure and Expressed ideas Limited clarity of [ terminology [academic sources of

j /grammar Expressed ideas clearly, presentation clearly, however 5 expression Numerous [information to support

Referencing ( concisely & fluently Expressed ideas dearly not concisely & Errors in spelling [ mistakes in [your writing

1 will contribute | Very few, if any spelling and concisely. Very few 1 fluently & grammar spelling and/or [Using correct APA

1 to 10 out of 20 i or grammatical errors spelling or grammatical Some spelling Structure grammar [referencing style - (see

I marks* i Structure errors and grammatical j Provided [ Structure USQ, library for guide)

l [ Well-constructed Structure errors paragraphs but No or limited [Spelling, grammar and

J j paragraphs, main points Well-constructed Structure either main structure [punctuation checks

linked to the question* paragraphs, clearly Provided points were Referencing (A clear logical layout to

c 9 Introduction and expressed & linked paragraphs with inappropriate or i Literature not (the assignment e.g.

r [ conclusion and sections. main points. main points they were not appropriate or formatting requirements

2 I Referencing introduction, however not linked key insufficient Use of in-text references

• j Correctly cited sources conclusion and sections | clearly expressed j content areas. Incorrect A reference list in APA 7

1 I both within text & Referencing Referencing referencing style

reference list References to literature i Referencing Reference to Use of 5 -10 scholarly

• 1 No or limited mistakes are well supported References to literature is [references (can include

• i in citation or 1 literature are present but not j texts, peer-reviewed

¦ 1 referencing format satisfactory strong {journal articles)

i using highly relevant ¦ [Logical order of ideas •

[ literature • i

LATE PENALTY* (Please circle) Marks Deducted Marks Not Deducted [ FINAL MARK: /80

NX ifrnArhs’ w deducted this’ witt b6*5K of fetal marks available for th® assessment ttem per business day deducted from total mark

You addressed these aspects of your assignment well:

These are some areas for improvement for you:

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