Survey of Architecture History (ARC1720)
Fall Term / School of Architecture, University of Florida
3 credits
Midterm Exam Reading Materials and Questions
Due: Oct 20, submit under “Assignments” by 11:55 pm
In the Midterm Exam, the instructor prepared FOUR articles selected from Body and Building:
Essays on the Changing Relation of Body and Architecture, which is an excellent architecture theory
collection on classical architecture. Your job is to select ONE article that interests you from the four
articles, answer the four questions listed below. The length of each answer is approximately 300-
500 words. In each answer, no citation is required. Please submit your answers in a Word document
and label clearly the name of the article you choose.
Article Name:
Greek Temple and Greek Brain/ Doric Figuration/ Sphere and Cross/ Vitruvius Crucifixus
Q1: What is the argument of this article? If there is no obvious argument, simply write a
description of the themes or the author’s perspective. (25%)
Q2: What historical evidence the author uses in the article to enhance the power his argument?
If there is no obvious argument, simply list and introduce the important people, books,
buildings, and events appear in the article. (25%)
Q3: The article you read is a theory article. “Architectural theory has its unique distinctions. It
comprises a broad body of ideas and debates, which over many centuries has not only come to form
a substantial literary edifice but also one ever more complex and refined in its details and
issues.”(Mallgrave, 2006) What are the distinctions and relation between architecture history,
architecture theory, and architecture practice? Use what you learned from the article and our
class to answer. (25%)
Q4: Criticize the article as much as you can, based on your experience, and the
readings/lectures you have done for the class. If you completely agree with the author, just
write down your reaction and response to the article. (25%)
You have one week to read and write. Please notice: some content in the readings may not have
been covered by our lectures. You can refer to following modules and extracurricular resources.
Good luck!