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Are farms becoming digital firms

20/12/2020 Client: saad24vbs Deadline: 7 Days

Page | 1 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1

Unit Code and Title: SBM4202 IS Strategy, Management & Acquisition

Assessment Overview

Assessment Task

Weighting Due Length ULO

Assessment 1: Case Study- 1 Students need to answer the case study which is relevant to Business information system. For details refer to Assessment Brief.

30% Week 4 2500 words


Assessment 2: Case Study- 2 Students need to select a topic within the area of Business and IT and write a research case study report.


Week 7

2500 words


Assessment 3: Report Applied project based on a Case-Based Information System and its ‘Value-Add’ within a Case Business.

40% Week 12

3000 words


Assessment Details


Page | 2 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1

Assessment: Case Study-1

Due date: Week 4 Group/individual: Group Word count / Time provided: 2500 words Weighting: 30% Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO2, ULO3, ULO4, ULO5

Assessment Details:

In this assignment students are required to read the case study below, conduct research to support your discussion, use examples, address the following case study questions and find solutions to problems.

Are Farms Becoming Digital Firms? Ohio farmer mark Bryant raises corn, soybeans, and soft red winner wheat on 12,000 acres. But you will hardly ever see him on a tractor because that isn’t how farms work anymore. Bryant spends most of his time monitoring dashboards full of data gathered from the 20 or so iPhones and five iPads he has supplied to employees who report on his acreage in real time. Using software from a Google- funded start up called granular, Bryant analyses the data along with data gathered from aircraft, self- driving tractors, and other forms of automated and remote sensors for yield, moisture, and soil quality. Tractors themselves have been morphed into pieces of intelligent equipment and are now much smarter. Many tractors and combines today are guided by Global positioning System (GPS) satellite- based navigation systems. The GPS computer receives signals from earth-orbiting satellites to track each piece of equipment’s location and where it has gone. The system helps steer the equipment, so farmers are able to monitor progress on iPads and other tablet computers in their tractor cabs. The world’s largest producer of autonomous four wheeled vehicles isn’t Tesla or Google, its john Deere. The cab of one of Deere’s self-driving tractors is now so full of screens and tablets that it looks like cockpit of a jet airplane. John Deere and its competitors aren’t just turning out tractors, combines, and turning out wirelessly connected sensors that map every field as well as planting and spraying machines that can use computerised instructions to apply seed and nutrients to a field. Deere & Co. has embedded information technology in all of its farming equipment, creating an ecosystem for controlling sprayers, balers, and planters. Deere products include AutoTrac GPS- controlled assisted- steering systems, which allow equipment operators to take their hands off the wheel; JDLink, which enables machinery to automatically upload data about fields to a remote computer centre and farmers to download planting or fertilising instructions; and John Deere machine Sync, which uses GPS data to create maps based on aerial or satellite photos to improve planting, seedling, spraying, and nutrient application. Deere now ranks among the leading companies offering tools for famers to practice what is known as precision agriculture. Managing fields with this level of computerised precision means famers need to use fewer loads of fertiliser, potentially saving an individual farmer tens of thousands of dollars. Some also see precision agriculture as the solution to feeding the world’s exploding population. By 2050, the world’s population is predicted to be 9.2 billion people, 34% higher than today. More people will have

Page | 3 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1

the means to purchase food that requires more land, water, and other resources to produce. To keep up with rising populations and income growth, global food production must increase by 70% and precision agriculture could make this possible. Famers using fertiliser, water, and energy to run equipment more precisely are less wasteful, and this also promotes the health of the planet. Other large agricultural companies like Monsanto and DuPoint are big precision agricultural players, providing data analysis and planting recommendations to farmers who use their seeds, fertilisers, and herbicides. Because adjustments implanting depth or the distance between crop rows can make a big difference in crop yields, these companies want their computers to analyse the data generated during computerised planting work to show farmers how further increase their crop output. The farmer provides data on his or her farm’s field boundaries, historic crop yields, and soil conditions to these companies or another agricultural data analyses company, which analyses the data along with other data it has collected about seed performance and soil types in different areas. The company doing the data analyses is then send a computer file with recommendations back to the farmer, who uploads the data into computerised planting equipment. The famer’s planting equipment follows the recommendations as it plants fields. For example, the recommendations might also receive advice on the exact type of seed to plant in different areas. The data analysis company monitors weather and other factors to advise famers how to manage crops as they grow. A software application developed by Monsanto called FieldScripts takes into account variables such as the amount of sunlight and shade and variations in soil nitrogen and phosphorous content down to an area as small as a 10 metre grid, Monsanto analyses the data in conjunction with the genetic properties of its seeds, combines all this information with climate predictions, and delivers precise planting instructions or ‘scripts’ to iPads connected to planting equipment in the field. Tools such as FieldScripts would allow farmers to pinpoint areas that need more or less fertiliser, saving them the cost of spreading fertiliser everywhere whole boosting their yields in areas that have performed more poorly and reducing the amount of excess fertiliser that enters the water table- good for the environment. Prescriptive planting could help raise the average corn harvest to more than 200 bushels an acre from the current 160 bushels, some experts say. On a larger scale, according to Monsanto, the world’s largest seed company, data- driven planting advice to farmers could increase worldwide crop production by about $20 billion a year. So far, output from prescriptive planting systems has not achieved those spectaculars levels. Is there a downside to all of this? For small famers, the answer may be yes. The costs of investing in the new technology and vendor service fees for some of these tools such as FieldScripts can amount to more than what many small famers can earn in extra yield from their farms. According to Sara Oslson of Lux Research Inc., the problem with precision agricultural is the diminishing returns that come along with costly technologies on smaller farms. That mean that only the really big farms are likely to benefit. Monsanto estimates that FieldScripts will improve yields by five to 10 bushels per acre. With corn at about $4 per bushel, that’s’ an increase of 420 to $40 per acre. A small fam of about 500 acres could get anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 in extra revenue. Monsanto charges around $10 per acre for the service, so the farmer will wind up paying about $5,000- in addition to paying tens of thousands of dollars to either retrofit its existing planting equipment or buy more modern tractors that include the electronics gear that syncs the ‘scripts’ provided by the Monsanto online service with the planters’

Page | 4 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1

onboard navigation systems. Monsanto also charges an extra $15 per acre for its local climate prediction service. A small farm will most likely lose money or break even for the first 2 years of using a service like FieldsScripts, according to Olson. For a large farm of about 5,000 acres, FeildScripts could increase revenues by between $1000,000 and $200,000. With Monsanto’s service costing about $50,000 to $150,000, more than sufficient to offset the cost of updating the farm machinery. Whether a farm is big or small, the impact of FielddScripts would be minimal in good years because yields would be highly regardless. The technology is likely to have a bigger impact in years when conditions aren’t so propitious. A spokesperson for Monsanto stated that the outcome of it prescriptive planting system is less about the size of the farm and more about the famer’s technology know- how. According to Michael cox, codirector of investment research at securities firm piper Jaffray Cos., revenues from FieldScripts and other technology-driven products and services could account for 20% of Monsanto’s projected growth in per share earnings by 2018. Although some farmers have embraced perspective planting, others are critical. Many farmers are suspicious about what Monsanto and DuPont might do with the data collected about them. Others worry about seed prices risen too much because the big companies that developed prescriptive planting technology are the same ones that sell seeds. There has been a surge in seed prices during the past 15 years as the biggest companies increased their market share. Monsanto and DuPont now sell about 70% of all corn seed in the U.S. farmers also fear that rivals could use the data to their own advantage. For instance, if nearby famers saw crop yield information, they might rush to rent farmland, pushing land and other costs higher. Other farmers worry that Wall Street traders could use the data to make bets on future contracts. If such bets push future contract prices lower early in the growing season, it might squeeze the profits farmers might lock in for their crops by selling futures. There are not yet any public known examples, where a famer’s prescriptive planting information has been misused. Monsanto and Dupont officials say the companies have no plans to sell data gathered from farmers. Monsanto has stated that it supports industry wide standards for managing information collected form fields and that it wouldn’t access the data without permission from famers. Deere & Co. which has been working with DuPont and Down chemical Co. to formulate specialised seed- planting recommendations based on data from its tractors, combines, and other machinery, says it obtains consent from customers before sharing any of their data. Some famers have discussed aggregating planting data on their own so they could decide what information to sell and at what price. Others are working with smaller technology companies that are trying to keep agricultural giants from dominating the prescriptive planting business. Start-ups such as FarmMobile LLC, Granular Inc., and Grower Information Services Cooperative are developing information systems that will enable famers to capture data streaming from their own remote data centres, and market the data to seed, pesticide, and equipment companies or futures traders if they so choose. Such platforms could help famers wring larger profits from precision farming and give them more control over the information generated on their fields. Sources: Matthew J. Grassir. 2016, Precision on Agriculture, www.research.ibm.com; Agrible Launches Nutrient Forecasting, Spray Smart Features, PrecisionAg, March 9, 2016, www.monsanto.com; Jocabo Bunge, on the Farm: Start-ups Put data in Farmers’ Hands, Wall Street Journal, August 31, 2015; Mary K. Pratt, How Technology is Nourishing the Foods Chain, Computerworld, August 18, 2016; and



Page | 5 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1

Michael Hickens, For Small Farmers, Big Data Adds Moderns problems to Ancient Ones, Wall Street Journal, February 25, 2014. Exercise

You are a manager of a company which is in need of IS solutions to your company needs- similar to Digital Farming, looking for ways that technology can assist with sales. By reading the above case study, you want to implement digital farming strategy. You are required to read the case study, conduct research to help you address the following questions with supporting evidence.

1. List and describe the technologies used in this case study. 2. In what sense are U.S. farms now digital firms? Explain your answer. 3. How is information technology changing the way farmers run their business? 4. How do precision agriculture systems support decision making? Identify three different decisions that can be supported. 5. Do you think digital farming strategy could be effective or non-effective to farming business needs? What other types of businesses and industries might benefit from the use of a digital strategy?

6. Discuss how IT adds value and providing a competitive advantage to related farming industry. Explain do you think technology is needed in farming industry.

7. How do the systems described in this case improve farming operations? 8. How helpful is precision agriculture to individual farmers and the agricultural industry? Explain your answer. 9. What are the strategic objectives that firms trying to achieve by investing in information systems and technologies? For each strategic objective, give an example of how a firm could use information systems to achieve the objective.

Marking Criteria and Rubric: The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of the total unit mark

Page | 6 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1

Marking Criteria

Not satisfactory

(0-49%) of the criterion mark


(50-64%) of the criterion mark


(65-74%) of the criterion mark

Very Good

(75-84%) of the criterion mark


(85-100%) of the criterion


Understanding the technologies used in this case study, U.S. farms now digital firms, how information technology changing the way farmers run their business

(15 marks)

Lack of evidence of adequate understanding of the selected project case. Majority of information irrelevant and significant points left out

Evidence of unsatisfactory knowledge and skills including technologies used in this case study, U.S. farms now digital firms, how information technology changing the way farmers run their business

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge and skills including technologies used in this case study, U.S. farms now digital firms, how information technology changing the way farmers run their business

Reasonable knowledge and skills including technologies used in this case study, U.S. farms now digital firms, how information technology changing the way farmers run their business

Has excellent skills and knowledge including technologies used in this case study, U.S. farms now digital firms, how information technology changing the way farmers run their business

Discuss how do precision agriculture systems support decision making, identify three different decisions that can be supported, do you think digital farming strategy could be effective or non-effective to farming business needs, what other types of businesses and industries might benefit from the use of a digital strategy, how IT adds value and providing a competitive advantage to related farming industry, explain is technology needed in farming industry

(40 marks)

Lack of evidence of adequate understanding of the selected project case. Majority of information irrelevant and significant points left out

Evidence of unsatisfactory knowledge and skills including how do precision agriculture systems support decision making, identify three different decisions that can be supported, do you think digital farming strategy could be effective or non- effective to farming business needs, what other types of businesses and industries might benefit from the use of a digital strategy, how IT adds value and providing a competitive advantage to related farming industry, explain is technology needed in farming industry

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge and skills including how do precision agriculture systems support decision making, identify three different decisions that can be supported, do you think digital farming strategy could be effective or non- effective to farming business needs, what other types of businesses and industries might benefit from the use of a digital strategy, how IT adds value and providing a competitive advantage to related farming industry, explain is technology needed in farming industry

Reasonable knowledge and skills including how do precision agriculture systems support decision making, identify three different decisions that can be supported, do you think digital farming strategy could be effective or non- effective to farming business needs, what other types of businesses and industries might benefit from the use of a digital strategy, how IT adds value and providing a competitive advantage to related farming industry, explain is technology needed in farming industry

Has excellent skills and knowledge including how do precision agriculture systems support decision making, identify three different decisions that can be supported, do you think digital farming strategy could be effective or non- effective to farming business needs, what other types of businesses and industries might benefit from the use of a digital strategy, how IT adds value and providing a competitive advantage to related farming industry, explain is technology needed in farming industry

Discuss how do the systems described in this case improve farming operations, how helpful is precision agriculture to individual farmers and the agricultural industry, what are the strategic objectives that

Lack of evidence of adequate understanding of the selected project case. Majority of information irrelevant and significant points left out.

Evidence of unsatisfactory knowledge and skills including how do the systems described in this case improve farming operations, how helpful is precision agriculture to individual farmers and the agricultural industry, what are the

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge and skills including how do the systems described in this case improve farming operations, how helpful is precision agriculture to individual farmers and the agricultural industry, what are the

Reasonable knowledge and skills including how do the systems described in this case improve farming operations, how helpful is precision agriculture to individual farmers and the agricultural industry, what are the strategic objectives

Has excellent skills and knowledge including how do the systems described in this case improve farming operations, how helpful is precision agriculture to individual farmers and the agricultural industry, what are the strategic objectives

Page | 7 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1

firms trying to achieve by investing in information systems and technologies, and for each strategic objective, give an example of how a firm could use information systems to achieve the objective

(35 marks)

strategic objectives that firms trying to achieve by investing in information systems and technologies, and for each strategic objective, give an example of how a firm could use information systems to achieve the objective.

strategic objectives that firms trying to achieve by investing in information systems and technologies, and for each strategic objective, give an example of how a firm could use information systems to achieve the objective.

that firms trying to achieve by investing in information systems and technologies, and for each strategic objective, give an example of how a firm could use information systems to achieve the objective.

that firms trying to achieve by investing in information systems and technologies, and for each strategic objective, give an example of how a firm could use information systems to achieve the objective.

References and citation

(10 marks)

Lacks consistency with many errors.

Unclear referencing/style

Generally good referencing/style

Clear referencing/ style

Excellent referencing and citations, apply Harvard referencing style

Assessment 2: Case Study-2

Due date: Week 7 Group/individual: Individual Word count / Time provided: 2500 Weighting: 30% Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4, ULO5, ULO6

Assessment Details:

In this assessment students are required to conduct research based on a topic provided. These topics are related to IS/IT strategy, Management, Acquisition, Organization and Technology. You are required to choose one topic from the list below.

1. An organization aiming to be agile and responsive needs to be prepared to react quickly and change its business plans accordingly, and the IS/IT strategy needs to be able to respond in the same way.

2. Most organization in all sectors of industry, commerce, not-for-profit, and government are now dependent on IS and IT strategy. Why is IS/TT strategy important to organizations? And without good IS/IT strategy, how would this impact organisation?

3. Discuss about strategic knowledge management and its importance role in attaining and sustaining competitive advantage or in achieving efficiency, and effectiveness in operations supported and enabled through information, systems, and information systems.

4. Sustain an appropriate IS/IT strategy over an extended period require flexibility to respond to changing business and organizational needs and incorporate new IS/IT options.

Page | 8 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1


You need to investigate the topic selected and provide detailed discussions using literature research, relevant examples of companies, key concepts, and evidence to support your discussion. You are also required to include a Table of Content, introduction, conclusion, and a full reference list.

Marking Criteria and Rubric: The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of the total unit mark

Marking Criteria

Not satisfactory

(0-49%) of the criterion mark


(50-64%) of the criterion mark


(65-74%) of the criterion mark

Very Good

(75-84%) of the criterion mark


(85-100%) of the criterion


Introduction General discussion

Topic chosen

(10 marks)

Poor Introduction with irrelevant details

Introduction is presented briefly with some relevance and missing elements such as background/report outline

Introduction is generally presented in good fashion, however missing one element such as background/ report outline

Introduction is well written with clear discussion about background/ report outline

Introduction is very well written with very clear background, discussion about background/ report outline

Discussion of the key concepts

(20 marks)

Lack of evidence of adequate understanding of the topic selected

Evidence of unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of the topic selected

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge and understanding of the topic selected

Reasonable level of knowledge and understanding of the topic selected

Has excellent knowledge and understanding of the topic selected

Critical analysis on the topic selected

(20 marks)

Lack of evidence of adequate critical analysis of the topic selected

Evidence of unsatisfactory critical analysis of the topic selected

Has given a factual critical analysis of the topic selected

Reasonable level of critical analysis of the topic selected

Has excellent critical analysis of the topic selected

Examples and evidences to support the discussions

(20 marks)

Lack of examples and evidences to support the logical discussions

Evidence of unsatisfactory examples and evidences to support the logical discussions

Has given a factual examples and evidences to support the logical discussions

Reasonable examples and evidences to support the logical discussions

Has excellent examples and evidences to support the logical discussions

Conclusion of the Report

(5 marks)

Lack of evidence of the conclusion of the report

Evidence of unsatisfactory conclusion of the report

Has given a factual conclusion of the report

Reasonable conclusion of the report

Has excellent conclusion of the report

Report organization How logically

arguments are stated and how

critically problems are analysed.

(15 marks)

Does not clearly state a conclusion or point of view or else little or no supporting reasoning or evidence is presented. Problem situation is not critically analysed

States a conclusion or point of view but does not organize the evidence or reasons in a logically adequate way. Analysis of the problem situation is not that satisfactory

States a conclusion or point of view but expected to be organized more logically. Analysis of the problem situation is so far reasonable.

Presents an argument using evidence and /or logical reasoning in support of a point of view. Problem situation is analysed with satisfactory level of critical analysis skills

Develops a clearly articulated argument, using evidence and/or systematic logical reasoning in support of a conclusion or point of view. The way problem situation is analysed requires high level of critical analysis skills

References and citations

(10 marks)

Lacks consistency with many errors.

Unclear referencing/style

Generally good referencing/style

Clear referencing/ style

Excellent styles with Harvard referencing and citations

Page | 9 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1

Assessment 3: Report

Due date: Week 12 Group/individual: Individual Word count / Time provided: 3000 Weighting: 40% Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO3, ULO4, ULO5 ULO6

Assessment Details:

You have been asked to provide advice to Coles’s CEO on developing the best information systems strategies that would help Coles to improve its business performance and competitive advantage. It is essential that you conduct research based on the following suggestions, justify your selection on the best information systems strategies suitable to Coles. Other relevant information about the case study include the following:

• Discuss historical background about the company’s IS strategies since it first introduced, including milestones.

• Identify and discuss major challenges facing the company in the last five years, including present situation.

• Discuss about its current IS strategies and whether these strategies implemented are suitable in this current business environment.

• Research on Coles’s competitor IS strategies and provide comparisons of IS strategies between Coles and Woolworths.

• Discuss the Importance of IS/IT strategy management plan in helping Coles achieving competitive advantage.

• Propose two IS strategies which provide solutions to current company needs/problems. It is important that you propose two strategies as a back-up plan should one strategy fail.

• Select one or two best strategies that you believe would be successful to Coles. Explain how the proposed IS strategies and acquisition of information systems would contribute to success of the company.

• Propose the best time to introduce these new strategies. Explain why the selection is appropriate.

Marking Information: The report will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 40% of the total unit mark.

Marking Criteria

Not satisfactory

(0-49%) of the criterion mark


(50-64%) of the criterion mark


(65-74%) of the criterion mark

Very Good

(75-84%) of the criterion mark


(85-100%) of the criterion


Introduction Historical

background about the company’s IS strategies since it first introduced,

Lack of evidence of adequate understanding of historical background about the company’s IS strategies since it first introduced, including

Evidence of unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of historical background about the company’s IS strategies since it

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge and understanding of historical background about the company’s IS strategies since it

Reasonable knowledge and understanding of historical background about the company’s IS strategies since it first introduced,

Has excellent skills including knowledge and understanding of historical background about the company’s IS strategies since it first introduced,


Page | 10 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1

including milestones.

(15 Marks)

success or failure and milestones

first introduced, including success or failure and milestones

first introduced, including success or failure and milestones

including success or failure and milestones

including success or failure and milestones

Major challenges facing the company

in the last five years including

present situation

(15 Marks)

Lack of evidence of adequate understanding of the challenges facing Coles in the last five years.

Evidence of unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of the challenges facing Coles in the last five years

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge and understanding of the challenges facing Coles in the last five years.

Reasonable knowledge and understanding of the challenges facing Coles in the last five years.

Has excellent skills including knowledge and understanding of the challenges facing Coles in the last five years.

Coles current IS strategies and whether the strategies implemented are suitable in this current business environment.

(10 Marks)

Lack of evidence of adequate understanding of Coles current IS strategies and whether the strategies implemented are suitable in this current business environment

Evidence of unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of Coles current IS strategies and whether the strategies implemented are suitable in this current business environment

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge and understanding of Coles current IS strategies and whether the strategies implemented are suitable in this current business environment

Reasonable knowledge and understanding of Coles current IS strategies and whether the strategies implemented are suitable in this current business environment

Has excellent skills including knowledge and understanding of Coles current IS strategies and whether the strategies implemented are suitable in this current business environment

Research on Coles’s competitors IS strategies and provide comparisons of IS strategies between Coles and Woolworths.

(15 Marks)

Lack of evidence of adequate understanding of Coles’s competitors IS strategies and provide comparisons of IS strategies between Coles and Woolworths

Evidence of unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of Coles’s competitors IS strategies and provide comparisons of IS strategies between Coles and Woolworths

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge and understanding of Coles’s competitors IS strategies and provide comparisons of IS strategies between Coles and Woolworths

Reasonable knowledge and understanding of Coles’s competitors IS strategies and provide comparisons of IS strategies between Coles and Woolworths.

Has excellent skills including knowledge and understanding of Coles’s competitors IS strategies and provide comparisons of IS strategies between Coles and Woolworths.

Importance of IS/IT strategy management plan in helping Coles achieving competitive advantage.

(15 Marks)

Lack of evidence of adequate understanding of Importance of IS/IT strategy management plan in helping Coles achieving competitive advantage

Evidence of unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of Importance of IS/IT strategy management plan in helping Coles achieving competitive advantage

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge and understanding of Importance of IS/IT strategy management plan in helping Coles achieving competitive advantage

Reasonable knowledge and understanding of Importance of IS/IT strategy management plan in helping Coles achieving competitive advantage

Has excellent skills including knowledge and understanding of Importance of IS/IT strategy management plan in helping Coles achieving competitive advantage

Propose two IS strategies which provide solutions to current company needs/problems. Select one or two best strategies that you believe would be successful to Coles. Explain how the proposed IS strategies and acquisition of information systems would contribute to

Lack evidence of proposed two IS strategies which provide solutions to current company needs/problems, select one or two best strategies that you believe would be successful to Coles, how the proposed IS strategies and acquisition of information systems would contribute to success of the company, propose the best time to

Evidence of unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of proposed two IS strategies which provide solutions to current company needs/problems, select one or two best strategies that you believe would be successful to Coles, how the proposed IS strategies and acquisition of information systems

Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge and understanding of proposed two IS strategies which provide solutions to current company needs/problems, select one or two best strategies that you believe would be successful to Coles, how the proposed IS strategies and acquisition of information systems

Reasonable knowledge and understanding of proposed two IS strategies which provide solutions to current company needs/problems, select one or two best strategies that you believe would be successful to Coles, how the proposed IS strategies and acquisition of information systems would contribute to

Has excellent skills including knowledge and understanding of proposed two IS strategies which provide solutions to current company needs/problems, select one or two best strategies that you believe would be successful to Coles, how the proposed IS strategies and acquisition of information systems would contribute to

Page | 11 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111 PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved: 13/02/2019, Version 1

success of the company. Propose the best time to introduce these new strategies. Explain why the selection is appropriate.

(20 marks)

introduce these new strategies

would contribute to success of the company, propose the best time to introduce these new strategies

would contribute to success of the company, propose the best time to introduce these new strategies

success of the company, propose the best time to introduce these new strategies

success of the company, propose the best time to introduce these new strategies

References and citation

(10 marks)

Lacks consistency with many errors.

Unclear referencing/style

Generally good referencing/style

Very clear referencing/ style

Excellent styles with appropriate Harvard referencing and citations

Applied Sciences

Architecture and Design


Business & Finance


Computer Science






Environmental science




Human Resource Management

Information Systems






Political Science




Social Science






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