Analyzing an Argument
Question Description
Assessment Instructions
For this assignment, you will use what you have learned throughout the lesson to analyze two arguments.
On September 26, 1960, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon participated in the first televised presidential debate. According to the terms of the debate, Kennedy and Nixon each had the opportunity to make an opening statement. In those opening statements, each candidate presented his argument for the way to help change America.
Watch these opening statements and choose one key point from the Kennedy-Nixon Debate to compare and evaluate.
Complete the Argument Analysis Graphic Organizer to evaluate each argument.
Kennedy-Nixon Debate:
Kennedy Transcript
In the election of 1860, Abraham Lincoln said the question was whether this nation could exist half slave or half free.
In the election of 1960, and with the world around us, the question is whether the world will exist half slave or half free, whether it will move in the direction of freedom, in the direction of the road that we are taking, or whether it will move in the direction of slavery.
I think it will depend in great measure upon what we do here in the United States, on the kind of society that we build, on the kind of strength that we maintain.
We discuss tonight domestic issues, but I would not want that to be–any implication to be given that this does not involve directly our struggle with Mr. Khrushchev for survival.
Mr. Khrushchev is in New York, and he maintains the Communist offensive throughout the world because of the productive power of the Soviet Union, itself.