Determining Emergency Pole placement on Campus Create a new blank Map Name it EMPole. Where you save it is up to you. Copy the CSV you download from the course folder and place it in the directory where your project is saved Go to your Catalog and drop down the folders until you see the file. Drag that file and drop it on your map. You will have a stand-alone table. Right-click the table in your contents view and hit Display XY Data Make sure your settings are as follows. If the Longitude and latitude are reversed, your points will appear in Antarctica. You should have this Now that we have our points, we are going to place a buffer on them of 250 ft. This number Is made up for this example but in a real situation, you would do some research on how far they should be from each other. Once the map draws, you will be able to see where there are gaps in your coverage. Click the back button on geoprocessing and search for buffer Fill in the information as follows Hit run Take your screenshot and post it. ...