Final Research Paper: Part 1 (DUE TODAY 4/28)
The Research Paper assignment is divided into two parts: the overall assignment is to write a 4-6-page paper (@1250-1800 words) on one from a list of topics (see “Research Paper: Part 2” or “Research Paper: Topics & Guidelines” below). You are expected to cite at least three sources (outside of the course text) in supporting your thesis on your chosen topic. Please double-space the paper, using Times New Roman font in 12-point. Please use MLA formatting and documentation style. Be sure to put all copied words, phrases, sentences, etc. in quotation marks and cite all paraphrased words, ideas, and arguments. Feel free to include illustrations in your paper.
Part 1 of the Final Research paper consists of the following THREE items, which are required for satisfactory completion of this assignment:
1. Your introductory paragraph. This should begin with a "hook," introduce your topic, and include your thesis statement. Also, don't forget to come up with an original, creative, meaninful title. Avoid simply repeating the name of the assignment as the title of your paper.
2. A a list of possible sources. This may change as you continue your research.
3. A one-page outline of your paper. This should indicate how you will break down your topic and how you intend to support your thesis.
Please see the two sample Final Papers Part 1 included here below. (Note, some of the formatting has been lost. Check correct outline form online. Also see "Topics & Guidelines" for more information.
This assignment is due by the end of the third week of class. See due-date schedule in the course syllabus for the exact date
Two examples of Final Paper Part 1
Example 1 : Strengths of this example: This student has a clear idea of the thesis and repeats in intro to outline, includes what concepts will be discussed in the outline and includes specifics in the conclusion. This would be even stronger if specific works of art were also included in the outline.
Student 1 Name
Date of class
ART – 100 Introduction to Art History
Unit 2 Research Paper: Part One
1. Write an essay that addresses this statement: “The definition of ‘art’ has shifted and changed over time and across cultures.” Refer to specific works of art, artists, styles, conventions, and/or movements that serve as examples to support your agreement or disagreement with this statement.
There are varying degrees and definitions of the term “art.” It is a word that embodies culture, history, creativity, and spans generations of people and miles of geography. “Art” is a concept, not just a word. Art is a way of life and a way of looking at the world with an open mind and a creative attitude. To give such a broad concept an actual literary definition is limiting its meaning and not allowing “art” to move freely through genres and throughout the world. “Art” can be anything from a child’s drawing on a parent’s refrigerator to a college art student’s final project to a historical piece in a museum. To truly study and examine the definition of art, we need to explore the history and development of various cultures and apply these concepts to a more well-rounded meaning of what art actually embodies.
List of possible sources:
1. - The Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
2. Art History Movements
3. - Definition : Art (Meaning of Art)
I intend on utilizing the above mentioned sources in an attempt to further study the definition of art and how it has changed across periods of time and spaces of land. Our text book will also be utilized as a source, (Living with Art – 8th Edition by Mark Getlein).
I will support my thesis (To truly study and examine the definition of art, we need to explore the history and development of various cultures and apply these concepts to a more well-rounded meaning of what art actually embodies.) by drawing upon my research and readings in an effort to discuss the way the definition of art has altered throughout history.