Complete course work- Divide into separate word documents labeled after the assignment title on the top of each page.
References for course:
Book American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association . (6th Edition). Washington, D.C.
Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage. 9781452226101
Please see other attachments for references as well
ASSIGNMENT 2- Application of Methods in Work and Research
Describe and define the three approaches to research. Highlight approach to inquiry and methods used to collect and interpret data. Note the types or designs and instrumentation/protocols used for each approach. Articulate how each approach is used in work or research specific to your practice or work environment. Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 2 to 3 pages.
ASSIGNMENT 3-Search and Select Specific Studies
Search for 5-7 articles supporting a specific problem. Utilizing 5 of the 7 articles establish underlying problems for a specific research topic. Prepare a short discussion to the following: Articulate disparities, issues or challenges related to the specific problem. Note the approach and instrumentation/protocols for the research when you present the evidence. Are there any commonalities or differences in the approach to research? Are there any commonalities or differences in the outcomes from research? Are the methods appropriate? Highlight why the two articles were not used.
Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 3 to 4 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Differentiate between the appropriate and inappropriate application of research methods and protocols
Assess the literature in addressing a specific question and create a literature review of a topic
Demonstrate ability to develop well-reasoned arguments and describe research methods with clear data collection and analysis procedures
Demonstrate ethical behavior in the use of technology
ASSIGNMENT 4-Describe Components of Chapter 3
Using your text books and Doctoral Project Manual complete the following outline for a qualitative study or quantitative study. Provide a brief description of each component of Chapter Three and source appropriately. Chapter 3 should include the following:
1. An Introduction
2. Research Method
3. Participants
4. Instrumentation
5. Data Collection
6. Data Analysis
7. Limitations and Delimitations
Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 4 to 5 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Formulate research question and identify applicable theory
Identify and establish key words regarding criteria or variables
Demonstrate ability to develop well-reasoned arguments and describe research methods with clear data collection and analysis procedures
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 5- Begin CITI Training Complete Registration
Learners must complete the Collaboration Institutional Training Institute (CITI) Program in order to meet Institutional Review Board Requirements at CalSouthern University. There are 10 research modules Learners must complete. See below. CalSouthern requires CITI certification for all PsyD Learners completing a Doctoral Project.
To access CITI training, go to and click on “Register.” Then type in California Southern University in “Select your Organization Affiliation” and agree to Terms of Service to proceed with training.
The following modules must be completed by Section 7 and a Certificate of Completion uploaded in Section 8 of the course.
Required Modules for Learners in the Doctoral Project
Conflicts of Interest in Research Involving Human Subjects (ID: 488)
History and Ethical Principles - SBE (ID: 490)
Defining Research with Human Subjects - SBE (ID: 491)
The Federal Regulations - SBE (ID: 502)
Assessing Risk - SBE (ID: 503)
Informed Consent - SBE (ID: 504)
Privacy and Confidentiality - SBE (ID: 505)
Unanticipated Problems and Reporting Requirements in Social and Behavioral Research (ID: 14928)
Cultural Competence in Research (ID: 15166)
Belmont Report and CITI Course Introduction (ID: 1127)
Assignment Outcomes
Demonstrate ethical behavior in the use of technology
ASSIGNMENT 7- Research Questions and Theory
Theoretical or Conceptual Frameworks serve as a lens to explain why things happen when you examine a specific area of interest. The Research Question highlights the focus of the inquiry. Using the articles you have selected above, Establish a question and identify the primary theory which applies. Describe the theory and apply to the criteria or variables relevant to the problem. Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 2 to 3 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Formulate research question and identify applicable theory
Identify and establish key words regarding criteria or variables
Assess the literature in addressing a specific question and create a literature reviewew of a topic
Using the information described above create a chart to provide a visual graphic of how the variables or criteria align with the selected theory in response to the research question. Submit chart using points of emphasis above. 1 or 2 pages.
ASSIGNMENT 9-Draft Background of the Problem
Following the Prospectus description for the Background of the Problem in the Doctoral Project Manual, use the criteria and information from previous activities to draft your Background of the Problem. Use your Research Question as your focus for the discussion. Clearly indentify key issues, challenges, disparities, or discrepancies relevant to your problem. Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 2 to 3 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Differentiate between the appropriate and inappropriate application of research methods and protocols
Formulate research question and identify applicable theory
Evaluate the underlying concepts of the appropriate use of descriptive statistics
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 10-Complete 2 CITI Training Modules
Complete two modules of CITI Training. Note there are 10 modules Learners must complete for certification.
Assignment Outcomes
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 12-Chart of Quantitative Methods and Draft of Statement of the Problem
Using the articles from previous activities or 4 new quantitative studies create a chart to provide a visual graphic of dependent and independent variables and align with the selected theory in response to the research question. Following the Prospectus description for the Statement of the Problem in the Doctoral Project Manual, use the criteria and information from previous activities to draft your Statement of the Problem. Use your Research Question as your focus for the discussion. Clearly identify the parameters of your inquiry using the current literature. Establish what is known and unknown, using current literature from the last 5 years, relevant to the variables you have identified. Submit chart using points of emphasis above. 1 or 2 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Differentiate between the appropriate and inappropriate application of research methods and protocols
Formulate research question and identify applicable theory
Demonstrate ability to develop well-reasoned arguments and describe research methods with clear data collection and analysis procedures
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 13-Paper #1 Quantitative Studies
Submit Quantitative Studies Paper: Write a 3-5 page paper using six research articles using one of the charts designed during the class. Refine the chart as needed to reflect the focus of your paper and new articles. Include charts, tables, and graphs as an appendix at the end of the paper.
The main purpose for this activity is to present an issue via the exploration of clear factors and applicable theory as they relate to your research interest. This academic discourse will allow you to use your critical thinking skills to analyze the different factors and then draw conclusions based on the evidence you present.
Prepare a 3-5 page quantitative studies paper on a specific topic of interest. Assert your research question and applicable theory. Select the predominate factor and provide insights for two perspectives. Provide evidence from quantitative research to support your position. Use the following outline:
· Provide an introduction (include research question, hypothesis and applicable theory)
· Follow with the background of the problem
· Present the statement of the problem
· Provide a discussion of two perspectives regarding the selected predominate factor and link to the applicable theory
· Finally, draw conclusions based on what you have presented
Again, include one of the graphs, tables, or charts to reflect the statistical significance of the factors you have identified. Include them as an appendix to your paper. Your discussion does not include the cover page, references, or appendices. Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 3-5 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Differentiate between the appropriate and inappropriate application of research methods and protocols
Formulate research question and identify applicable theory
Evaluate the underlying concepts of the appropriate use of descriptive statistics
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 14- Complete 2 CITI Training Modules
Complete two modules of CITI Training. Note there are 10 modules Learners must complete for certification.
Assignment Outcomes
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 16 Annotated Bibliography of Qualitative Studies and Draft Purpose of the Study
Using the Annotated Bibliography format provide a detailed review of six qualitative articles. As you review articles with the focus of your research question you may need to select alternative studies to align with your completed work. The selection of articles is dependent on the focus you choose for your discussion. If the articles do not meet the requirements needed to support your discussion, search and replace articles as needed. Link the areas of focus and indicators to the theory. Keep in mind the theoretical or conceptual framework your have selected. The articles may use a different theory than the one you have chosen for previous papers.
Following the Prospectus description for the Purpose of the Study in the Doctoral Project Manual, use the criteria and information from previous activities to draft your Purpose of the Study. Use your Research Question as your focus for the discussion. Follow with the 6 studies in the annotated bibliography format. Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 6 to 7 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Assess the literature in addressing a specific question and create a literature review of a topic
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 17- Paper #2 Qualitative Studies
Submit Qualitative Studies Paper: Write a 3-5 page paper using four of the six research articles using one of the charts designed during the class. Refine the chart as needed to reflect the focus of your paper and new qualitative articles. Include charts, tables, and graphs as an appendix at the end of the paper. The main purpose for this activity is to present an issue via the exploration of clear factors and applicable theory as they relate to your research interest. This academic discourse will allow you to use your critical thinking skills to analyze the different factors and then draw conclusions based on the evidence you present. Prepare a 3-5 page qualitative studies paper your specific topic of interest. Assert your research question and applicable theory. Then present your Purpose of the Study. Use the following outline:
· Provide an introduction (include research question, applicable theory, and Purpose of the Study.
· Follow with the presentation of the four qualitative studies using the Annotated Bibliography format.
· Provide a discussion of the two perspectives regarding the selected predominate factor and link to the applicable theory based on the articles you presented.
· Finally, draw conclusions based on what you have presented.
Again, include one of the graphs, tables, or charts to reflect relationship of the factors you have identified to the theory and how they are important. Include the chart or table as an appendix to your paper. Your discussion does not include the cover page, references, or appendices. Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 3-5 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Formulate research question and identify applicable theory
Assess the literature in addressing a specific question and create a literature review of a topic
Demonstrate ability to develop well-reasoned arguments and describe research methods with clear data collection and analysis procedures
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 18- Complete 2 CITI Training Modules
Complete two modules of CITI Training. Note there are 10 modules Learners must complete for certification.
Assignment Outcomes
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 20- Chart of Mixed Methods and Refine Questions
Using the articles from your quantitative paper and qualitative paper create a chart to provide a visual graphic of how the variables or criteria both quantitative and qualitative align with the selected theory in response to the research question. Add two studies using a mixed methods approach. Note quantitative data is generally statistical for these purposes and qualitative will describe what is happening. Select those factors that are relevant using both approaches. Restate research question or establish two questions. Articulate the applicability to the chart. Submit chart using points of emphasis above. 1 or 2 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Differentiate between the appropriate and inappropriate application of research methods and protocols
Formulate research question and identify applicable theory
Identify and establish key words regarding criteria or variables
Assess the literature in addressing a specific question and create a literature review of a topic
Demonstrate ability to develop well-reasoned arguments and describe research methods with clear data collection and analysis procedures
Evaluate the underlying concepts of the appropriate use of descriptive statistics
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 21-Paper #3 Mixed Methods
Submit Mixed Methods Studies Paper: Write a 3-5 page paper using three quantitative, three qualitative, and two mixed methods articles using the chart designed in Activity 16. Refine the chart as needed to reflect the focus of your paper. Include charts, tables, and graphs as an appendix at the end of the paper. The main purpose for this activity is to present an issue via the exploration of clear factors and applicable theory as they relate to your research interest. This academic discourse will allow you to use your critical thinking skills to analyze the different factors and then draw conclusions based on the evidence you present. Prepare a 3-5 page mixed methods paper on your specific topic of interest. Assert your research question and applicable theory. Then present your evidence to best support the point you want to make. Use the following outline:
· Provide an introduction (include research question, applicable theory, and introduce the key areas of your study. Assert clear talking points. How the literature is presented should be clear.
· Present your evidence in a methodical manner as highlighted in your introduction.
· Provide a discussion of the two perspectives regarding the selected predominate factor and link to the applicable theory based on the articles you presented. Use both quantitative and qualitative studies. Do not cut and paste from previous papers. This should be a synthesized draft.
· Finally, draw conclusions based on what you have presented. What recommendations can you make based on the evidence you present?
Again, include the chart or table from Activity 16 to reflect the relationship of the factors you have identified to the theory and how they are important. Include the chart or table as an appendix to your paper. Your discussion does not include the cover page, references, or appendices. Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 3-5 pages include charts as appendices.
Assignment Outcomes
Differentiate between the appropriate and inappropriate application of research methods and protocols
Formulate research question and identify applicable theory
Identify and establish key words regarding criteria or variables
Assess the literature in addressing a specific question and create a literature review of a topic
Demonstrate ability to develop well-reasoned arguments and describe research methods with clear data collection and analysis procedures
Evaluate the underlying concepts of the appropriate use of descriptive statistics
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 22- Complete 2 CITI Training Modules
Complete two modules of CITI Training. Note there are 10 modules Learners must complete for certification.
Assignment Outcomes
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 24- Paper #4 Prospectus
Following the Prospectus description in the Doctoral Project Manual, use the criteria and information from previous activities to draft your Prospectus. Use your Research Question(s) as your focus for the discussion. Complete a Prospectus, providing sufficient information about your topic of interest, providing information on how the students plans to do the research, and explaining the value of this work. The document is 4-7 pages. The Prospectus will contain the following parts: Introduction, Background of the Problem, Statement of the Problem, and Purpose of the Study (with Research Questions). Introduction (no heading): The introduction puts the study in perspective for the reader. The introduction also acquaints the reader with the topic and the methodology used to study the problem. Introduce key areas of the study which support the aim of the study. Finish with the aim of the study. Background of the Problem: Articulates why the topic is being studied. Why is the problem of pressing societal concern or theoretical interest? Describe the societal situation and the problem that the doctoral candidate will address by conducting the project. Information to be included is relevant historical and statistical information. Establish the disparities, discrepancies, issues, or challenges relevant to the key areas of your study. The background of the problem illustrates why the topic is appropriate, worthwhile, and feasible. Statement of the Problem: The statement of the problem situates the key areas of the study in the existing literature. Above you would have detailed major issues or concerns, here using the current literature establish the focus of your study. Establish a benchmark or the parameters of the study using what is known and unknown from the literature. This discussion will mirror your Chapter 2. Purpose of the Study: Articulate the purpose (how you are going to approach the research problem) and state the research questions. The questions for research should be comprehensive and reflect the major areas of the study and relevant to the selected phenomenon. Follow with the Theory you will use to guide the inquiry. Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 4 to 7 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Formulate research question and identify applicable theory
Identify and establish key words regarding criteria or variables
Demonstrate ability to develop well-reasoned arguments and describe research methods with clear data collection and analysis procedures
Evaluate the underlying concepts of the appropriate use of descriptive statistics
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 26- Application of Methods to Doctoral Project
Following the Chapters 1-5 descriptions in the Doctoral Project Manual, use the Methods criteria and information from previous activities and the text books to align with the Doctoral Project Manual. Present by the Chapter in the Doctoral Project Manual, using an outline for each chapter apply methods in each chapter as applicable. Provide in depth details for Chapter 3. Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 3 to 4 pages.
ASSIGNMENT 27- Complete 2 CITI Training Modules
Complete two modules of CITI Training. Note there are 10 modules Learners must complete for certification.
Assignment Outcomes
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 29- IRB Application
Review the APA Ethical Considerations in the Doctoral Project Manual. Using the IRB Application. Read the guidelines and complete the IRB Application (Note for this assignment protocols are not required). Use the knowledge gained from the course and assignment material to complete your application. Use your paper topic and research questions.
Upload your IRB Application. 6 or more pages as needed.
Assignment Outcomes
Demonstrate ethical behavior in the use of technology
ASSIGNMENT 30- Final Paper Chapter 3
Using the Chapter 3 Outline for a Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed Methods Study in the Doctoral Project Manual. Read the description and complete a draft of Chapter 3. Include the Chapter 3 Doctoral Project Assessment Rubric. Use course materials and assignments to facilitate the completion of Chapter Three. Use your previous paper topic and research question(s) for this assignment. Use the following Outline:
1. An introduction which encompasses the re-statement of the problem and the research questions. For a quantitative study the hypotheses as well.
2. Research Method-A statement of either qualitative or quantitative methodology should follow. Include a discussion of how the research design whether phenomenological, narrative, case studies, correlational, descriptive, causal-comparative, or quasi-experimental is the legitimate, appropriate research design. Use at least two peer-reviewed sources to ground your discussion.
3. Participants–The candidate will describe the location of the participants; discuss the criteria for selecting those participants (i.e., what characteristics do they possess that make them suitable for the area of investigation) and the process by which they were selected (such as random sampling, snowball, etc.); provide the number of participants in the study, including any important distinctions existing between them (e.g., gender or ethnicity).
4. Instrumentation— Provide a description of the instruments or protocols that will be used surveys, interviews, observations, or artifacts. Include all instrumentation as an appendix. Describe in detail the instruments to be used in the study. All questions or criteria should be clearly linked to the literature presented in chapter two.
5. Data Collection–The candidate will provide a concise but thorough description of the steps used to collect data from the participants. Describe any recruitment processes and/or communication; describe the informed consent process; and note the data collection schedule. If interviews are conducted indicate the length, the number, where conducted, and stipulate they will be recorded. For surveys describe the procedures for how they will be distributed and collected. Include all other procedures and processes needed in order to replicate the study. If artifacts are used, describe the process by which the data will be procured, selected, and utilized. For any other methods of data collection provide a complete description of all processes.
6. Data Analysis-The candidate describes the analysis of the data that was performed as well as the specific steps taken. It is important to reference a research methods book to detail this process. Researcher bias, validity, reliability and other research factors should be addressed as appropriate. 7. Limitations and Delimitations- Provide a detailed discussion of the limitations and delimitations of the study in this section. Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 8 to10pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Differentiate between the appropriate and inappropriate application of research methods and protocols
Formulate research question and identify applicable theory
Identify and establish key words regarding criteria or variables
Assess the literature in addressing a specific question and create a literature review of a topic
Demonstrate ability to develop well-reasoned arguments and describe research methods with clear data collection and analysis procedures
Evaluate the underlying concepts of the appropriate use of descriptive statistics
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application
ASSIGNMENT 31- CITI Training Certificate
Complete all modules of CITI Training. Note there are 10 modules Learners must complete for certification. Upload your CITI Training Certificate. Upload your IRB Certification. 1 to 2 pages.
Assignment Outcomes
Analyze and develop the various components of the doctoral project including the Prospectus, Chapter 3 and IRB Application